I'm Shocked to learn that Fox News barely covers the Iraq War

Give me a break... the Duke lacrosse crap came to national news because it was believed by so many to be a case of rich white kids raping a black woman. Which is why Sharpton et all came on the run to get justice... blah blah blah. That case would have been nothing had the race card not been thrown down so very early and had the DA not been up for re-election. It also was not JUST fox covering the story. IT was everywhere.

Also... a side note, while Iraq is certainly important they are not going to cover it 24/7. They are going to have other stories on. So if you do this random channel flipping to try to "prove" Fox is evil blah blah blah.. then you are moronic.

For people who are supposedly so sick of Fox and who seem to despise it so much, you sure seem to be watching it a lot.
Well I don't have control over what channel the country store has their TV turned to...
Fox news is never on TV in my home.
You do however have a choice as to whether you listen/watch? You also seem to act as though you are knowledgable about their days programming.... how could that be if you don't actually watch it?
You do however have a choice as to whether you listen/watch? You also seem to act as though you are knowledgable about their days programming.... how could that be if you don't actually watch it?

I have never been quite able to master that art of selective hearing that my Ex did so well.
If I am in an establishment I hear everything within range....kinda hard to filter out just the tv and still hear what fred is saying about the hay.
I have never been quite able to master that art of selective hearing that my Ex did so well.
If I am in an establishment I hear everything within range....kinda hard to filter out just the tv and still hear what fred is saying about the hay.
You are describing a Central Auditory Processing deficiency. If you can't filter out background noise then it would be very difficult indeed to hold a conversation at all.
"You are describing a Central Auditory Processing deficiency. If you can't filter out background noise then it would be very difficult indeed to hold a conversation at all."

The truth of the matter is that he WANTS to listen to Fox, he NEEDS to listen to Fox.... because he LUVVVVVVVVVVVVVS Fox.

Come on out of the closet US. ;)
"You are describing a Central Auditory Processing deficiency. If you can't filter out background noise then it would be very difficult indeed to hold a conversation at all."

The truth of the matter is that he WANTS to listen to Fox, he NEEDS to listen to Fox.... because he LUVVVVVVVVVVVVVS Fox.

Come on out of the closet US. ;)

Scary thought that....

Actually I just don't let Fox interfere with the rest of my life if it happens to be on somewhere. Actually some of the puffed up false outrage is somewhat entertaining. incredibly stupid, but entertaining. Kinda like watching a monkey at the zoo bang itself on the head with its foodbowl...