I'm so very hungry.............

Tonights menu.............

Chicken Caccitorie'...beer and garlic bread...right now munching on Breakfast burritos...lotsa jalopenos,cheese,ham and spicey salsa eggs...mighty tastee with 'French Vanilla' coffee...!
Coffee is nasty. Except the starbucks frappacinnos or however ya spell them.

Personally I prefer tea in the morning. Or beer.

BB would probably drink it.
Oh btw BB I have never had to take any stomach medicine, antacids, purple pills, etc....

You catch on quick..naw I don't need em' either ...7 Up and milk is a old Rx prescribed by MD's for those who could not stomache antacids...actually I have been told it works quite well...another old Rx for cramps would be Tonic Water ! Sorry I just could not resist as you and bob went off on coffee...and for Capt Billy...ya drink beer in the morning?...Betta seek help as ya are just nineteen and this could be a sign of things to come>>>>>>>>AA meetings...:cof1:
Coffee is nasty. Except the starbucks frappacinnos or however ya spell them.

Personally I prefer tea in the morning. Or beer.

mmmm beer, beer is always a good eye opener, ofcorse unless you have to go to work. i dont mind tea i dont drink it often, really the only hot drink i drink alot of is hot apple cider, i cant get enough of that.
I am having Blueberries and creme coffee this morning, it is delicious.