Imagine if RBG got corona :D

And I would respond by saying:

1. You were upset enough to make several posts crying about what an awful human being you think I am.

2. Unlike you, I never said I'd laugh or celebrate the deaths of the kids, nor did I even say that I wished or hoped for their deaths. I merely pondered about the outcome.

3. RBG is not a politician or a hack. She's a decent human being and an appointed member of the judiciary, who has something you and every other right-winger including her conservative counterparts on the court lack.... empathy and compassion for other people. Especially the less fortunate.

A quality that you on the right hold a special contempt for.

Dems view the courts as political offices.
Imagine if she survived it.

Imagine if she not only survived it, but came back stronger, badder and more indestructible than ever.

A Ruth "Badass Bader" Ginsburg, if you will...


Super Bad!!!!


If you and Damocles are the same person, then no.

I believe you are.

Why do so many people like having socks on this forum? I don't know about Damocles and Kimbo but Legion and The Anonymous are obviously the same person. Sad.