I'm so very hungry.............


Tonight since I missed lunch playing on line with darla et al...think I will go for a NY steak,baked potatoe with sour cream and chives,Italian salad..and a cold beer..what are y'all having to recoup from protein loss...not you damo veggies don't count!:cof1:
i have vollyball tonight, so i am guessing i will drink dinner tonight... newcastle...maybe some pizza if i get time
tommarow will be a potroast with garil mashed red potatos, and some green beens

tommarow will be a potroast with garil mashed red potatos, and some green beens

Maybe I will adjust tonights dinner..Garlic mashed red potatoes...with a pot roast and green bean german salad or green bean cassorole sounds mighty good...thanks bob!...adios amigos dinner is a callin'
Maybe I will adjust tonights dinner..Garlic mashed red potatoes...with a pot roast and green bean german salad or green bean cassorole sounds mighty good...thanks bob!...adios amigos dinner is a callin'

no problem , enjoy some for me :)
i hate tie's... everytime i have to ware one i let everyone know what i think about it, basterds.
I cheat some, got some nice clipons. Can't tell by looking :D
the wife threw all my old ones out years ago, but no wife now.
I guess women just like the real ones so they can grab therm and coke us with them.
Had to buy a new pair of floorshines a few weeks ago too....
i cant wait until sunday... my dads b-day and the vikings game... we are going to smoke a prime rib roast, some sort of potato, and fresh some sort of veggie, oh ya and i am going to make some bacon wraped glazed lil smokeys for an app...mmmmmmm
I cheat some, got some nice clipons. Can't tell by looking :D
the wife threw all my old ones out years ago, but no wife now.
I guess women just like the real ones so they can grab therm and coke us with them.
Had to buy a new pair of floorshines a few weeks ago too....

LOL... no kidin, never tought of it that way
man now you got me thinking about food... i love food, i just wish my stomch could handelle my mind's appitite
i cant wait until sunday... my dads b-day and the vikings game... we are going to smoke a prime rib roast, some sort of potato, and fresh some sort of veggie, oh ya and i am going to make some bacon wraped glazed lil smokeys for an app...mmmmmmm

Do you get a buzz of of that ?
How do you keep it lit ?
man now you got me thinking about food... i love food, i just wish my stomch could handelle my mind's appitite

I had to cut back on food a bit about 50, started getting a pot belly. I still can eat more than most though and not get fat.
Darned protein puts the weight on me, not sweets.
Yeah got to thinking on that track when I mentioned garden.....
checked my garden yesterday, ready to harvest. Kinda nice having national forest land nearby.
I had to cut back on food a bit about 50, started getting a pot belly. I still can eat more than most though and not get fat.
Darned protein puts the weight on me, not sweets.

not me, i eat untill it hurts, my brother is the same way... i used to be a big fellow back in highschool, i was at 280 in 11th grade, now i cant seem to get above 225, dont get me wrong i aint tring to get fat. o and i dont eat sweets or drink pop and stuff like that.
heck I love sweets and MT Dew. I am about 5'10" and 180. Heck in HS I was a little guy, skipping 5th grade did not help plus I grew 2 inches after 18.
Yeah got to thinking on that track when I mentioned garden.....
checked my garden yesterday, ready to harvest. Kinda nice having national forest land nearby.

that would be nice, my garden was nothing but crap at first, all the soil in my area is real sandy, but after 5 years of working it with compost it producing some vary nice produce, so far i have dug up about 15lb's of potatos, off 3 plants and still have about 15 plants left to harvest. should last me the winter... i hope