"I'm no economics expert. In fact I'm pretty dumb on the topic." -Cawacko

LV426 makes that claim. Everybody else knows it was the collapse of the housing market but she claims the tax cut caused the collapse.

Why did the Housing Market collapse?

Because of the dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for subprimes beginning in 2004 and extending through 2007, however Bush the Dumber was campaigning in 2004 on the fact that his tax cuts were "the economy's savior" and he "pointed to the strong housing market (again, in 2004) as proof".

So it's not me who ties Bush's Tax Cuts to Bush's Recession, it's Bush who did that.
LOL, I love it. You have major personality issues among them taking yourself waaay too seriously. (Good luck in your work with the FBI). But I appreciate you following me all over the board and starting multiple threads about me.

But you’re doing the Lord’s work shutting the board down. You’ll really show people you are not a person to be trifled with LV.

You are the JPP equivalent of Howard Schultz.
LOL, I love it. You have major personality issues among them taking yourself waaay too seriously. (Good luck in your work with the FBI). But I appreciate you following me all over the board and starting multiple threads about me.

But you’re doing the Lord’s work shutting the board down. You’ll really show people you are not a person to be trifled with LV.

All last year, you screeched like a fucking baby that I was overreacting when I said that a recession was coming. Countless times you attacked me for saying that, tried to attack my credibility, tried to attack me personally...

Only to find out a year later that I WAS FUCKING RIGHT.

Now, you don't want to give me that satisfaction because you're afraid I will hammer you constantly about it.

Guess what? I will.
Cawacko has been posturing about his insight into the economy since forever, but has now made a startling declaration that tells us what we already knew:

All Conservatives are pretty dumb on the topic, but that doesn't stop them from posturing that they're not...exactly what cawacko has been doing this whole time.

Conservatives are all frauds. Every one of them.

You win the internet today!

That's why America needs to stop listening to them.
But we do, as is evidenced by the fact that liberal economics work, are popular, and that's why Conservatives work so hard to undo them.

That is a massive pile of bullshit. Liberals don't even comprehend economics and history is littered with their failures. I wish you weren't such a dishonest moron. Why are you such a pathological liar?

You think Elizabeth Warren doesn't know anything about economics?

If you think she does, you're an even BIGGER moron than I thought. :laugh:
You are the JPP equivalent of Howard Schultz.

Well, I seldom agree with him, as in this discussion, but I'll put a word in for "cawacko," he is one of the few actual conservatives on this forum who can express a legitimate conservative view and he often does introduce interesting topics
Well, I seldom agree with him, as in this discussion, but I'll put a word in for "cawacko," he is one of the few actual conservatives on this forum who can express a legitimate conservative view and he often does introduce interesting topics

There is no such thing as a "legitimate" Conservative view, because Conservatism is illegitimate. All of it. There is nothing redeemable about it. The entire ideology corrupts mind, body, and soul. Cawacko frequently finds himself on the same side as Nazis, racists, homophobes, and antisemites; am I supposed to believe that's just a coincidence and give him the benefit of the doubt when his entire belief system gives no one the benefit of the doubt?
The Bush Tax Cuts did cause the recession because the Bush Tax Cuts grew the subprime housing market, just as Bush said while campaigning in 2004:

Bush Ties Policy to Record Home Ownership
Touting his tax cuts as the economy's savior — and pointing to the strong housing market as proof — Bush said "more people own their own home now than ever."

So Bush's tax cuts created a "strong" housing market that would crash by 2007.

Bush is the one who blamed his tax cuts for the recession when he credited his tax cuts for the growth of housing, which would eventually burst and create the recession.

I'm unaware of anyone -- liberal or not -- claiming that Bush tax cuts caused the recession. The housing market collapse did that. Oops. You need new slander material. lol

See above you dishonest dunce. You're unaware of a LOT of things and a liar.
Well, I seldom agree with him, as in this discussion, but I'll put a word in for "cawacko," he is one of the few actual conservatives on this forum who can express a legitimate conservative view and he often does introduce interesting topics

He says the same viewpoint as every other conservative....I don't see a difference...…...shrugging shoulder.

They are all one trick ponies...…..they have been spewing the same BS for decades and now that they have the perfect crook in office......they are enacting their agenda.
There is no such thing as a "legitimate" Conservative view, because Conservatism is illegitimate. All of it. There is nothing redeemable about it. The entire ideology corrupts mind, body, and soul. Cawacko frequently finds himself on the same side as Nazis, racists, homophobes, and antisemites; am I supposed to believe that's just a coincidence and give him the benefit of the doubt when his entire belief system gives no one the benefit of the doubt?


This is what is wrong with America...…..they are brainwashed by the racist right.
All last year, you screeched like a fucking baby that I was overreacting when I said that a recession was coming. Countless times you attacked me for saying that, tried to attack my credibility, tried to attack me personally...

Only to find out a year later that I WAS FUCKING RIGHT.

Now, you don't want to give me that satisfaction because you're afraid I will hammer you constantly about it.

Guess what? I will.

You lie. And you lie frequently.

You claimed tax cuts were causing a recession. That's false. And the article I posted about recession signs in the economy had nothing to do with tax cuts. Notice you didn't once address the actual points John Mauldin made? You just went ape sh*t trolling up the thread.

There are plenty of people on this board that while we may disagree politically I can at least hold discussions. You can't do that because you suffer from serious delusions of grandeur.

But hey, I hope you get the board shut down. That would be awesome. Good luck with the FBI.
You claimed tax cuts were causing a recession.


I said Tax Cuts will cause a recession because they caused the last one.

I said that the Russia Tax Cut, that you support, would not lead to strong economic growth and instead what will happen is that the market will go through a sugar high (which it did), come crashing back down to earth (which it did), leaving us no better than where we were when it started (which it did).

I also said that the Russia Tax Cut would increase the deficit (which it did by 25% last year, and 38% so far this year).

2018 GDP Growth with the Russia Tax Cut you support: 2.85%
2015 GDP Growth without a tax cut, without QE, with no compromise on Obama's Jobs and economic bills: 2.88%

What I also said was that the tax cuts wouldn't pay for themselves, and that they would end up reducing revenue (which it did).

So everything I said about this Russia Tax Cut that you support turned out to be true, so you had to lie about what I said because, as always, you're a fraud.
You can't do that because you suffer from serious delusions of grandeur.

When have I ever invoked any of my personal qualifications unprompted, or trumpeted anything personal that would have given me the leg up on this debate I have on just the facts and evidence alone? When have I volunteered personal information into the debate as a means of supporting the argument I was making?


I don't like to talk about myself because my personal life has nothing to do with the arguments being made here. I am able to separate out myself from the arguments I make; YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF DOING THAT. Also, it would be unfair to you if our personal credentials were stacked against each other and that was how we determined whose argument was legit. I don't do any of that because of my personal belief that anecdotes used to support a position is a cheap, bitch move done only by those who cannot make a convincing argument on the evidence alone, or lacks the critical thinking skills necessary to do so.

You're just a pissy little bitch who has to play a victim because you are "dumb" (your word to describe yourself).

Does all this make me better than you? Yes. But being better than you isn't difficult. My cat is better than you, and he licks his own ass.
Bush said the "strong housing market" in 2004 (the start of subprime crisis) was the result of his tax cuts.

So if we are to take Bush at his word, his tax cuts were responsible for the recession.

Well, he didn't major in economics either, so his word on that is meaningless.
He says the same viewpoint as every other conservative....I don't see a difference...…...shrugging shoulder.

They are all one trick ponies...…..they have been spewing the same BS for decades and now that they have the perfect crook in office......they are enacting their agenda.


Cawacko's problem with Trump is that Trump says the quiet parts of Cawacko's true beliefs out loud.