I'm done.

I have decided to leave this site. I have come to the conclusion that it's a colossal waste of my time. There are only a few dozen regulars on here, and most them are so set in their beliefs that there is no room for debate. There are better ways to spend my time. Like cleaning my bathroom. At least that's something useful. So goodbye. I'd say it's been fun, but I'd be lying.

I am going to nominate this one as your Hall of Fame thread.

A fatal blow for evolution?
More evidence that fossils are not millions of years old

Your devastating scientific critique that fossils are not millions of years old was a testament to your keen and discerning scientific mind.
You actually almost have me convinced that the Earth is a mere 6,000 years old!

In other news: the INCEL-fueled petty resentments, imaginary grievances, bogus innuendo, and girlish gossip of bitter rightwing dudes (yes, oddly enough they are all resentful rightwing dudes) have no effect on me whatsoever; I am utterly impervious to it.
Explain to me how this is proof of what you claim? Let it go, it was nine years ago and gossiping is a sin. Confess to your priest.

Odds seem good that Anonymous has these ten year old posts bookmarked, and has spent the last decade thinking about, gossiping about, perhaps even dreaming about me! We are talking creepy obsession at this point. The fact is there are a handful of obsessed rightwing INCELS that really, really just want to believe I am a bad person. They want to believe it in the worst kind of way. Their obsessions bothers me not at all. I have the respect of my friends and the people that matter, and they know what the deal here is. Carry on, and I appreciate you!
Odds seem good that Anonymous has these ten year old posts bookmarked, and has spent the last decade thinking about, gossiping about, perhaps even dreaming about me! We are talking creepy obsession at this point. The fact is there are a handful of obsessed rightwing INCELS that really, really just want to believe I am a bad person. They want to believe it in the worst kind of way. Their obsessions bothers me not at all. I have the respect of my friends and the people that matter, and they know what the deal here is. Carry on, and I appreciate you!
It’s sad they always bring it up when they have no other argument against you. It is kind of weird he has retained the url, that is creepy.
I am getting a little teary-eyed at this melancholy goodbye post. I doubt there is a dry eye in the house!

I am going to miss your contributions to discussions of evolution, cosmology, and scientific principles. It was always comedy gold!

If I had to design a message board troll to make bible thumpers look like barely educated dumb asses, I could not have asked for better than you.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!
I'm still waiting for you baby killers to show us how humans just pop into existence somehow. lol
Oh, then you've had a change of heart toward creationism. Good for you! ;)

Then you're ready for Roe v Wade to be overturned, yes?

Nope, sure haven't. Creationism is Bible thumping horseshit from a bunch of scientifically ignorant evangelicals. Nobody said humans just "popped into existence", you illiterate twat.

Find any post of mine related to support of abortion, cunt. Take your time, liar, then get back to me.
Nope, sure haven't. Creationism is Bible thumping horseshit from a bunch of scientifically ignorant evangelicals. Nobody said humans just "popped into existence", you illiterate twat.
Then explain how we got here, shit-for-brains, then produce the evidence. ;)

Find any post of mine related to support of abortion, cunt. Take your time, liar, then get back to me.
Still can't commit to a stance, huh pussy? Why are you blocking?
Then explain how we got here, shit-for-brains, then produce the evidence. ;)

Still can't commit to a stance, huh pussy? Why are you blocking?

I don't need to, dumbfuck. The beginning of life on this planet is still not understood. But nobody has claimed humans just "popped" into existence, dumbfuck. Except in your absurd spontaneous made from dirt children's story.

Thanks for admitting you can't find shit to back up your lie.

I don't need to, dumbfuck. The beginning of life on this planet is still not understood. But nobody has claimed humans just "popped" into existence, dumbfuck. Except in your absurd spontaneous made from dirt children's story.
Well if you don't have the answers, then it's best to just shut the fuck up.

Scientifically speaking, Creationism is just as plausible as any bullshit theory you heathens can pull out of your asses.

Thanks for admitting you can't find shit to back up your lie.

I never said you did support abortion, you stupid treebeard.

But now you have to stop being a pussy and take a stance. Roe v Wade: Keep it, or overturn it. Which one?
Well if you don't have the answers, then it's best to just shut the fuck up.

Scientifically speaking, Creationism is just as plausible as any bullshit theory you heathens can pull out of your asses.

I never said you did support abortion, you stupid treebeard.

But now you have to stop being a pussy and take a stance. Roe v Wade: Keep it, or overturn it. Which one?

Nobody has the answer to how LIFE began, dumbfuck. But, other than you stupid fuck creationists, NOBODY has claimed that humans just “popped into existence”. What about that do fail to understand, illiterate? The origin of primitive life and the origin of human life are two different issues, stupid fuck. But, a person who believes in children’s stories, would not comprehend that.

You referred to me as a baby killer, asshole. Did you find any post to support that claim? If not, you should apologize or be a liar.

I don’t owe you an explanation for anything, asswipe. Live with it.
Explain to me how this is proof of what you claim? Let it go, it was nine years ago and gossiping is a sin. Confess to your priest.

Haha, that was the funniest thing to ever happen in the history of P/FP/JPP. Better than two retards rage-quitting Werewolf, and better than the collapse of FP.
Nobody has the answer to how LIFE began, dumbfuck.
And yet you still can't shut the fuck up. Funny how that works with you empty headed pseudo intellectuals.

But, other than you stupid fuck creationists, NOBODY has claimed that humans just “popped into existence”. What about that do fail to understand, illiterate?
Then just how do you assholes think we got here? In light of the stupidity that permeates your side of the fence, "popping into existence" is just as usable as anything else you dumbasses can cook up.

The origin of primitive life and the origin of human life are two different issues, stupid fuck.
What gives the two their distinctions, dipshit?

You referred to me as a baby killer, asshole.
Then prove me wrong, asshole. I'm calling you out. ;)

I don’t owe you an explanation for anything, asswipe. Live with it.
That's right, anal baby, you don't owe me an explanation. But that still doesn't make you any less of a pussy. Go get your diaper changed. ;)