I'm done.


Verified User
I have decided to leave this site. I have come to the conclusion that it's a colossal waste of my time. There are only a few dozen regulars on here, and most them are so set in their beliefs that there is no room for debate. There are better ways to spend my time. Like cleaning my bathroom. At least that's something useful. So goodbye. I'd say it's been fun, but I'd be lying.
Usually those who announce their flounces don't flounce.

I'm pretty sure that "so set in their beliefs that there is no room for debate" means "I can't convert them to my mythology."
I have decided to leave this site. I have come to the conclusion that it's a colossal waste of my time. There are only a few dozen regulars on here, and most them are so set in their beliefs that there is no room for debate. There are better ways to spend my time. Like cleaning my bathroom. At least that's something useful. So goodbye. I'd say it's been fun, but I'd be lying.

nobody cares
I have decided to leave this site. I have come to the conclusion that it's a colossal waste of my time. There are only a few dozen regulars on here, and most them are so set in their beliefs that there is no room for debate. There are better ways to spend my time. Like cleaning my bathroom. At least that's something useful. So goodbye. I'd say it's been fun, but I'd be lying.

I am getting a little teary-eyed at this melancholy goodbye post. I doubt there is a dry eye in the house!

I am going to miss your contributions to discussions of evolution, cosmology, and scientific principles. It was always comedy gold!

If I had to design a message board troll to make bible thumpers look like barely educated dumb asses, I could not have asked for better than you.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!
I have decided to leave this site. I have come to the conclusion that it's a colossal waste of my time. There are only a few dozen regulars on here, and most them are so set in their beliefs that there is no room for debate. There are better ways to spend my time. Like cleaning my bathroom. At least that's something useful. So goodbye. I'd say it's been fun, but I'd be lying.

I have decided to leave this site. I have come to the conclusion that it's a colossal waste of my time. There are only a few dozen regulars on here, and most them are so set in their beliefs that there is no room for debate. There are better ways to spend my time. Like cleaning my bathroom. At least that's something useful. So goodbye. I'd say it's been fun, but I'd be lying.

Yup. See ya tomorrow!
I have decided to leave this site. I have come to the conclusion that it's a colossal waste of my time. There are only a few dozen regulars on here, and most them are so set in their beliefs that there is no room for debate. There are better ways to spend my time. Like cleaning my bathroom. At least that's something useful. So goodbye. I'd say it's been fun, but I'd be lying.

Damn, homey.

I'll now always understand this forum in terms of when you were here and when you weren't.

They might as well just sell off the domain and shutter this place. You were its pinnacle and finest moment.

I'm not crying. You're the one that's crying.
Been there, done that. You come here to waste time, like most political forums, so it's kind of a moot point. I've been to another site, and it kind of had too many people, making it harder to know what you're dealing with.
I have decided to leave this site. I have come to the conclusion that it's a colossal waste of my time. There are only a few dozen regulars on here, and most them are so set in their beliefs that there is no room for debate. There are better ways to spend my time. Like cleaning my bathroom. At least that's something useful. So goodbye. I'd say it's been fun, but I'd be lying.

I've used this site to learn how to deal with unreasonable people IRL. It's been a big benefit.
Been there, done that. You come here to waste time, like most political forums, so it's kind of a moot point. I've been to another site, and it kind of had too many people, making it harder to know what you're dealing with.

congrats. you have graduated to the next level of JPP.
I am getting a little teary-eyed at this melancholy goodbye post. I doubt there is a dry eye in the house!

I am going to miss your contributions to discussions of evolution, cosmology, and scientific principles. It was always comedy gold!

If I had to design a message board troll to make bible thumpers look like barely educated dumb asses, I could not have asked for better than you.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

If I had a gun I wouldn't miss you!
I have decided to leave this site. I have come to the conclusion that it's a colossal waste of my time. There are only a few dozen regulars on here, and most them are so set in their beliefs that there is no room for debate. There are better ways to spend my time. Like cleaning my bathroom. At least that's something useful. So goodbye. I'd say it's been fun, but I'd be lying.

Sweet! One less dumbfuck.
I am getting a little teary-eyed at this melancholy goodbye post. I doubt there is a dry eye in the house!

I am going to miss your contributions to discussions of evolution, cosmology, and scientific principles. It was always comedy gold!

If I had to design a message board troll to make bible thumpers look like barely educated dumb asses, I could not have asked for better than you.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

OK, asshole, you made me truly laugh out loud. And I use the term asshole in a positive way. I call some of my best friends assholes.