I'm Shocked to learn that Fox News barely covers the Iraq War

Gunny, can you show me an example of the head of any news department giving political advice to a Democratic president? That is accepted ass being a flagrant breach of ethics.

A few years ago, the head of Fox News was caught doing EXACTLY THAT for GWB. It got very little airplay.
A challenge:

Can someone please provide a link showing Fox News reporting on anything referring to The Senate Judiciary Committee, and its hearings referring to a certain Mr. Pryor.

I bet I can dredge something up about Mr. Pryor after the fact.

Those of you who were paying attention would easily see the problem here.

Something like this?

Published April 24, 2007?


Is that what you are looking for?

Attorney General Gonzales to Return to Capitol Hill For Meeting With Democratic Senator

WASHINGTON — Embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales will return to Capitol Hill on Wednesday, this time to meet with Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor, who recently called for the attorney general's resignation, accusing Gonzales of lying to the senator and his constituency in Arkansas.

Pryor was referring to a meeting he had in mid-December 2006 in which the attorney general asked him to consider Tim Griffin, a former aide to White House political strategist Karl Rove, for the job of U.S. attorney for Arkansas.

Gonzales' former Chief of Staff Kyle Sampson told committee investigators that Gonzales assured Pryor he wanted Griffin to go through Senate confirmation if Pryor approved of him. But four days after that conversation, Sampson pushed forward a plan from the Justice Department to circumvent the Senate confirmation process through the use of a provision slipped into the renewed U.S.A. Patriot Act that allowed interim U.S. attorneys to serve indefinitely without Senate approval. That provision has since been removed by lawmakers made aware of its unintended consequences.

"The attorney general not only lied to me as a person, but, when he lied to me, he lied to the Senate and he lied to the people I represent," Pryor said last month after hearing Sampson's statements.

More at link...
Or this?


House Panels Approve Rice Subpoena, Immunity For Gonzales Aide

In the story:

Goodling's immunity grant comes as Gonzales returned to Capitol Hill on Wednesday to meet with Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor, who recently called for the attorney general's resignation. Pryor accused Gonzales of lying to him and his constituency in Arkansas in a mid-December 2006 meeting.
Orrin Hatch, when he was the chair of The Senate Judiciary Committee, said "I don't care what you think!", when Patrick Leahy invoked Rule Four, of the rules of The Senate Judiciary Committee, the VERY SAME RULE that Hatch spoke accolades of when he was in the minority party.

Hatch violated Senate rules to FORCE Pryor into a judicial bench, violating the very rule he stated was wonderful when it suited him.

Fox news said nothing about that, but screamed bloody murder about a "up or down vote", when the Democrating minority resorted to a Filibuter as a means to keep him out.

No fucking shame in the right wing. Try to win at all costs.
This clearly supports my point. What I said of Pryor thus far SHOULD have been obvious, were you have to been informed. Fox News ignored that very important portion of history, because it cast a negative light on Republicans.
Ahh. I see. You want to see if I can find a story that reports Bush's appointment of Judge Pryor?

You see, in each of the stories I put forward there was a "certain Mr. Pryor" and a "Senate Judiciary Committee".
Rubbish, I put it in current context as you asked for a story about a "certain Mr. Pryor". There happens to be a Senator named Pryor in the current mix. Each of the stories I linked to had all of what you asked for.

"A challenge:

Can someone please provide a link showing Fox News reporting on anything referring to The Senate Judiciary Committee, and its hearings referring to a certain Mr. Pryor.

I bet I can dredge something up about Mr. Pryor after the fact.

Those of you who were paying attention would easily see the problem here."

In both cases there is a Pryor who is part of a story with the Senate Judiciary Committee and a hearing. Notice how it might have been a bit unclear?
I notice you didn't read the stories or you would note that all of your requested information were in both of those stories.

And no, I cannot find any Fox News story on Bush appointing Judge Pryor. I do remember it happening and the media coverage. But I watch other sources, as almost all of us do on this and all political boards I have ever been on.
There's no argument left to make, Guntard. Fox is hugely conservatively biased. This rundown of how often they don't cover the war is just one of dozens of examples that illustrate it. If you don't see it by now, I'm not going to be able to convince you.

Really? Well, you've insulted me twice while presenting absolutely NOTHING to support your allegation.

I'll trust my own judgement over a hack like you any day.
Hearings in which a Mr Pryor engaged are NOT hearings REFERRING to a Mr Pryor.
Anyway, one was an older story and I had remembered reading about Senator Pryor recently. If you are pretending that you can't see how it could easily been misinterpreted as the more recent reading was more in my memory, it was only because you wanted to give that beautiful ad hominem.

If you notice I asked questions like, "Like this story, or this one?" I didn't say, "Ha ha!" retard!!!" or anything of the sort.

Especially when your retort was "Hence, Senate Judiciary Committee" and you didn't even realize that the Senate Judiciary Committee featured prominently in both stories providled.
Gunny, that's simply nonsense. Fox is over-the-top.

They think they can get away with their ridiculous partisanship based on overinflated accusations made by the right wing.

Like I said, all they'd have to do is report it straight and it'd be seen as right to the left.

And I must have missed something .... ALL I've seen for the past 6+ years are regurgitated accusations from the left, used in cyclical fashion.

I could only hope the right would grow some damned balls and call the left on its bull.
Orrin Hatch's hypocrisy was not covered by the major news networks. I only heard a fleeting reference spoken by an interviewee on NPR, so I researched it.

It appears that The Republican Majority gutted Senate Judiciary Rules (or ignored them) so that they could shoehorn ridiculously partisan judges into seats of power.

Do you remember Republicans making ridiculous commercials stating "Catholics Need Not Apply!", during that hearing? I DO.

It was fucking disgusting.

If you had a shred of honesty, you'd admit that many powerful republicans have been ridiculously dishonest during the past several years.
Orrin Hatch's hypocrisy was not covered by the major news networks. I only heard a fleeting reference spoken by an interviewee on NPR, so I researched it.

It appears that The Republican Majority gutted Senate Judiciary Rules (or ignored them) so that they could shoehorn ridiculously partisan judges into seats of power.

Do you remember Republicans making ridiculous commercials stating "Catholics Need Not Apply!", during that hearing? I DO.

It was fucking disgusting.

If you had a shred of honesty, you'd admit that many powerful republicans have been ridiculously dishonest during the past several years.
Yep, and I saw that mentioned on Fox News, but it was after-the-fact stories.
Shit, the reason Pryor was a topic of discussion, was because he, supposedly, unethically requested donations to "The Republican Attorney Generals Association" from those who WERE UNDER INVESTIGATION by HIS office, when he was Attorney General of Alabama.

There was a former secretary of said organization who claimed to have documented proof, and The Republican majority threated to have her put in jail if she produced it.

Ridiculously, the overwhelming majority of Americans know almost nothing about it...even those who claim to keep up with politics.

The whole situation was fucking disgusting.
Fox News didn't wait to scream about "Up or Down Vote" after said situation, screaming about what a travesty it was, after they POINTEDLY IGNORED Orrin Hatch's WANTON HYPOCRISY.
No mention of how Senate Procedures, which were gladly used by Republicans, and honored by Democrats, were GUTTED AND IGNORED, when Republicans regained power.