Images that should effect your vote!

Just be glad that I didn't post with the maximum 25,000 characters allowed. In my just posted thread, I initally had 250,000 characters, however, I learned that wasn't postable, and I had to shorten it by a factor of 10.
Yes it will. Pax Americana. We leave everyone else alone, they leave us alone. If we try to interfere, even if our intentions are good, it will come back to haunt us. So just let them go fuck themselves. America should do what's best for America.

Kinda after the fact, don'tcha think?
I bet you cry yourself to sleep at night knowing that your images influenced no one and changed no ones mind.

yeah I guess only dead Americans lying in the street wakes certain people up to the realities of the war we are in. Some people just can't recognize a problem if it was pointing a gun at em...
I was on active duty, got my honorable discharge, then spent four years following in the reserves. Questioning my service, well I've seen some real articulate counter points...
This is reality. This is what we face, this is not something to ignore, this will not just go away if we leave Iraq, remember this was before Iraq, leaving the country tattered and torn will only breed tens of thousands of more terrorists, where as victory will plant the seeds that will defeat the root causes of terrorism, the strangle hold on education and media but thugs promoting this extremism as a mechanism they can use to control their populations, or fight, without using their names...

Here's what you refuse to get. Wars like Iraq ARE the seeds of terrorism.

It's maddening to those of us who get it.
Islamic Extremists, like the ones Saddam would give 25,000 to the families of if they blew themselves up? Islamic Extremists like when Saddam Hussein said on state run media, the perpetrators of 9/11 are within the collapsed buildings, man if your really think this, than the terrorists have already won. Pulling out, giving them a wealthy modern state to operate as the Taliban would mean we where attacked for the dozenth time, and it finally took dead people in the streets of New York City, to motivate us to topple the government supporting our foes, only to lose our nerve and give them a wealthier more modern state, with a good hold on the worlds principle resource. You and this mindset is exactly what Bin Laden uses to lambast us and rally support that he can use to attack us. 9/11 happened before Iraq, the USS Cole happened before Iraq, Khobar towers happened before Iraq, Chemical agents where deployed, unsuccessfully on US soil before Iraq.

All of those things happened before Obama anounced his canidacy also, so what? Iraq has nuthing to do with the war on religous extreemists. It is a shamefull and pittifull chapter in American History that should be closed as soon as possable. I am all for fighting the war in Afganistan, and all for working on Pakastan and Iraq and Iran to promote limits on the power of religous extreemism, but continueing the war in Iraq does not promote that goal.
I could give to shits about your service you coward, why are you not fighting in Iraq you chicken hawk.
Here's what you refuse to get. Wars like Iraq ARE the seeds of terrorism.

It's maddening to those of us who get it.

Once more we where not in Iraq during 9/11, Saddam was funding terrorism before 9/11, what where are we facing psychic terrorists?
All of those things happened before Obama anounced his canidacy also, so what? Iraq has nuthing to do with the war on religous extreemists. It is a shamefull and pittifull chapter in American History that should be closed as soon as possable. I am all for fighting the war in Afganistan, and all for working on Pakastan and Iraq and Iran to promote limits on the power of religous extreemism, but continueing the war in Iraq does not promote that goal.

Obama, who votes 'present' most of the time rather than take a position is not the man to tackle the very serious issues we face the he quit frankly, is ignoring, You can't take the politically safe position as President, you can't vote 'present' as President.
If he spent 4 years in inactive reserves he was active for four years.

But I thought he was very young and in college back when we were at FP and I thought he said he got out early for school or something.

I'm not accusing him of anything. I don't know why he got defensive. It is just a question. I'm curious.
But I thought he was very young and in college back when we were at FP and I thought he said he got out early for school or something.

I'm not accusing him of anything. I don't know why he got defensive. It is just a question. I'm curious.
Did he get defensive?

I'm just going by the standard contract. If he was in the inactive reserves for 4 years he would have been in for 4. :dunno: