"I'm no economics expert. In fact I'm pretty dumb on the topic." -Cawacko

When have I ever invoked any of my personal qualifications unprompted, or trumpeted anything personal that would have given me the leg up on this debate I have on just the facts and evidence alone? When have I volunteered personal information into the debate as a means of supporting the argument I was making?


I don't like to talk about myself because my personal life has nothing to do with the arguments being made here. I am able to separate out myself from the arguments I make; YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF DOING THAT. Also, it would be unfair to you if our personal credentials were stacked against each other and that was how we determined whose argument was legit. I don't do any of that because of my personal belief that anecdotes used to support a position is a cheap, bitch move done only by those who cannot make a convincing argument on the evidence alone, or lacks the critical thinking skills necessary to do so.

You're just a pissy little bitch who has to play a victim because you are "dumb" (your word to describe yourself).

Does all this make me better than you? Yes. But being better than you isn't difficult. My cat is better than you, and he licks his own ass.

:lolup:TRIGGERED dunce on lunatic. :laugh:

Cawacko's problem with Trump is that Trump says the quiet parts of Cawacko's true beliefs out loud.

the quiet parts of conservative/republican/GOPig/moderate/libertarian belief out loud.

He's the racist rube they have been prying for for a long time.
Ummm...Bush has an MBA.

I recall in the years when Obama was dealing with the aftermath of the Great Recession, that Reichwingers were telling us that it was all Clinton's fault because of the subprime mortgage disaster. Almost all economists agree that W.'s policies, which include tax cuts, led to the financial meltdown.

MBAs don't necessarily indicate an understanding of economics or business. My oldest son has an MBA; he's a senior engineer at a nuclear plant. His wife also has an MBA; she's a STEM teacher. They spend money like sailors on leave, so we know they're not economic experts. lol
I recall in the years when Obama was dealing with the aftermath of the Great Recession, that Reichwingers were telling us that it was all Clinton's fault because of the subprime mortgage disaster. Almost all economists agree that W.'s policies, which include tax cuts, led to the financial meltdown.

MBAs don't necessarily indicate an understanding of economics or business. My oldest son has an MBA; he's a senior engineer at a nuclear plant. His wife also has an MBA; she's a STEM teacher. They spend money like sailors on leave, so we know they're not economic experts. lol

Right but Bush's MBA was for business. He got it in business school. But regardless, I think we both agree that all Conservatives are economic frauds anyway who have no idea of the consequences of their actions because they've never been held responsible in their personal or professional lives.

They have no incentive to change because no one is forcing them to...they just insulate themselves instead.
I recall in the years when Obama was dealing with the aftermath of the Great Recession, that Reichwingers were telling us that it was all Clinton's fault because of the subprime mortgage disaster. Almost all economists agree that W.'s policies, which include tax cuts, led to the financial meltdown.

That is massive pile of bovine bile you clueless partisan hack.
I recall in the years when Obama was dealing with the aftermath of the Great Recession, that Reichwingers were telling us that it was all Clinton's fault because of the subprime mortgage disaster. Almost all economists agree that W.'s policies, which include tax cuts, led to the financial meltdown.

MBAs don't necessarily indicate an understanding of economics or business. My oldest son has an MBA; he's a senior engineer at a nuclear plant. His wife also has an MBA; she's a STEM teacher. They spend money like sailors on leave, so we know they're not economic experts. lol

You’re conflating understanding economics and markets with being a politician. Politicians lie all the time about economics and markets because they want to take credit, or not take credit, for something or they think it’s something they have to say to get votes.

Regarding Clinton and Obama, Obama regularly blamed deregulation as a cause of the Great Recession. Bill Clinton was a huge deregulator signing the derivatives and glass-steagall acts. Now I don’t believe those two acts caused the Great Recession but clearly Obama felt they did (at least based on public rhetoric).
Right but Bush's MBA was for business. He got it in business school. But regardless, I think we both agree that all Conservatives are economic frauds anyway who have no idea of the consequences of their actions because they've never been held responsible in their personal or professional lives.

They have no incentive to change because no one is forcing them to...they just insulate themselves instead.

Yep. They've done a superb job too of convincing their base that they know ALL about the economy, and supporting wealthy ppl by not making them pay taxes like they used to is a Good Thing because they're trickle down all over us. Besides, someday YOU might be rich if only you work really really hard (and your rich daddy leaves you millions), so how would YOU like to be treated? And the morons believe it!
Yep. They've done a superb job too of convincing their base that they know ALL about the economy, and supporting wealthy ppl by not making them pay taxes like they used to is a Good Thing because they're trickle down all over us. Besides, someday YOU might be rich if only you work really really hard (and your rich daddy leaves you millions), so how would YOU like to be treated? And the morons believe it!

FWIW, as a Republican I aspire to be rich/wealthy enough to vote Democratic like my neighbors and would do so in a heartbeat. It’s admittedly selfish but hey, aren’t we all?

Two big economic reasons off the top of my head. Once I’ve become successful I will support more regulations because regulations help the entrenched already successful companies and make the economy less dynamic. Sucks for the people behind us but they should have been born sooner. :)

Number two is supporting less development. It increases property values for those who already own homes and keeps the “less desirable”, aka renters, out of our neighborhoods. It’s why coastal cities and states are so expensive, they purposefully don’t build enough housing to meet the demand. Those who already own hit the jackpot. Those who don’t either get rich or be born earlier.
I recall in the years when Obama was dealing with the aftermath of the Great Recession, that Reichwingers were telling us that it was all Clinton's fault because of the subprime mortgage disaster. Almost all economists agree that W.'s policies, which include tax cuts, led to the financial meltdown.
Too funny. I doubt even you believe the recession causes to be that simplistic. The whole thing started crumbling with Iceland's banking collapse. So how did Bush's tax cuts cause that?
Financial crisis: 25 people at the heart of the meltdown – where are they now?

In the end this is who I blame, from the link:
The American public
It wasn't just the bankers who were greedy. The men and women on the street took out billions of dollars of loans they knew they couldn't afford.

My rule of thumb for buying a house is to buy nothing more than what your annual salary is.
Earn $30,000/yr., you can afford a used $30,000 trailer house.
Earn $1,000,000, yr, you can afford a $1 million house. It's that simple.
Too funny. I doubt even you believe the recession causes to be that simplistic. The whole thing started crumbling with Iceland's banking collapse. So how did Bush's tax cuts cause that?

In the end this is who I blame, from the link:

My rule of thumb for buying a house is to buy nothing more than what your annual salary is.
Earn $30,000/yr., you can afford a used $30,000 trailer house.
Earn $1,000,000, yr, you can afford a $1 million house. It's that simple.

Actually what she's saying is false. Putting more money in people's pockets does not cause the economy to collapse. At the end of the day you can ask a number of smart people and you will get different responses for the ultimate cause but the main driver of the financial meltdown was Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve. Most people know little about the Fed and how monetary policy affects the economy so they say things like "tax cuts caused the economy to collapse" because they don't know otherwise.
Cawacko has been posturing about his insight into the economy since forever, but has now made a startling declaration that tells us what we already knew:

All Conservatives are pretty dumb on the topic, but that doesn't stop them from posturing that they're not...exactly what cawacko has been doing this whole time.

Conservatives are all frauds. Every one of them.

As much of a pussy Trans Righty Cawackjob is he knows more about economics than your sorry ass
You’re conflating understanding economics and markets with being a politician. Politicians lie all the time about economics and markets because they want to take credit, or not take credit, for something or they think it’s something they have to say to get votes.

Why would Bush lie that the housing market in 2004 was strong because of his tax cuts?

Wasn't Bush trying to give his tax cuts credit for the economic activity that started when the subprime bubble began?

So wouldn't that pretty much invalidate any legitimate argument in favor of tax cuts or Conservative economics?

Wouldn't it also mean that because Bush said his tax cuts produced the strong housing market, that they're then responsible for that market's collapse?

Otherwise, we'd have to all admit Conservatives had no idea what the fuck they were doing or saying during Bush; and since they didn't know then, why the fuck would they know today?
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It’s why coastal cities and states are so expensive, they purposefully don’t build enough housing to meet the demand.

Well, the reason in CA is because Prop 13 made it prohibitively expensive to build affordable housing because all the revenue lost in property taxes is made up by increased fees for construction, zoning, etc.

You support Prop 13, by the way, so this is another case of you complaining about the thing of which you are also the primary cause.
Too funny. I doubt even you believe the recession causes to be that simplistic. The whole thing started crumbling with Iceland's banking collapse. So how did Bush's tax cuts cause that?

In the end this is who I blame, from the link:

My rule of thumb for buying a house is to buy nothing more than what your annual salary is.
Earn $30,000/yr., you can afford a used $30,000 trailer house.
Earn $1,000,000, yr, you can afford a $1 million house. It's that simple.

You're a fucking idiot.

People didn't take loans they knew they couldn't afford, they were tricked into thinking they could afford them.

That's why so many banks paid billions in settlements following the financial crisis.

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You make it all up as you go.
Putting more money in people's pockets does not cause the economy to collapse.

Tax cuts do not put more money in people's pockets.

Look at this chart...do you see when Household debt spikes? Always after Tax Cuts.


So you dumb idiot, if tax cuts put "more money into people's pockets", then why did household debt skyrocket immediately after the Bush Tax Cuts?

You will of course have no answer for that. None of you ever do.
Actually what she's saying is false. Putting more money in people's pockets does not cause the economy to collapse. At the end of the day you can ask a number of smart people and you will get different responses for the ultimate cause but the main driver of the financial meltdown was Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve. Most people know little about the Fed and how monetary policy affects the economy so they say things like "tax cuts caused the economy to collapse" because they don't know otherwise.

First there was this in 2004:

Bush Ties Policy to Record Home Ownership
Touting his tax cuts as the economy's savior — and pointing to the strong housing market as proof — Bush said "more people own their own home now than ever."

Then after that "strong housing market" collapsed, Bush said this in 2008:

“The Presidents Working Group’s March policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007.”
https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/fin-mkts/Documents/q4progress update.pdf

Who do regulators work for? The Executive Branch. And who controlled the Executive Branch from 2004-2007? Conservatives.
I am in your head.

Is this your new routine now that your “Billy hacked my account” story blew up?

Run with it sugar britches

Every day Billy Mods is an embarrassment for your.

I applaud your bravado in the face of utter failure