I'm done.




I have decided to leave this site. I have come to the conclusion that it's a colossal waste of my time. There are only a few dozen regulars on here, and most them are so set in their beliefs that there is no room for debate. There are better ways to spend my time. Like cleaning my bathroom. At least that's something useful. So goodbye. I'd say it's been fun, but I'd be lying.
Let me know if I'm supposed to care.
I have decided to leave this site. I have come to the conclusion that it's a colossal waste of my time. There are only a few dozen regulars on here, and most them are so set in their beliefs that there is no room for debate. There are better ways to spend my time. Like cleaning my bathroom. At least that's something useful. So goodbye. I'd say it's been fun, but I'd be lying.

I have decided to leave this site. I have come to the conclusion that it's a colossal waste of my time. There are only a few dozen regulars on here, and most them are so set in their beliefs that there is no room for debate. There are better ways to spend my time. Like cleaning my bathroom. At least that's something useful. So goodbye. I'd say it's been fun, but I'd be lying.

Piss off.
I am getting a little teary-eyed at this melancholy goodbye post. I doubt there is a dry eye in the house!

I am going to miss your contributions to discussions of evolution, cosmology, and scientific principles. It was always comedy gold!

If I had to design a message board troll to make bible thumpers look like barely educated dumb asses, I could not have asked for better than you.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

I can't remember. Did you leave a voice mail when you left after it was revealed that you enjoy to have phone sex with other posters?
Usually those who announce their flounces don't flounce.

I'm pretty sure that "so set in their beliefs that there is no room for debate" means "I can't convert them to my mythology."

Lol. He tries, but when people don't fall over like bowling pins he puts them on ignore. What's there to debate when you're only preaching to the choir?
I liked Grugore overall, but wasn't so fond of his creationist schtick.

His beliefs about any religion other than his own were absurd. He couldn't be shown why he was wrong and ended up name calling.

I've said numerous times that I'm not the most devout Catholic, but it really pisses me off when people lie about the religion.
Lol. He tries, but when people don't fall over like bowling pins he puts them on ignore. What's there to debate when you're only preaching to the choir?

I know, right? I've been off and on various religion forums since I got my first computer decades ago. Discussing beliefs is a good way to question your own, maybe change your mind about some things, refine other things. Unfortunately though a lot of ppl engage on them only to evangelize and not to learn anything themselves. Grugore is that way. Imagine starting a thread and demanding that someone tell you "I want to know how this nerve cell here works but I don't want to have to sit through a semester of science class, watch any boring video lectures, or read anything you present to me."
I know, right? I've been off and on various religion forums since I got my first computer decades ago. Discussing beliefs is a good way to question your own, maybe change your mind about some things, refine other things. Unfortunately though a lot of ppl engage on them only to evangelize and not to learn anything themselves. Grugore is that way. Imagine starting a thread and demanding that someone tell you "I want to know how this nerve cell here works but I don't want to have to sit through a semester of science class, watch any boring video lectures, or read anything you present to me."

That was him in a nut shell, complete with pics and articles from questionable sites. :laugh:
His beliefs about any religion other than his own were absurd. He couldn't be shown why he was wrong and ended up name calling.
I've said numerous times that I'm not the most devout Catholic, but it really pisses me off when people lie about the religion.

Calling atheists adherents to some religion was pretty absurd too.
I have decided to leave this site. I have come to the conclusion that it's a colossal waste of my time. There are only a few dozen regulars on here, and most them are so set in their beliefs that there is no room for debate. There are better ways to spend my time. Like cleaning my bathroom. At least that's something useful. So goodbye. I'd say it's been fun, but I'd be lying.


One less RWNJ. :thup:
I know, right? I've been off and on various religion forums since I got my first computer decades ago. Discussing beliefs is a good way to question your own, maybe change your mind about some things, refine other things. Unfortunately though a lot of ppl engage on them only to evangelize and not to learn anything themselves. Grugore is that way. Imagine starting a thread and demanding that someone tell you "I want to know how this nerve cell here works but I don't want to have to sit through a semester of science class, watch any boring video lectures, or read anything you present to me."

I have never understood why Trump-loving teabaggers feel they need put the Old Testament into a competition with particle physics, and evolutionary biology.

Spiritual traditions and quantum physics are two distinct areas of the human experience which are not competing for a grade in a classroom.

While the Old Testament cannot seriously be considered an account of historical events, there in nonetheless always a place for allegory and parable in the human experience.