I'm Shocked to learn that Fox News barely covers the Iraq War


Will work for Scooby snacks
The most important issue in america in a generation, and Fox News barely devotes any time at all to covering it. I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you! I wonder why they barely cover the most important issue in America?

War takes up less time on Fox News

By DAVID BAUDER, AP Television Writer

NEW YORK - On a winter day when bomb blasts at an Iraqi university killed dozens and the United Nations estimated that 34,000 civilians in Iraq had died in 2006, MSNBC spent nearly nine minutes on the stories during the 1 p.m. hour. A CNN correspondent in Iraq did a three-minute report about the bombings.

Neither story merited a mention on Fox News Channel that hour.

That wasn't unusual. Fox spent half as much time covering the Iraq war than MSNBC during the first three months of the year, and considerably less than CNN, according to the Project for Excellence in Journalism.

The difference was more stark during daytime news hours than in prime-time opinion shows. The Iraq war occupied 20 percent of CNN's daytime news hole and 18 percent of MSNBC's. On Fox, the war was talked about only 6 percent of the time.

The independent think tank's report freshens a debate over whether ideology drives news agendas, and it comes at a delicate time for Fox. Top Democratic presidential candidates have refused to appear at debates sponsored by Fox. Liberals find attacking Fox is a way to fire up their base.

"It illustrates the danger of cheerleading for one particular point or another because they were obviously cheerleaders for the war," said Jon Klein, CNN U.S. president. "When the war went badly they had to dial back coverage because it didn't fit their preconceived story lines."..........

Probably half their audience believes the war is over. But they know what Paris Hilton did or did not eat in jail last night.
I bet they were all OVER the Paris Hilton debacle.... like they were the Natalie Holloway debacle.... and the Terri Schiavo debacle. If it's fluffy, and not war related, it gets top billing on Faux.
Probably half their audience believes the war is over. But they know what Paris Hilton did or did not eat in jail last night.


You gotta admit: Fox News is an outstanding journalistic outlet if you want to learn about runaway brides, missing white girls in Aruba, and Duke lacrosse team rape cases.

I also especially admire their in depth, professional coverage of shark attacks.
Yeah Cypress, you should not be suprised about Fox, the Republicans want as few reminders of the war as possible.

After all it was the demoncratic congress and the UN's fault anyway :D
Cypress....wow, so their daytime news doesn't cover Iraq as much.... what a shock. I don't suppose they are covering business news at a time the markets are open??? CNBC doesn't give much coverage to Iraq during the market hours either.

You are taking a ONE HOUR time frame and trying to spin it into a total comparison. Your article points out that neither story made it on Fox THAT hour. What if they covered it for 20 minutes the next hour? You don't know. Neither do I. But it illustrates just how meaningless this study is. It also conveniently fails to mention what Fox DID cover during this hour. Why? Because it might not be as dramatic a spin story that way?

Also, your own article states that the difference isn't much when it comes to the nightly news.

"There are no similar differences in priorities among the broadcast evening-news programs, where Iraq was the top story between January and the end of March. NBC's "Nightly News" spent 269 minutes on Iraq, ABC had 251 and CBS 238, according to news consultant Andrew Tyndall."

Funny that they mention Fox's time during the daytime, yet not the numbers for their nighttime news. I wonder why?

and before you get all worked up... I don't know either. I rarely watch Fox or most of the networks for news. Typically I will watch CNN or the BBC at night and use the internet during the day.
US... pointing out the glaring error in this reporters assessment is not defending fox news.

Take a look at the article. It says MSNBC reports on Iraq 18 minutes during the daytime hour, Fox 6.

It then says that Fox reports on Iraq half as much as MSNBC. Which means that Fox must therefore report on Iraq MORE than MSNBC during the remaining hours in order to get from the 33% up to 50%. So the entire spin of Cypress' original post was thus debunked.

But yes, I know, you and the retarded Desh love bashing fox and bush so much that anytime someone points out an error that may favor fox or bush, somehow we are "bush enablers". That is pathetic. I expect idiotic crap like that from Desh. But she is to ignorant to know better. What is YOUR excuse?
I am convinced that over half their viewership are people attempting to catch them out and who want to post stuff about them on blogs later.
Cypress....wow, so their daytime news doesn't cover Iraq as much.... what a shock. I don't suppose they are covering business news at a time the markets are open??? CNBC doesn't give much coverage to Iraq during the market hours either.

You are taking a ONE HOUR time frame and trying to spin it into a total comparison. Your article points out that neither story made it on Fox THAT hour. What if they covered it for 20 minutes the next hour? You don't know. Neither do I. But it illustrates just how meaningless this study is. It also conveniently fails to mention what Fox DID cover during this hour. Why? Because it might not be as dramatic a spin story that way?

Also, your own article states that the difference isn't much when it comes to the nightly news.

"There are no similar differences in priorities among the broadcast evening-news programs, where Iraq was the top story between January and the end of March. NBC's "Nightly News" spent 269 minutes on Iraq, ABC had 251 and CBS 238, according to news consultant Andrew Tyndall."

Funny that they mention Fox's time during the daytime, yet not the numbers for their nighttime news. I wonder why?

and before you get all worked up... I don't know either. I rarely watch Fox or most of the networks for news. Typically I will watch CNN or the BBC at night and use the internet during the day.

Funny that they mention Fox's time during the daytime, yet not the numbers for their nighttime news. I wonder why?

Because Fox doens't do News at night. All they mostly have are punditry and opinion shows at night.

Don't kid yourself SF. I see a lot of Fox News. Not because I like it, but because it's interesting to see what an RNC propoganda outlet does. I've never seen anything like it in mainstream america.

And I can assure you, the basic premise is accurate: Fox barely covers Iraq in it's news programming. Now, the fact that Sean Hannity may offer twenty minutes of his propoganda every night on Iraq, may be important to you. But, it's not news. It's opinion. It's not informing americans, on factual information. It's providing an entertainment and opinion forum.
"Don't kid yourself SF. I see a lot of Fox News. Not because I like it, but because it's interesting to see what an RNC propoganda outlet does. I've never seen anything like it in mainstream america.

And I can assure you, the basic premise is accurate: Fox barely covers Iraq in it's news programming. Now, the fact that Sean Hannity may offer twenty minutes of his propoganda every night on Iraq, may be important to you. But, it's not news. It's opinion. It's not informing americans, on factual information. It's providing an entertainment and opinion forum."

Don't kid yourself Cypress. YOUR article mentions the total time on the NEWs. It doesn't mention the op ed pieces.... and I know it is standard for people like you to automatically bring up someone like Hannity... but I don't watch him, so quit trying to act as if I do. I know it is hard for a kool aid drinker to comprehend, but you have seen the very same type of bias on actual NEWS shows for so long that you think Fox must be the only one that leans in one direction or another. You quote their op ed shows and project that onto the news.

So tell me... when your article states that the news coverage during the day is 33% of MSNBC but 50% overall.... what exactly does that tell you? That after the market hours, Fox news covers Iraq MORE than MSNBC... that is the only way they can go from 33% during the day to 50% overall. But please, spin away all you like.... your partisanship is clearly not lacking.
"Don't kid yourself SF. I see a lot of Fox News. Not because I like it, but because it's interesting to see what an RNC propoganda outlet does. I've never seen anything like it in mainstream america.

And I can assure you, the basic premise is accurate: Fox barely covers Iraq in it's news programming. Now, the fact that Sean Hannity may offer twenty minutes of his propoganda every night on Iraq, may be important to you. But, it's not news. It's opinion. It's not informing americans, on factual information. It's providing an entertainment and opinion forum."

Don't kid yourself Cypress. YOUR article mentions the total time on the NEWs. It doesn't mention the op ed pieces.... and I know it is standard for people like you to automatically bring up someone like Hannity... but I don't watch him, so quit trying to act as if I do. I know it is hard for a kool aid drinker to comprehend, but you have seen the very same type of bias on actual NEWS shows for so long that you think Fox must be the only one that leans in one direction or another. You quote their op ed shows and project that onto the news.

So tell me... when your article states that the news coverage during the day is 33% of MSNBC but 50% overall.... what exactly does that tell you? That after the market hours, Fox news covers Iraq MORE than MSNBC... that is the only way they can go from 33% during the day to 50% overall. But please, spin away all you like.... your partisanship is clearly not lacking.

Okay, SF: you're right:

Excluding the punditry and opinion shows (which aren't real news), the news programming on Fox News covers the Iraq War as much as CNN and NBC.

"Okay, SF: you're right:"

You will find that is normally the case. I am after all very close to GOD... and he gives me the scoop. ;)
The most important issue in america in a generation, and Fox News barely devotes any time at all to covering it. I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you! I wonder why they barely cover the most important issue in America?

Look around you. On any message board you go to, you can find several or more threads dedicated to "Fox News is a GOP Mouthpiece, blah, blah, blah ..."

And the sheep who are willing to buy off on the liberal MSM are willing to go for their reports without question, to include the accusations against Fox.

Most of the time the rant is followed by rants against mostly O'Reilly and Hannity as evidence of Fox news bias, when neither are reporters of the news. They do oped shows.

Just the usual left-wing smear campaign, and they'll keep it going until Hell freezes over, regurgitating the same accusations until the lie becomes myth.
Too much of what is supposed to be news now has too many opinions in it.
Except for the nightly news on PBS and mostly BBC news.
Most of it is added for sensationalism, but not all and even adding comments for sensationalism is wrong in the news.
Look around you. On any message board you go to, you can find several or more threads dedicated to "Fox News is a GOP Mouthpiece, blah, blah, blah ..."

And the sheep who are willing to buy off on the liberal MSM are willing to go for their reports without question, to include the accusations against Fox.

Most of the time the rant is followed by rants against mostly O'Reilly and Hannity as evidence of Fox news bias, when neither are reporters of the news. They do oped shows.

Just the usual left-wing smear campaign, and they'll keep it going until Hell freezes over, regurgitating the same accusations until the lie becomes myth.

I notice you didn't question the actual premise and statistics of the post: Fox News provided very little actual news coverage of Iraq; and Fox News focuses an inordinate amount of time on runway brides, anna nicole smith, and duke rape cases.
Gunny, you belong in special ed. if you don't think Fox has a huge conservative bias. That's not a lie, it's all but a proven fact.
"I notice you didn't question the actual premise and statistics of the post: Fox News provided very little actual news coverage of Iraq;"

That was already covered. They simply didn't cover Iraq a lot during that ONE hour. Overall they were less, but that could be due to the fact that they cover the market more than MSNBC or CNN during market hours. Whereas those two cover more political and geopolitical news during the day.

"and Fox News focuses an inordinate amount of time on runway brides, anna nicole smith, and duke rape cases."

Their op-ed shows may have, but I would like to see what their news did vs. the others.... but I am going to bet you don't have the numbers to back up your assertation.