"I'm no economics expert. In fact I'm pretty dumb on the topic." -Cawacko


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Cawacko has been posturing about his insight into the economy since forever, but has now made a startling declaration that tells us what we already knew:

I'm no economics expert. In fact I'm pretty dumb on the topic.

All Conservatives are pretty dumb on the topic, but that doesn't stop them from posturing that they're not...exactly what cawacko has been doing this whole time.

Conservatives are all frauds. Every one of them.
Admitting ignorance is pretty rare on this board. It is remarkable how many people who have never set foot in a college level science class pontificate about evolution, and how many posters without any training or qualification whatsoever in climate science present themselves as credible experts on global warming.

Either we have a lot of bullsh*tters on this board,
or jpp dot com is a gathering place of the intellectual giants of our nation!

Being a poseur on economics, climate science, or evolution is one thing.

But it is possible to not be an expert, but still have a visceral sense of what works and what doesn't work...what is right, and what is wrong.

Plenty of people on this board knew that invading Iraq was a going to be a dumb ass idea, without even having the slightest formal training in foreign policy and international affairs.

Non-experts can be aware that austerity and tax cuts for the rich is a stupid thing to do during a severe recession (Reagan - his 1982 recession)

Likewise, non-experts can be aware that government stimulus, and aggressive government intervention can be a smart thing to do during a severe recession (Obama, 2009).

Normal people should be aware that running up massive deficits during a growing economy is a really foolish thing to do (Trump, 2017-18)

It all comes down to either being a poseur - or just exercising good judgment base on life experience and based on the known consensus of reputable, trained experts. You can usually tell the poseurs.

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates
Cawacko has been posturing about his insight into the economy since forever, but has now made a startling declaration that tells us what we already knew:
All Conservatives are pretty dumb on the topic, but that doesn't stop them from posturing that they're not...exactly what cawacko has been doing this whole time.
Conservatives are all frauds. Every one of them.

Given your illiterate bloviating on economics, I would say that you do not have a formal education, don't know what the hell you are talking about and have a pathological propensity for lying.

But I get why you decided to pick on Cawacko and ignore people like me. Cawacko is milk toast; I kick your ass with the facts.
Cawacko has been posturing about his insight into the economy since forever, but has now made a startling declaration that tells us what we already knew:

All Conservatives are pretty dumb on the topic, but that doesn't stop them from posturing that they're not...exactly what cawacko has been doing this whole time.

Conservatives are all frauds. Every one of them.

Now, if liberals would only be honest enough to admit they don't know anything about economics. When they claim the Bush tax cuts caused the recession or that the 2018 fiscal year revenue was less than 2017 revenue we know the truth.
Now, if liberals would only be honest enough to admit they don't know anything about economics. When they claim the Bush tax cuts caused the recession or that the 2018 fiscal year revenue was less than 2017 revenue we know the truth.

Of my 50K+ posts on this board my comment being quoted in the OP might be my favorite based on the total meltdown it has caused LV and his subsequent spamming.

I'm a big fan of reading. And the more I learn and study economics (or any subject) the more I realize how little I actually know. The way I see it the day you think you know everything is the day you stop growing.

I have a family member with his PhD in economics. I have two buddies who I speak to about economics and the economy on a regular basis that are just next level smart. Compared to them I know nothing. But it's all relative of course. I may know nothing compared to them but as you point out there are folks who post here who know even less (and that includes LV).
Now, if liberals would only be honest enough to admit they don't know anything about economics.

But we do, as is evidenced by the fact that liberal economics work, are popular, and that's why Conservatives work so hard to undo them.

You think Elizabeth Warren doesn't know anything about economics?
When they claim the Bush tax cuts caused the recession or that the 2018 fiscal year revenue was less than 2017 revenue we know the truth.

The Bush Tax Cuts did cause the recession because the Bush Tax Cuts grew the subprime housing market, just as Bush said while campaigning in 2004:

Bush Ties Policy to Record Home Ownership
Touting his tax cuts as the economy's savior — and pointing to the strong housing market as proof — Bush said "more people own their own home now than ever."

So Bush's tax cuts created a "strong" housing market that would crash by 2007.

Bush is the one who blamed his tax cuts for the recession when he credited his tax cuts for the growth of housing, which would eventually burst and create the recession.
or that the 2018 fiscal year revenue was less than 2017 revenue we know the truth.

No one has ever made that claim, so this is you exercising that trademark bad faith you have to erect a straw man.

What I said was that revenue in 2018, after one year of the Russia Tax Cut, was less than revenue in 2017, which didn't have a tax cut.

You are trying to change that argument so that you can BOTHSIDES your shitty way through this debate because you live, act, and exist solely in bad faith.

You're a sophist, and you know it.
Of my 50K+ posts on this board my comment being quoted in the OP might be my favorite based on the total meltdown it has caused LV and his subsequent spamming.

I'm a big fan of reading. And the more I learn and study economics (or any subject) the more I realize how little I actually know. The way I see it the day you think you know everything is the day you stop growing.

I have a family member with his PhD in economics. I have two buddies who I speak to about economics and the economy on a regular basis that are just next level smart. Compared to them I know nothing. But it's all relative of course. I may know nothing compared to them but as you point out there are folks who post here who know even less (and that includes LV).


You're a fucking fraud.

You postured on this board this whole time without the disclaimer that you're pretty dumb on this topic.

You postured your bullshit education at USC (that I'm not convinced you attended and think you're lying about), and attacked me after you asked my education and I told you.

Then you couldn't wrap your head around that someone is more educated on this than you, is telling you what the truth and reality are, but you ignore that because your precious feelings were hurt.

Of my 50K+ posts on this board my comment being quoted in the OP might be my favorite based on the total meltdown it has caused LV and his subsequent spamming.

I'm a big fan of reading. And the more I learn and study economics (or any subject) the more I realize how little I actually know. The way I see it the day you think you know everything is the day you stop growing.

I have a family member with his PhD in economics. I have two buddies who I speak to about economics and the economy on a regular basis that are just next level smart. Compared to them I know nothing. But it's all relative of course. I may know nothing compared to them but as you point out there are folks who post here who know even less (and that includes LV).

Look at this fucking typical bullshit of cawacko invoking a personal anecdote to bridge the massive deficits that exist in his argument.

Nohting you say here is correct or makes sense...so what you do is you pretend to "talk to people" and what they tell you, via your anecdote, just so happens to confirm your bias despite all the evidence, facts, and experienced individuals (like myself) telling you otherwise,

Bullshit tactic and not to be believed.
Now, if liberals would only be honest enough to admit they don't know anything about economics. When they claim the Bush tax cuts caused the recession or that the 2018 fiscal year revenue was less than 2017 revenue we know the truth.

I'm unaware of anyone -- liberal or not -- claiming that Bush tax cuts caused the recession. The housing market collapse did that. Oops. You need new slander material. lol
The Bush Tax Cuts did cause the recession because the Bush Tax Cuts grew the subprime housing market, just as Bush said while campaigning in 2004:

Bush Ties Policy to Record Home Ownership
Touting his tax cuts as the economy's savior — and pointing to the strong housing market as proof — Bush said "more people own their own home now than ever."

So Bush's tax cuts created a "strong" housing market that would crash by 2007.

Bush is the one who blamed his tax cuts for the recession when he credited his tax cuts for the growth of housing, which would eventually burst and create the recession.

Well, I take back my previous post. You're the first person I've seen claim that the tax cuts caused the recession. They did not. They did, however, accelerate the problems as well as cause the deficit to balloon, which made crawling out of the hole that much more difficult.
Well, I take back my previous post. You're the first person I've seen claim that the tax cuts caused the recession. They did not. They did, however, accelerate the problems as well as cause the deficit to balloon, which made crawling out of the hole that much more difficult.

Bush said the "strong housing market" in 2004 (the start of subprime crisis) was the result of his tax cuts.

So if we are to take Bush at his word, his tax cuts were responsible for the recession.
I am one of JPP's foremost political thinkers, and even I struggle on economics. I am an economic retard. No one can bat .1000
I'm unaware of anyone -- liberal or not -- claiming that Bush tax cuts caused the recession. The housing market collapse did that. Oops. You need new slander material. lol

LV426 makes that claim. Everybody else knows it was the collapse of the housing market but she claims the tax cut caused the collapse.

You're a fucking fraud.

You postured on this board this whole time without the disclaimer that you're pretty dumb on this topic.

You postured your bullshit education at USC (that I'm not convinced you attended and think you're lying about), and attacked me after you asked my education and I told you.

Then you couldn't wrap your head around that someone is more educated on this than you, is telling you what the truth and reality are, but you ignore that because your precious feelings were hurt.


LOL, I love it. You have major personality issues among them taking yourself waaay too seriously. (Good luck in your work with the FBI). But I appreciate you following me all over the board and starting multiple threads about me.

But you’re doing the Lord’s work shutting the board down. You’ll really show people you are not a person to be trifled with LV.
LOL, I love it. You have major personality issues among them taking yourself waaay too seriously. (Good luck in your work with the FBI). But I appreciate you following me all over the board and starting multiple threads about me.

But you’re doing the Lord’s work shutting the board down. You’ll really show people you are not a person to be trifled with LV.

He tried to self tranny himself (No job, no money). No he is an it. Been bitter ever since.