Images that should effect your vote!

That is not wrong, if enough yes votes get through, it passes. So by not taking a position he was gambling on bad legislation becoming law. Is that the kind of leadership America is looking for, when the next terrorist attack happens, do we want a President, or someone who is present, with the deficit and debt, do we want someone watching on the sidelines, present, or do we want a President who can lead?

That's what this election will come down to, do you think we are at a point where just being 'present' in the White House is good enough, is that warm fuzzy feeling a serious substitute for real leadership from a principled American legend, in John McCain.
lol what a crock, you have a simple choice, yes or no, or present. Obama choose present instead of taking some positions, either way it goes back to the drawing board, if it doesn't pass, so if he had problems with it he gambled bad legislation would pass, and that's not the kind of leadership America is looking for. Sounds like just another spineless Washington politician racing for a Presidential bid way way to early. If he had a problem with certain aspects of a bill he could just as well said no, and your ridicules spin for this blank page of a Senator is laughable.
Were you an supply sargeant in an MI battalion? Because your understanding of this issue, and your reading comprehension are so poor that I cannot see you getting the kid of scores on the ASVAB that would actually make you an intell analyst. Voting present, with enough others INSURES bad legislation doesn't pass. But since you don't like Obama anyway you are going to misread it anyway you see fit. The same way you look at the last 5 years in Iraq and see success. You are THE partisan hack on this site. If Obama could touch shit and turn it to gold you would complain that it was only 18 carrat gold, if he singlehandedly came up with a cure for heart disease you complain that he doesn't care about population control. If he pulled your mother out of a fire you complain he didn't go back in for the dog.
Here's an image that should affect your vote:


The image of our money being sucked into the black hole of Iraq, borrowed from China with an interest payment now of 200 billion a year on the national debt.
Were you an supply sargeant in an MI battalion? Because your understanding of this issue, and your reading comprehension are so poor that I cannot see you getting the kid of scores on the ASVAB that would actually make you an intell analyst. Voting present, with enough others INSURES bad legislation doesn't pass. But since you don't like Obama anyway you are going to misread it anyway you see fit. The same way you look at the last 5 years in Iraq and see success. You are THE partisan hack on this site. If Obama could touch shit and turn it to gold you would complain that it was only 18 carrat gold, if he singlehandedly came up with a cure for heart disease you complain that he doesn't care about population control. If he pulled your mother out of a fire you complain he didn't go back in for the dog.

Give me a break, this is just ridiculous, spin away his lack of being able to take solid positions, like accepting public funding...

Obviously you've done drank the whole jug of koolaid, and I've said my piece. This kind of far left, I mean it took him one term to get ranked the most liberal member of that body, flimsy flip flopping 'present' leadership is not what America needs right now. We need a Commander and Chief on day one, one who can make tough decisions, not dance around them. Dancing around our problems in the 1990's, our so called 'holiday from history' is what got us into this mess in the first place.

And for the record my scores where far above an Intel Analyst. I turned down that job...
Here's an image that should affect your vote:


The image of our money being sucked into the black hole of Iraq, borrowed from China with an interest payment now of 200 billion a year on the national debt.

Hey I agree there are many things we need to do regarding the economy, especially our debt. But asking our soldiers to die in vain, handing ourselves military defeat is not the answer. I think John McCain had the right answer all along, tax cuts and spending cuts. If we'd have followed that model then, we would be talking about more tax cuts today, not just fighting to preserve those already on the books. We need to stop frivolous out of control spending, we need to fix mandatory spending, that is soon to engulf 70% of our budget, the military is only taking 20%
Hey I agree there are many things we need to do regarding the economy, especially our debt. But asking our soldiers to die in vain, handing ourselves military defeat is not the answer. I think John McCain had the right answer all along, tax cuts and spending cuts. If we'd have followed that model then, we would be talking about more tax cuts today, not just fighting to preserve those already on the books. We need to stop frivolous out of control spending, we need to fix mandatory spending, that is soon to engulf 70% of our budget, the military is only taking 20%
Asking our soldiers to die in vain? You and your ilk are the ones sending more soldiers to be nothing more than grist for the mill. READ for once you fucking shameless hack! Bagdad sits in a huge pool or raw piss and shit. Clinics open up and there are no doctors or nurses to work there. Suni's can't work in Shia neighborhoods and vice versa. Over three million Iraqi's have refused to return to your Middle Eastern Democratic Utopia. And when they do if they are Suni they can't have their PRIVATE PROPERTY back and WE support this policy. Fuck sakes I can't buy a Cohiba cigar cause a bunch of whiney ass Cubans backed the loser in their revolution and now they think they deserve to have their land back. But the US is IN Iraq and people don't have the right to claim their own homes.

I have asked you this before and you have NEVER answered. How much longer? 5 years? 10 years? 50? How many MORE dead American soldiers? 5k? 10k? What is success going to look like? YOu and the guy whose ass you are hermetically sealed to can't answer any of these questions. If you are waiting for a July 4th-esque event, I would also encourage you to hold your breath till it happens.
Attacks in Baghdad 'fall 80%'...

READ up...

And success is what we are seeing today, violence down, oil sharing revenue working, debathification undone, incorporating all elements of Iraqi society into the government. And be real for once, in a historical context, take Vietnam, where some 58,000 US forces gave their lives, or WWII where some, 418,500 gave their lives, trying to call a conflict that has only taken 4,000 lives a bloodbath is absurd in historical context. Is each death tragic, yes, is this one of the least bloody conflict in our history, absolutely.
Attacks in Baghdad 'fall 80%'...

READ up...

And success is what we are seeing today, violence down, oil sharing revenue working, debathification undone, incorporating all elements of Iraqi society into the government. And be real for once, in a historical context, take Vietnam, where some 58,000 US forces gave their lives, or WWII where some, 418,500 gave their lives, trying to call a conflict that has only taken 4,000 lives a bloodbath is absurd in historical context. Is each death tragic, yes, is this one of the least bloody conflict in our history, absolutely.

So basically you are saying "fuck the soldiers! you can do 3 or 4 or more tours in a combat zone. Too bad you don't like stop loss and you should have been out 2 years ago. Too bad, so sad, you are stuck here for who knows how long." Also you, as I suspected, are saying NOTHING about the fact that there is for lack of a better word micro balkanization going on. Sunis and Shia living in their areas of town and KILLING the otherside if they accidentally stray in. You said nothing about the fact that Sunis have lost their private property and are not getting it back and YOUR president supports that policy. And you have said nothing about the fact that a city the size of Bagdad is living is a swamp of sewage. Your definition of success is a body count in reverse. So long as less people die who gives a fuck if any real rebuilding gets done or if Doctors and nurses are unavailable to man all those new clinics we seem to be so proud of. The destruction after WWII was massive, yet 5 years after the war ended Their electric worked, their sewage stayed in the sewers, they had fresh water that came right out of the tap. And as you said, that was a serious war with huge amounts of ordinance dropped and rebuilding Germany actually was taking place 5 years after the war's "Mission [was] Accomplished".