I'm Shocked to learn that Fox News barely covers the Iraq War

"Gunny, you belong in special ed. if you don't think Fox has a huge conservative bias. That's not a lie, it's all but a proven fact"

It is a matter of perspective. For someone as far to the left as you, I am sure it does look very rightwing. I am also willing to bet you are making your statement based off of their op ed shows (whose hosts do lean right) and not the station as a whole.
They, quite literally, get their news from the same wire as CNN and MSNBC. When they read the news they change a word or two, from "freedom fighter" or "suicide attacker" to "Homicide bomber". But really, the story is almost word for word the same on each. I have tested the theory by taping the news from both CNN and FOX at the same time.

You bet their editorial shows lean, but the news? It is the same fricking source as all the others. Their original stories are few and far between.
"Gunny, you belong in special ed. if you don't think Fox has a huge conservative bias. That's not a lie, it's all but a proven fact"

It is a matter of perspective. For someone as far to the left as you, I am sure it does look very rightwing. I am also willing to bet you are making your statement based off of their op ed shows (whose hosts do lean right) and not the station as a whole.

To be sure, I'm biased against Fox News.

That's why I rely on empirical, demonstrable, evidence to assess their journalist worth.

Did they cheerlead us into iraq, and minimize or muzzle anti-war criticism of the neccessity of war? Yes.

Did they constantly make false, unsubstantiated claims that we "found" the WMD? Yes.

When the war went bad, did their coverage of Iraq plummet - even though it's the most important issue of this generation? Yes.

Did they start devoting an inordinate amount of coverage to runaway brides and missing girls in Aruba? Yes.

Do they run screen crawls, with inflammatory captions like: "Do Democrats Hate America?". Yes.
I pretty much was pissed at them during the 9/11 attacks when they consistently produced the worst case scenario numbers long before we had the real tally. It was a horrible incident, there was no reason to predict "as many as 30K dead" as they were doing.
To be fair, MSNBC is a piece of crap, journalistically too. All they seem to have are those infotainment, "opinion" shows. Shows were no real journalistic questions are asked or evaluated. It's just strawmen questions, to provoke shouting and yelling by party hacks.

The only thing CNN has in prime time that even remotely qualifies as actual journalist in AC 360.

The best prime time journalism is PBS Newshour and BBC International.
To be fair, MSNBC is a piece of crap, journalistically too. All they seem to have are those infotainment, "opinion" shows. Shows were no real journalistic questions are asked or evaluated. It's just strawmen questions, to provoke shouting and yelling by party hacks.

The only thing CNN has in prime time that even remotely qualifies as actual journalist in AC 360.

The best prime time journalism is PBS Newshour and BBC International.

Yep, exactly. FOX is the worse from what I have seen though. Also, with memos flying all over the place from Roger Ailes ass to the Bush adminstration, face it, they're a propaganda outlet for the government. I mean, that ilib guy is right as far as I am concerned. But...for real news, you have to go to BBC or PBS.
BBC is unbiased?


Internal corporation memo on ‘impartiality’ summit leaked to British media exposes truth on BBC bias

Hagit Klaiman Published: 10.23.06, 16:10 / Israel News

LONDON – The British Broadcasting Corporation has been struggling for several years against criticisms and claims of biased reporting concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and distorted coverage of the global fight against terror.

Following a diplomatic incident with Israel, the BBC appointed an editor known for his objective reporting, however, the true stance of the corporation’s editors remained the same.

An internal memo, recently discovered by the British media, revealed what the BBC has been trying to hide. Senior figures admitted in a recent 'impartiality' summit that the BBC was guilty of promoting Left-wing views and anti-Christian sentiment.

Most executives admitted that the corporation’s representation of homosexuals and ethnic minorities was unbalanced and disproportionate, and that it leaned too strongly towards political correctness, the overt promotion of multiculturalism, anti-Americanism and discrimination against the countryside.

Okay to trash Bible, not Quran

A truly shocking revelation to come out of the summit was expected to invoke a storm in Britain, which has already reached the boiling point with regards to the treatment of Muslims and the issue of the veil.

more at link...

I said BBC International is one of the best. Not that they are perfect.

Sit down and watch BBC evening news sometime. They cover actual foreign policy stories, with professional journalists. The only thing you'll get on Hannity, O'Reilly, or Tucker Carlson is a useless series of strawman questions designed to provoke their party hack guests into a shouting match.
Cypress... I agree as the only two I really watch with any degree of regularity are the BBC and CNN. You do have to take the BBC with a grain of salt, but they are generally good for providing a view of what the outside world thinks of us... and they cover the stories from entirely different perspectives... thus it can be beneficial for Americans to watch it. CNN has the better news reporting out of anything domestic. But I ignore their op ed shows along with everyone elses.
Cypress... I agree as the only two I really watch with any degree of regularity are the BBC and CNN. You do have to take the BBC with a grain of salt, but they are generally good for providing a view of what the outside world thinks of us... and they cover the stories from entirely different perspectives... thus it can be beneficial for Americans to watch it. CNN has the better news reporting out of anything domestic. But I ignore their op ed shows along with everyone elses.

Well said.

You're right about the info-tainment oped shows. Their great for entertainment. But, I learn more about the world in half an hour of BBC, than I do in watching a month of Hannity or Tucker Carlson.

I said BBC International is one of the best. Not that they are perfect.

Sit down and watch BBC evening news sometime. They cover actual foreign policy stories, with professional journalists. The only thing you'll get on Hannity, O'Reilly, or Tucker Carlson is a useless series of strawman questions designed to provoke their party hack guests into a shouting match.
I do watch it, as well as PBS, I like the Lehrer News hour....

However I do it with an understanding that all of them have a lean, including Fox, including CNN, all of them do.

That some of them lean along with you doesn't change that they have leans. Understanding where they lean helps.
The most important issue in america in a generation, and Fox News barely devotes any time at all to covering it. I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you! I wonder why they barely cover the most important issue in America?

If I may play devil's advocate and offer the reverse spin. If what this report claims is true the reason CNN and MSNBC show more coverage of the Iraq War at 1:00 its because they have a vested interest in showing the Bush administration in the worst light possible and believe doing so will help increase their ratings.

I am under the belief that Fox News, CNN and MSNBC operate to get ratings. There is no "high ground" that exists between the three networks. Thus supposive battle lines have been drawn between Fox News and the right and CNN and the left with MSNBC picking up the scraps.

CNN, imo, is not showing more war coverage because it is 'the definiing event of our generation' but because they believe the negative coverage boosts their ratings.
I notice you didn't question the actual premise and statistics of the post: Fox News provided very little actual news coverage of Iraq; and Fox News focuses an inordinate amount of time on runway brides, anna nicole smith, and duke rape cases.

Sure I did. Fox NEWS reports on Iraq/Afghanistan every time I see it. Fox OpEd shows spend an inordinant amount of time on runaway brides, anna nicle smith and duke rape case.
Gunny, you belong in special ed. if you don't think Fox has a huge conservative bias. That's not a lie, it's all but a proven fact.

I'd say if anyone belongs in special ed it would be some nimrod calling names with no argument to make whatsoever, and only an opinion to refute mine.
There's no argument left to make, Guntard. Fox is hugely conservatively biased. This rundown of how often they don't cover the war is just one of dozens of examples that illustrate it. If you don't see it by now, I'm not going to be able to convince you.
Yep the news hour and BBC, closest thing to real news journalism that still exists.

That was actually the point I was going after from the first. There is no such thing as real journalism anymore. It isn't about just reporting the news to ANY of them.

To say Fox is any worse that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, or CBS is just partisan rhetoric.

Personally, I don't think Fox so much puts a right wing spin on news as they DON'T put a left-wing spin on news. That would of course give the appearance of a left-wing spin.

However, I do not restrict myself to a single news source on any story. Everybody's got their slant. Read enough different sources on the same event and the common denominators usually are pretty close to the actual truth.
A challenge:

Can someone please provide a link showing Fox News reporting on anything referring to The Senate Judiciary Committee, and its hearings referring to a certain Mr. Pryor.

I bet I can dredge something up about Mr. Pryor after the fact.

Those of you who were paying attention would easily see the problem here.
Gunny, that's simply nonsense. Fox is over-the-top.

They think they can get away with their ridiculous partisanship based on overinflated accusations made by the right wing.