I'm ready for Socialism...

No, you just talk out of both sides of your mouth.

..and Yes, you certainly do march in lockstep... "Bush, the worst president in history, lied us into a quagmire of an unjust war for oil!" ...hup, two-three-four...

Hey, it's a good thing you know how to march in lockstep though, I have a feeling that ability will come in handy in a Socialist regime.

LOL, recognizing a truth is marching in lockstep ?
You've said this a few times, but you clearly misunderstand it.

First, Obama is not proposing Socialism, in any way shape or form. Let's get that straight; that's straight out of McCarthyism, and something your side excels at.

Second - and I can't speak for everyone - I think the threads you are seeing are more along the lines of saying that hell, if this is what McCain & Palin think socialism is, then we are ALL socialists.

Get it?

Yes, he is proposing Marxist Socialism, go google it and see! He makes no bones about it, he and Biden aren't trying to hide it, or deny it... they come right out and say... Spread the Wealth! Take from the Rich--Give to the Poor! Biden even goes so far as to claim this is "patriotism!"

But hey... It's not Bush, so that's really all that matters to you ignorant fucks. You are all a bunch of spoiled little brats who wouldn't know Socialism if it bit you in the ass, but you're about to have a load of it dumped in your lap, and this time, there will not be a capitalist superpower to save you in the end. ......See you in the bread lines!
"Yes, he is proposing Marxist Socialism, go google it and see! He makes no bones about it,"

He definitely makes bones about it, and he definitely is not proposing Marxist Socialism. This is really kind of embarassing, since you clearly have no clue - and I mean no clue, whatsoever, like, devoid of clue - what Marxism or Socialism is.
Dixie, It's all GOOD!

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!

No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth."
"Yes, he is proposing Marxist Socialism, go google it and see! He makes no bones about it,"

He definitely makes bones about it, and he definitely is not proposing Marxist Socialism. This is really kind of embarassing, since you clearly have no clue - and I mean no clue, whatsoever, like, devoid of clue - what Marxism or Socialism is.

I have read all about Marxist Socialism, and what Obama/Biden propose, is EXACTLY THAT! Almost to the letter! Like I said, go Google Marx and Socialism, and read for yourself. Marx writings sound amazingly like Obama campaign speeches! In fact, I could change a few terms, like "workers" to "less fortunate" and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Marxism contains the exact same focus on controlling corporations to the benefit of the worker, to the 'redistribution' of wealth, even down to the providing of health care. It is Marxist Socialism, but Obama is not honest enough to admit that, and you are too stupid to understand it.
"I have read all about Marxist Socialism, and what Obama/Biden propose, is EXACTLY THAT! Almost to the letter!"

No - those 2 ideas are very contradictory. Either you don't know anything about Marxist Socialism, or you don't know anything about what Obama/Biden propose.

"I have read all about Marxist Socialism, and what Obama/Biden propose, is EXACTLY THAT! Almost to the letter!"

No - those 2 ideas are very contradictory. Either you don't know anything about Marxist Socialism, or you don't know anything about what Obama/Biden propose.

Please. List the differences and participate in a conversation. While simply saying "no" is argumentative, it is not a logical basis for argument. He listed many ways that they compared and you just say, "no" without suggesting where he is wrong.

Repeating "no" doesn't make for good argument, nor does it show that he is actually wrong. It's just "hot air" without information to back it up.
Please. List the differences and participate in a conversation. While simply saying "no" is argumentative, it is not a logical basis for argument. He listed many ways that they compared and you just say, "no" without suggesting where he is wrong.

Repeating "no" doesn't make for good argument, nor does it show that he is actually wrong. It's just "hot air" without information to back it up.

Wow; no problem with ANYTHING Dixie has said on here, including his assertion that Obama is a full-blown Marxist & Socialist, but you take issue when I point out that it's not the same thing.

Marxist philosophy can be summed up in the phrase that everyone knows: from each according to ability, to each according to need. There is nothing at all about Obama's tax proposals which equate to that, at all. Obama's philosophy is in keeping with the progressive tax system we've had for my entire lifetime, through both GOP & Dem admins, and in fact wouldn't have the top rate be any higher than in the Clinton years, which few would argue was a time of great socialism.

Good enough, Damo? Any more Dixie inanities that you want to go to bat for?
Wow; no problem with ANYTHING Dixie has said on here, including his assertion that Obama is a full-blown Marxist & Socialist, but you take issue when I point out that it's not the same thing.

Marxist philosophy can be summed up in the phrase that everyone knows: from each according to ability, to each according to need. There is nothing at all about Obama's tax proposals which equate to that, at all. Obama's philosophy is in keeping with the progressive tax system we've had for my entire lifetime, through both GOP & Dem admins, and in fact wouldn't have the top rate be any higher than in the Clinton years, which few would argue was a time of great socialism.

Good enough, Damo? Any more Dixie inanities that you want to go to bat for?
Cry me a river. Your "I'm such a victim!" attitude doesn't change the fact I specifically was asking for your opinion on this as I had already read Dixie's. Instead I kept getting, "No, you're wrong." with no basis other than your assertion.

And people certainly did argue that the health care proposed by Clinton was socialism, and have consistently argued, pre and post Clinton, that taking from the rich and giving to net tax receivers is also a form of socialism.

Dixie gave examples of how he thought it was the same, I wanted to hear how you thought it was different so I asked for it and explained why.
Cry me a river.

Dixie gave examples of how he thought it was the same, I wanted to hear how you thought it was different so I asked for it and explained why.

And you accept those examples? You think they are "good" examples, not worthy of any challenge?

Your little interludes on Dixie's posts are some of your more embarassing moments.
And you accept those examples? You think they are "good" examples, not worthy of any challenge?

Your little interludes on Dixie's posts are some of your more embarassing moments.
I didn't accept anything. I asked for more information from you. I didn't say you were "wrong" I simply asked for you to flesh it out rather than just keep repeating, "No".

Wow, you are such a whiner!
Marxist philosophy can be summed up in the phrase that everyone knows: from each according to ability, to each according to need. There is nothing at all about Obama's tax proposals which equate to that, at all.

How is Marx phrase any different than "Spread the wealth around?"

To me, it sounds exactly the same. Obama wants to take from each according to ability... the big corporations, taxpayers who make over $250k (or $120k...depending on which day of the week you listen to them), and give to those according to need... the 'less fortunate' ...people who don't pay taxes, etc. I'm sorry, but that is pure unadulterated Marxist Socialism, it can't be defined in any other way.
"How is Marx phrase any different than "Spread the wealth around?"

You are aware that Sarah Palin used the same phrase as Governor or Alaska, correct?
"How is Marx phrase any different than "Spread the wealth around?"

You are aware that Sarah Palin used the same phrase as Governor or Alaska, correct?

I was wondering if anyone was going to point out to Dixie that Palin increased taxes on the oil companies so she could increase the payments to the citizens of Alaska. I think that is about as Marxist as Obama's plans.
"How is Marx phrase any different than "Spread the wealth around?"

You are aware that Sarah Palin used the same phrase as Governor or Alaska, correct?

In a different context, yes. Palin didn't raise taxes on those according to ability and give it to those according to need. I spread my wealth around every day. Yesterday, I spread my wealth to the tune of $500 to my local volunteer fire department, who is trying to buy some new equipment. I am clearly not a Socialist, but I did indeed 'spread my wealth around' ...it's all in the context.

Of course, you are a totally clueless moron who has no comprehension of context. You prove this almost daily here. Hopefully, when Obama gets elected, you can enroll in some freebie education and take a few classes, but you know, I honestly don't think it will happen for you. I think you are too stupid to go to class, and too lazy to work at an education. So you will undoubtedly continue to sit on your whiny little ass, moaning about things you know nothing about, thinking you are some kind of genius.
"In a different context, yes."

Oh....CONTEXT. I see; now that's important to you? I thought - at least according to you - that it was merely the utterance of the phrase.

I guess Obama doesn't get the benefit of context, since he's just a pinko Dem, anyway. Dixie, you're a really bad liar; really easy to catch in a double-standard, and basically really stupid.