Images that should effect your vote!

I tried the active reserves after I got out. My first weekend we had inspection. I had a thread hanging off my unit patch, a gig without a doubt, but the First Sergent's BDU buttons were screaming from him being so overweight and I thought, "I'll be damned if this shitbag overweight fuck is going to inspect me when he is so obviously not in compliance with regs." So I quit.
I just don't see how my service plays into this, and damo is correct.

It is ok if you don't want to tell us. You could have just said that. I do remember statements you made on the other site. I just wonder why such a diehard warhawk "patriot" would exit the military when he is needed the most.
Jeeze since I must defend my service record...

4 years active, 4 years IRR, during most of this I have stood on call during this time of war, you can examine my statements since, I've been awaiting a call up, and been shocked they haven't. I'm no delta operative, but have worn the uniform, and I will eventually return when the pieces fit. I never said I left early, WTF are you talking about???
Obama, who votes 'present' most of the time rather than take a position is not the man to tackle the very serious issues we face the he quit frankly, is ignoring, You can't take the politically safe position as President, you can't vote 'present' as President.

You should study the rules of the Illinois State Senate before you make that silly silly claim. IN fact your claim illistrates your extreem ignorance on the subject.

In Illinois, if you like a bill, but want something changed about it, so you want it returned to committee for revisions, you vote Present, in stead of yes or no. That way the bill is not killed, but sent back for changes.

I learned that from Rush Linberger, explaining why Obama voted present so many times!
I tried the active reserves after I got out. My first weekend we had inspection. I had a thread hanging off my unit patch, a gig without a doubt, but the First Sergent's BDU buttons were screaming from him being so overweight and I thought, "I'll be damned if this shitbag overweight fuck is going to inspect me when he is so obviously not in compliance with regs." So I quit.

I love it, thats great!
Jeeze since I must defend my service record...

4 years active, 4 years IRR, during most of this I have stood on call during this time of war, you can examine my statements since, I've been awaiting a call up, and been shocked they haven't. I'm no delta operative, but have worn the uniform, and I will eventually return when the pieces fit. I never said I left early, WTF are you talking about???

I must be wrong. It must have been one of the other right wing extremists. I get them mixed up sometimes.
You should study the rules of the Illinois State Senate before you make that silly silly claim. IN fact your claim illistrates your extreem ignorance on the subject.

In Illinois, if you like a bill, but want something changed about it, so you want it returned to committee for revisions, you vote Present, in stead of yes or no. That way the bill is not killed, but sent back for changes.

I learned that from Rush Linberger, explaining why Obama voted present so many times!

nice way to spin not taking a position so many times. Oh that's how the game is played. If he didn't like it he could vote no, it by default goes back to the drawing board, and he's taken a position. Nice try though...
nice way to spin not taking a position so many times. Oh that's how the game is played. If he didn't like it he could vote no, it by default goes back to the drawing board, and he's taken a position. Nice try though...

No, you clearly lack an understanding of the process a bill goes through in the Illinois State Legislature, by voting "no" the bill is killed and must start the process over again from the begining. If, however, enough people vote "present" the bill merely goes back one step... to the comittee to be rescheduled for a new vote once amendments have had a chance to be attached.

I know it is complicated, and you think you have something on Obama. And maybe the Republican attack machine can use this to get some mileage from those who only care about the headline... but if you are being honest and are not an idiot... you can understand why a "present" vote can be a usefull tool and does not mean he is merely avoiding an issue, he is demanding an improved bill. This is just the type of hit and run attack that is sooo harmfull to Americna politics and that I belive the people are really SICK of. Its like claiming that Gore said he invented the internet or that Kerry was a snob.

Its like declaring "mission accomplished"

or naming the patirot act, the "Patirot Act"

or calling the education package, "No clild left behind"

Your actions are Rovian and the people, if they are smart enough to see through it are sick of it.

I dont think it will work again!
No, you clearly lack an understanding of the process a bill goes through in the Illinois State Legislature, by voting "no" the bill is killed and must start the process over again from the begining. If, however, enough people vote "present" the bill merely goes back one step... to the comittee to be rescheduled for a new vote once amendments have had a chance to be attached.

Of course WRL lacks understanding. What did you expect?
Obama, who votes 'present' most of the time rather than take a position is not the man to tackle the very serious issues we face the he quit frankly, is ignoring, You can't take the politically safe position as President, you can't vote 'present' as President.

Well, you also have to show up for work as President, something McCain couldn't be bothered to do recently. He has missed more votes than he has participated in and has missed more votes than any other Senator that didn't suffer a severe brain hemorrhage.

Glass houses and all . . .
lol what a crock, you have a simple choice, yes or no, or present. Obama choose present instead of taking some positions, either way it goes back to the drawing board, if it doesn't pass, so if he had problems with it he gambled bad legislation would pass, and that's not the kind of leadership America is looking for. Sounds like just another spineless Washington politician racing for a Presidential bid way way to early. If he had a problem with certain aspects of a bill he could just as well said no, and your ridicules spin for this blank page of a Senator is laughable.
lol what a crock, you have a simple choice, yes or no, or present. Obama choose present instead of taking some positions, either way it goes back to the drawing board, if it doesn't pass, so if he had problems with it he gambled bad legislation would pass, and that's not the kind of leadership America is looking for. Sounds like just another spineless Washington politician racing for a Presidential bid way way to early. If he had a problem with certain aspects of a bill he could just as well said no, and your ridicules spin for this blank page of a Senator is laughable.


Voting no kills the bill, it would have to start the enrire process again, it could take years. Present, merely sends it back to commttee. Maybe you dont understand how a bill becomes a law.

I'm just a bill, just a regular bill, sitting here on Capitol Hill!
Please, you're obviously the one who doesn't understand how legislation works, now go back to google and try harder...
Please, you're obviously the one who doesn't understand how legislation works, now go back to google and try harder...

Hahaha, thats all you got... Okay. I understand, this close to the election blind partisinship has set in!