I'm done.

His beliefs about any religion other than his own were absurd. He couldn't be shown why he was wrong and ended up name calling.

I've said numerous times that I'm not the most devout Catholic, but it really pisses me off when people lie about the religion.
I’m no longer a Catholic and I don’t like people lying about any religion, even though I don’t adhere to any of them.
I have never understood why Trump-loving teabaggers feel they need put the Old Testament into a competition with particle physics, and evolutionary biology.

Spiritual traditions and quantum physics are two distinct areas of the human experience which are not competing for a grade in a classroom.

While the Old Testament cannot seriously be considered an account of historical events, there in nonetheless always a place for allegory and parable in the human experience.
Amen, mythos is necessary, it is the keeper of our archetypes.
Thank gods for Buddhism! :rolleyes: *no gods in Buddhism*

I enjoy comparative religions - i finally got to the point where I agree with the guy that was on DCJ-
'Nicene Buddhist' it is!
I’m no longer a Catholic and I don’t like people lying about any religion, even though I don’t adhere to any of them.
Exactly. I think it's fair enough to point out what you like or don't like about any religion but that doesn't mean you need to lie about it.


I naturally don't agree with any of this, but it is a fascinating article that will likely resonate more with you two than with me. The Church certainly set itself up for such an essay to be written (hmm, where have we seen that before?). It does make the reader think about what it truly means to be theologically Catholic, because he's technically correct about the centrality of the faith being the barebones items that he leaves standing at the end. I just happen to believe that the institutional Church happens to be equally important as the spiritual Church in the faith, per the Gospel and Acts.
Thank gods for Buddhism! :rolleyes: *no gods in Buddhism*

I enjoy comparative religions - i finally got to the point where I agree with the guy that was on DCJ-
'Nicene Buddhist' it is!

Delusional fool would work well in your case.