I'm so very hungry.............

Ahahahaha! Our water flavored water is wonderful, comes out of the tap already cold! Gotta love permafrost.

you aint kiding... love my well water in the winter... ah well until it freezes, that sucks
Todays el Lunche'

Quick and simple....'Authentico' Cheese Manicotti...with a Millers Genuine Draft beer...ahhh taste is mighty good!:)

i had good ole wendys double bacon cheesburgers, and water, o and a few:cig:

so you cheated too today...I forgot to mention the el lunche' was a frozen entre from...non other than...'Michelina's'...if it were dinner time I would have gone the scratch route...but lunch is just a snack!...:cof1:
so you cheated too today...I forgot to mention the el lunche' was a frozen entre from...non other than...'Michelina's'...if it were dinner time I would have gone the scratch route...but lunch is just a snack!...:cof1:
not sure whats for dinner yet... hmmm
Lazy night tonight...Kids are all out and about...no date for me....so I will have the traditional bachelor Chili Cheese dogs with a cold beer and TV!...After I get bored with Message Board stuff....:cof1:
Worked on the farm all day, ate late, baked a big tater in the nukerwave , had some bag salad and a great big hunk of decaying bovine flesh seared on the Grill. with lots of real butter on the tater and horseradish with the meat.
Suffering from FBS now, won't last long.