I'm ready for Socialism...

In a different context, yes. Palin didn't raise taxes on those according to ability and give it to those according to need. I spread my wealth around every day. Yesterday, I spread my wealth to the tune of $500 to my local volunteer fire department, who is trying to buy some new equipment. I am clearly not a Socialist, but I did indeed 'spread my wealth around' ...it's all in the context.

Of course, you are a totally clueless moron who has no comprehension of context. You prove this almost daily here. Hopefully, when Obama gets elected, you can enroll in some freebie education and take a few classes, but you know, I honestly don't think it will happen for you. I think you are too stupid to go to class, and too lazy to work at an education. So you will undoubtedly continue to sit on your whiny little ass, moaning about things you know nothing about, thinking you are some kind of genius.

The biggest difference is that yours was voluntary, and the oil companies contributions weren't.

It is still taking money from those who did earn it and giving it to those who didn't.

Trying to quibble about it being different is insane.

Palin INCREASED taxes on corporations and GAVE the money to people in the state of Alaska. How is that not Marxism but Obama's plans are?
Easy answer Sol Palin is a Republican.

that is all that matters to a political tool like dixie.
Logic is beyond his comprehension.
I know this will be a major disappointment to many pinheads here, but I am kind of looking forward to Socialism under Barack Hussein Obama. I hate to let you guys down, I know you were probably imagining me contemplating jumping off a bridge or something, but really, I am a very happy man these days.

My kids are all raised, my last one graduated high school this year, and is off to college, so if the public education system goes completely to shit, I really don't care anymore. Go ahead and pack it with little Atheist Socialist twits who get their kicks molesting kids and brainwashing our youth, it doesn't really matter to me anymore.

I do have a job, but it's only because I like to keep busy. My financial status is secure, and has been for quite some time, I made most of my money during the 90's, and socked away a good little fortune over the past 8 years through government contracts. It's safe and sound, free from US taxation, in foreign trusts and real estate investments. My meager $40k a year job is just my 'fun money' and I will be anxiously awaiting my huge 'tax rebate' when Obama is elected, along with my health care benefit. So, as far as I'm concerned, you guys can rape the hell out of 'the wealthy' in America, I'm out of the game now. Planning on enjoying the good life soon!

Interest rates and home prices don't concern me, my home is paid for and I have no debt, so do whatever you wish with that. If my property tax becomes too high, I have dibs on a nice condo for rent in Florida, been thinking about going there anyway. I think I might spend a little time deep sea fishing, just catching some rays, drinking margaritas all day... relaxing.

Since we are going completely Socialist, I have already applied to the government for my 'reparations' check, since I am part Native American and 'entitled' to it. I hope the first black president is proactive in passing 'reparations' legislation for descendants of former slaves, because I think we have some of those in our ancestry as well, my sister is checking on that now. We certainly do have African-American roots, so we should qualify for something, right? I should be getting my first casino royalties from the Cherokee tribe, about the time Obama is sworn in, and it is estimated to be around $1600. That should cover my fishing gear.

For those of you who thought I was going to be miserable and in agony over Republicans losing power, far from it, I am going to have the time of my life. I am really happy for you guys, I think you are better off winning this election than my side, because some of you may have committed suicide or something, if it didn't happen. I can handle the loss, it doesn't really matter to me anymore anyway, I have plenty of things to do with my life, and a lot of fun to be had with the 'new found money' coming my way soon. I know it will probably irritate you that I am spending your tax dollars on the frivolous things I enjoy, but I deserve to be happy and content in life, my government owes me.

so, anyway, I just wanted to let you know that contrary to what you may have been expecting, I am not going to be in any pain or misery over an Obama win, I am planning on having one hell of a good time with my tax refunds and entitlements. I hope you all enjoy yours as well!

I wish I was you! What are the chances I can find a program for a White, Irish, multi-degreed, poverty level teacher? Oh, Obama will be good for me, I look at $42k and dream....
I know this will be a major disappointment to many pinheads here, but I am kind of looking forward to Socialism under Barack Hussein Obama. I hate to let you guys down, I know you were probably imagining me contemplating jumping off a bridge or something, but really, I am a very happy man these days.

My kids are all raised, my last one graduated high school this year, and is off to college, so if the public education system goes completely to shit, I really don't care anymore. Go ahead and pack it with little Atheist Socialist twits who get their kicks molesting kids and brainwashing our youth, it doesn't really matter to me anymore.

I do have a job, but it's only because I like to keep busy. My financial status is secure, and has been for quite some time, I made most of my money during the 90's, and socked away a good little fortune over the past 8 years through government contracts. It's safe and sound, free from US taxation, in foreign trusts and real estate investments. My meager $40k a year job is just my 'fun money' and I will be anxiously awaiting my huge 'tax rebate' when Obama is elected, along with my health care benefit. So, as far as I'm concerned, you guys can rape the hell out of 'the wealthy' in America, I'm out of the game now. Planning on enjoying the good life soon!

Interest rates and home prices don't concern me, my home is paid for and I have no debt, so do whatever you wish with that. If my property tax becomes too high, I have dibs on a nice condo for rent in Florida, been thinking about going there anyway. I think I might spend a little time deep sea fishing, just catching some rays, drinking margaritas all day... relaxing.

Since we are going completely Socialist, I have already applied to the government for my 'reparations' check, since I am part Native American and 'entitled' to it. I hope the first black president is proactive in passing 'reparations' legislation for descendants of former slaves, because I think we have some of those in our ancestry as well, my sister is checking on that now. We certainly do have African-American roots, so we should qualify for something, right? I should be getting my first casino royalties from the Cherokee tribe, about the time Obama is sworn in, and it is estimated to be around $1600. That should cover my fishing gear.

For those of you who thought I was going to be miserable and in agony over Republicans losing power, far from it, I am going to have the time of my life. I am really happy for you guys, I think you are better off winning this election than my side, because some of you may have committed suicide or something, if it didn't happen. I can handle the loss, it doesn't really matter to me anymore anyway, I have plenty of things to do with my life, and a lot of fun to be had with the 'new found money' coming my way soon. I know it will probably irritate you that I am spending your tax dollars on the frivolous things I enjoy, but I deserve to be happy and content in life, my government owes me.

so, anyway, I just wanted to let you know that contrary to what you may have been expecting, I am not going to be in any pain or misery over an Obama win, I am planning on having one hell of a good time with my tax refunds and entitlements. I hope you all enjoy yours as well!

Don't sweat it Dixie. You'll do just fine. Why eveyone knows that fascist like you make the best converts to socialism.:pke:
It's like you're always trying to win some award for "saying the least with the most words possible"...

Yea...I know what you mean....kinda makes you wonder if Alabama aint part of Russia? (A little literary humor their folks...anyone who's read Doesteovsky, Tolstoy or Pasternak will get it.;-)
I wish I was you! What are the chances I can find a program for a White, Irish, multi-degreed, poverty level teacher? Oh, Obama will be good for me, I look at $42k and dream....

Hey, being Irish, you might have some claim to 'reparations' of some kind soon! Start lobbying for it Kat! I mean, look at how many Irish immigrants were forced to work for sub-par wages all those years on the docks! That was damn near 'slavery' in of itself, except the Irish immigrant didn't have a master providing food and shelter. Your people were soundly discriminated against for years, and no telling what kind of 'wealth' you may have inherited, had your ancestors not been so oppressed by the elites!
Hey, being Irish, you might have some claim to 'reparations' of some kind soon! Start lobbying for it Kat! I mean, look at how many Irish immigrants were forced to work for sub-par wages all those years on the docks! That was damn near 'slavery' in of itself, except the Irish immigrant didn't have a master providing food and shelter. Your people were soundly discriminated against for years, and no telling what kind of 'wealth' you may have inherited, had your ancestors not been so oppressed by the elites!

Dear Dixie,

Look in this:


And find for me where Obama has asked for reparations to be paid for anyone. You constantly hounding any black candidate about them wanting reparations just because of their race, despite anything they have said, is, quite frankly, racist beyond words.

Love, WM

Dear Waterhead,

Wait until the bastard becomes president, and see what happens. Every minority advocacy group in the country, will be pissing and moaning about their situation, and appealing to The Messiah for his benevolence... and he will grant it, of course, with our money!

You can call me racist all you like, I've been called names before, it frankly doesn't phase me a bit, but I have read both of Obama's books, have you? In those books, you get an idea of where he is on the concept of 'reparations' and what he might do if he achieves the status to do something. You're about to give him that status... but, it's okay... he's not Bush! That's really all that matters, right?
Dear Waterhead,

Wait until the bastard becomes president, and see what happens. Every minority advocacy group in the country, will be pissing and moaning about their situation, and appealing to The Messiah for his benevolence... and he will grant it, of course, with our money!

You can call me racist all you like, I've been called names before, it frankly doesn't phase me a bit, but I have read both of Obama's books, have you? In those books, you get an idea of where he is on the concept of 'reparations' and what he might do if he achieves the status to do something. You're about to give him that status... but, it's okay... he's not Bush! That's really all that matters, right?
I don't remember who did this before. It was really fucking stoopid and juvenile but here goes. YOUR SIDE LOST! YOU'RE GOING TO GET OBAMA! GET THE FUCK OVER IT YOU WHINY PANTY WASTE MOTHER FUCKER!

My bet is you were a whiny panty waste mother fucker when GHW Bush lost to Clinton. My bet is you screamed about how it was the end of the world and how inflation was going to shoot through the roof and unemployment would run rampant and all sorts of other things you whiny panty waste mother fuckers whine about. But you lived through it just like most of us did Bush, except for the 4000+ men and women he sent to Iraq because they attacked us on 9-11 and they had WMD's and all the other shit he sold you and you bought hook line and sinker. And like they say, when you sow the wind you reap the whirlwind. Welcome to the whirlwind you helped sow.
Hey Soc, I suggest you read the fucking thread... that is, if you aren't too stupid and lazy to read. I am not 'whining' one damn bit! I know that just crawls all over you guys, to think that I am happy and not bothered by an Obama win, but that is the case. I am probably one of the happiest mutherfuckers here! I plan to have one hell of a good time with all this money and 'wealth' I am to be receiving soon, and you guys can kiss my redneck ass! I know you thought I was going to be miserable and sad, all upset that McCain lost and Republicans weren't in control anymore, but I am just not! I've always been an optimist, I make the best of a bad situation, and I have a plan that will afford me the lifestyle only a few can dream of for the next 4 years. I don't give a shit what you libtards do to this country, you can turn it into another Cuba or Russia, you can force every corporation into bankruptcy, you can turn over our nuclear weapons to Osama Bin Laden for all I care! I'll be in the Caribbean on a fishing boat, spending your tax dollars! So... fuck off!
When are the wingnuts going to stop listening to what Hannity and Limbaugh tell them about Obama and start listening to Obama himself?
When are the wingnuts going to stop listening to what Hannity and Limbaugh tell them about Obama and start listening to Obama himself?

I'd settle for them listening to their candidate:

KING: You don't believe Barack Obama is a socialist do you?

MCCAIN: "No, but i do believe that he has been in the far left of American politics and stated time after time that he believes in spreading the wealth around. He has talked about courts that redistribute the wealth. He has a record of voting against tax cuts. And for tax increases."

Call taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor whatever you like. Im disgusted that some supposed libertarians are going to be supporting obama. "LOL WHO THE FUCK CARES? IM NOT IN THE 5 PERCENT FUCK THEM." makes me sick.