I'm Shocked to learn that Fox News barely covers the Iraq War

Orrin Hatch's hypocrisy was not covered by the major news networks. I only heard a fleeting reference spoken by an interviewee on NPR, so I researched it.

It appears that The Republican Majority gutted Senate Judiciary Rules (or ignored them) so that they could shoehorn ridiculously partisan judges into seats of power.

Do you remember Republicans making ridiculous commercials stating "Catholics Need Not Apply!", during that hearing? I DO.

It was fucking disgusting.

If you had a shred of honesty, you'd admit that many powerful republicans have been ridiculously dishonest during the past several years.

And if you had a shred of honesty, you'd admit for every Republican that has been "ridiculously dishoneest," he/she has an equally dishonest Dem counterpart.
For fuck's sake, Roger Ailes, the HEAD of Fox News was CAUGHT providing explicit political advice to GWB, a FLAGRANT breach of ethics. It feels almost quaint now, given the ridiculous transgressions of The Bush Admin.
I provide examples. Shut your hole until you can do the same.

I'll shut my hole when I damned-well please, not before, and certainly not for some left-wing partisan hack.

So we are clear on that?

As far as your examples, I haven't seen anything that is proof of anything from you yet, except that Fox News doesn't present what YOU consider important, and that Fox News doesn't cater to your political opinions.
I pointed to a SPECIFIC scenario, and challenged ANYONE to present instances of Fox News Reporting on it.

Rather than rise to the challenge, you attempt the typical fuckwit tactic of attacking the opponent, rather than his argument. Pathetic.
All you've done is accuse.

I pointed out obvious bullshit for what it is. Nothing more or less. I accused no one specifically of anything, and I damned sure didn't start hurling the insults. I don't need 'em. But that's how you want to play ... I'm game.

No FACTUAL EVIDENCE has been presented to prove anything. Only opinions. I presented nothing but my opinion, but I never claimed it was anything more or less than that. You have presented YOUR opinion as fact. Bad form.
And if you had a shred of honesty, you'd admit for every Republican that has been "ridiculously dishoneest," he/she has an equally dishonest Dem counterpart."

Once again, provide scenarios. I have done as such. Period.
I pointed to a SPECIFIC scenario, and challenged ANYONE to present instances of Fox News Reporting on it.

Rather than rise to the challenge, you attempt the typical fuckwit tactic of attacking the opponent, rather than his argument. Pathetic.

So? What does THAT prove? Nothing. And you can shove that attacking the opponent up your ass ... you started the insults, I just repsonded in kind. If you don't like getting back what you think you're just going to dish out to whoever you feel like it, then don't dish it out.

You come up with some arbitrary challenge that you believe suits your argument and claim the fact that I'm not going to bother trying to refute an obviously rehearsed, and intellectually dishonest argument as you providing evidence?

Get real. You've presented nothing but your opinion.
So? What does THAT prove? Nothing. And you can shove that attacking the opponent up your ass ... you started the insults, I just repsonded in kind. If you don't like getting back what you think you're just going to dish out to whoever you feel like it, then don't dish it out.

You come up with some arbitrary challenge that you believe suits your argument and claim the fact that I'm not going to bother trying to refute an obviously rehearsed, and intellectually dishonest argument as you providing evidence?

Get real. You've presented nothing but your opinion.

Wow. You held your temper pretty well when I feel you might have been justified not to. I like your disection of his attempted technique.
... if all you do is watch TV that is.

I watch about 6 hours of TV total per week. Most of that is the news, I do watch a couple of hours of Scifi shows though on Fridays.

The printed media is getting about as bad as the Vidiot media.....
And if you had a shred of honesty, you'd admit for every Republican that has been "ridiculously dishoneest," he/she has an equally dishonest Dem counterpart.

I just love this moral low ground of "they are just as bad as we are" :D

What happened to the party of principles , self responsibility and such ?