"I'm no economics expert. In fact I'm pretty dumb on the topic." -Cawacko

Is this your new routine now that your “Billy hacked my account” story blew up?

Run with it sugar britches

Every day Billy Mods is an embarrassment for your.

I applaud your bravado in the face of utter failure

I'd say it's more ignorance and stupidity. He just doesn't know any better...
You're a fucking idiot.

People didn't take loans they knew they couldn't afford, they were tricked into thinking they could afford them.
I bought a house in '99. The mortgage guy tried to trick me into buying anything I wanted but I was only making about $180,000/yr at the time so I bought a condo for about $180,000.
I might be an idiot but not idiot enough to get tricked into buying "whatever I wanted".

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You make it all up as you go.
OK, so sue me. You're a "very litigious person" aren't you? I'm prepared, I got a lawyer.
Besides you're the idiot. I was prepared to settle the case you threatened us with but we can't find your lawyer.:laugh:
The mortgage guy tried to trick me into buying anything I wanted but I was only making about $180,000/yr at the time so I bought a condo for about $180,000.
I might be an idiot but not idiot enough to get tricked into buying "whatever I wanted".

That was before Bush and the Conservatives had wiped out all state protections against predatory lending by invoking an OCC rule in 2003 that all 50 state attorneys generals said would lead to increased fraud.

So your anecdote has nothing to do with what happened 5 years later.
Besides you're the idiot. I was prepared to settle the case you threatened us with but we can't find your lawyer

Nice posturing.

Doesn't change the fact that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about because you're a clueless oaf who gleans off anonymous message boards.
That was before Bush and the Conservatives had wiped out all state protections against predatory lending by invoking an OCC rule in 2003 that all 50 state attorneys generals said would lead to increased fraud.

So your anecdote has nothing to do with what happened 5 years later.
Sue me.

For what?

For being wrong about everything you say and believe?

How come you're wrong most of the time, anyway? Is it because you don't do any of the actual work to be informed (because you're lazy), you just glean what your fellow Conservatives post on anonymous message boards?

So this is an admission that you lost the debate.

You stupidly tried to apply your unverified personal anecdote, ignorant of the fact that five years after your shitty, fake anecdote, Bush made it easier for predatory lenders to trick people into signing onto loans they couldn't afford.

That fact undermines whatever stupid case you were trying to make, and you know it.

So your only response was to lash out like this because you lack impulse control.
Cawacko has been posturing about his insight into the economy since forever, but has now made a startling declaration that tells us what we already knew:

All Conservatives are pretty dumb on the topic, but that doesn't stop them from posturing that they're not...exactly what cawacko has been doing this whole time.

Conservatives are all frauds. Every one of them.

he used to attack me for saying an economic crash was coming due to the Bush tactics

I was proven correct and his ass was proven to be a craven right wing lie bag

he stills always claims to be some brilliant economic expert when I see them posting

the right admitted that EVERYONE IS NOW A KENSYEAN for about three days

then they went right back to trying pretend the crash was all the Democratic party members fault

they are evil assholes
for whatever you want. You're a "very litigious person".

And you're someone whose beliefs and positions are wrong.

When confronted over them, you lash out like this because you lack impulse control.

That's thanks to the terrible job your parents did raising you.
Given your illiterate bloviating on economics, I would say that you do not have a formal education, don't know what the hell you are talking about and have a pathological propensity for lying.

But I get why you decided to pick on Cawacko and ignore people like me. Cawacko is milk toast; I kick your ass with the facts.

so you couldn't hack college huh? :laugh:
You're a fucking idiot.

People didn't take loans they knew they couldn't afford, they were tricked into thinking they could afford them.

That's why so many banks paid billions in settlements following the financial crisis.

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You make it all up as you go.

I remember hearing from the racist right specifically Black people were taking out loans they couldn't afford.....it's why he repeats that false statement.

He a racist to fucking core.