Well I don't really.
although I might be in the edge of that this year.
They / we are not hurting.
No, but they/we are going to be.
It is your mentality that endangers American capitalism and to a larger degree, democracy itself. The Top 5% are already carrying the bulk of the tax burden in this country, we are already a 'socialist' nation, Obama's plans will simply push that to the extreme. You, like many other Americans, are caught up in the jealousy and envy of class warfare. It's easy to understand why it's so popular for 95% of the population to vote on raising the taxes of 5% of the population, but when the 5% are already paying far more than their share, it is extremely dangerous.
We see evidence in the market now, of what is to come. These "rich people" Obama and you plan to tax, who you feel can afford it and are not hurting, are simply going to stop generating wealth. They have no need to do so, they have plenty of wealth already, there is no motivation for them to generate more, particularly if it is going to be confiscated by the government. So when this happens (as we are seeing it start to happen now) what are you going to do? Better yet, what is Obama going to do? Without "the rich" generating wealth, there is nothing to tax! Without anything to tax, there is no revenue, and with no revenue, there can be no spending. All of these pipe-dream programs and initiatives he's promised, can not be funded, and the taxes will have to be increased on the middle class, it's the only way to pay the bills.
Myself? I am going to be fishing in the Caribbean, oblivious to these problems, and soaking up the sun along with every 'entitlement' I can squeeze out of the anti-capitalist liberal administration. I am part of that 5% at the top, or at least, I was a part of it, not anymore... I am not generating one red cent of wealth anymore, and I am not alone. You want your liberal socialist utopia, you'll have to find some other way to pay for it. Print some more currency... run the national debt up a few more trillion... I don't care, do whatever, it doesn't matter to me, I am through talking. You idiots seem to have all the answers and know more than the rest of us, you figure it out!
...Just make sure to send me my check!