Impeachment May Not Be Neccessary...


Will work for Scooby snacks
A far out theory, but one I hadn't considered.

Bush may be stalling for time, because he knows he's trapped the american army in Iraq. Like a fly to the flypaper. I actually heard a military expert on CNN corroborate what this post is saying: a military withdrawl out of Iraq is not going to be that easy. They could have to squeeze through a bottleneck down to kuwait, and run a guantlet and hail of RPG fire and IEDs. Hopefully not, though.

Impeachment May Be Unnecessary


….I always took one prediction from (Steve) Gilliard very seriously: impeachment of Bush wouldn’t be necessary, for sometime late in the term Bush will resign as the retreat from Baghdad erupts into a horrifying conflagration of failure. One can scoff all one wants, it’s certainly merited, but for some reason that prediction always had a sharp poignancy for me and I’m watching very closely next 17 months to see what really happens.

Great change is moving underneath the American political environment, all the evidence incrementally small and anecdotal so far, but for whatever reason summer 2007 might finally be a time where political acceptance of the Iraq war simply vanishes to any relevant degree, with even up to half of the 25% hardcore Republican base abandoning Bush. The Republicans are going to get totally wiped out in 2008 if they don’t try Bush disengagement, and with no successor the GOP nomination internecine battles could get extremely ugly, it could easily happen.

If that comes to pass timetables for withdrawal always seem to congeal to a time frame of next spring, nine months from now. That leaves Bush eight months left in his term with everything in utter ruins, irrevocably the worst of all time in a cycle of deathly retreat, hated, loathed and despised in a reek of smashed deceit. Gilliard’s prediction was that Bush would mentally crack up at that point and resign, Cheney along with him in criminal disgrace, with a caretaker President sitting out the rest of the term.


Leaving a “Residual” military force behind in Iraq: Residual force will mean leaving our people behind under greatly magnified threat risks precisely present now. If 165,000 troops are not nearly enough to secure the country and are killed in an environment where they’re hated and not wanted, how could leaving 25,000 behind improve matters? …snip.

The vacuous, contemptible stupidity of “residual force” is only magnified by the amazingly rosy confidence Americans possess that retreat from Iraq will be an orderly, calm normal process, like checking out groceries. It could be horrifyingly bad, thousands of deaths in flaming ruins of abandoned equipment.

(Steve Gilliard) knew Baghdad has radically changed since the invasion, many critical bridges have been blown up, and the few roads south for our armored divisions are now alarmingly even more crimped. Steve knew the Iraqis didn’t blow up their bridges on the Euphrates when the Americans invaded, but they could easily do it when the hated heathens try to leave.

For now Iraqi insurgents enjoy hitting the parliament building with serious mortar fire, but in the pell-mell of retreat the airport perimeter could be breached and chaos rain down with the simplest of easily available weapons. If George Bush is hated now, imagine what images of burning C-5 transports in a lost war will create in the American public.

I don’t see Bush resigning in utter disgrace next summer as farfetched in that scenario, I really don’t. Not only is Bush an unstable lying killer, he’s also a plain character lightweight, coddled and shielded from failure all his life. Defeat in Iraq could easily be too much for him to handle mentally, and Steve would always grimly predict Bush would be forcibly removed from the oval office, babbling even more incoherently than he does now under a cloud of medications.

If the country finally demands retreat from Iraq in Bush’s term it could happen. ….snip…much stranger things have happened in this world…


by paradox
My own belief is like this:

Clinton was impeached but was not removed from office.He was not convicted by the Senate.

IMHO if Bush were impeached. he would resign rather than take the chance of removal from office.
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My own belief is like tyhis:

Clinton was impeacvhed but was not removed from office.He was not convicterd by the Senate.

IMHO if Bush were impeasched. he weould resign rather than take the chance of removal from office.
I doubt that, because there are not enough votes if the vote went along largely party lines, which is usually how these go.
My own belief is like this:

Clinton was impeached but was not removed from office.He was not convicted by the Senate.

IMHO if Bush were impeached. he would resign rather than take the chance of removal from office.

Unless Bush is video taped eating a live baby, or some other smoking gun of a horrendous crime is made public, you'll never get 16 GOP senators to vote to remove him from office.

That's why I think the most likely impeachment scenarios are:

1) Through the course of relentless and probing Democratic investigations, a smoking gun is found, and the house of cards collapses.

2) Bush has a mental breakdown, as the article posted, speculates.
This is why Olberman made his special comment about asking Bush to just do one last thing for this country and resign.

If this admins crimes are never fully investigated some asshole down the line will repete them.

Wont you cans be so happy if its someone other than a republican.
This is why Olberman made his special comment about asking Bush to just do one last thing for this country and resign.

If this admins crimes are never fully investigated some asshole down the line will repete them.

Wont you cans be so happy if its someone other than a republican.
Fuck impeachment?

How about criminal prosecution?

A war crimes tribunal.

"A Nuremberg chief prosecutor says there is a case for trying Bush for the 'supreme crime against humanity, an illegal war of aggression against a sovereign nation.'

Click on the link and look at the picture on the right .. that's what I'm talking about.

Fuck impeachment?

How about criminal prosecution?

A war crimes tribunal.

"A Nuremberg chief prosecutor says there is a case for trying Bush for the 'supreme crime against humanity, an illegal war of aggression against a sovereign nation.'

Click on the link and look at the picture on the right .. that's what I'm talking about.

This also apply to you and your ilk...Bison Breath!
This also apply to you and your ilk...Bison Breath!

Bison breath?

Is that funny in the circles you travel in?

Is that a joke you used to tell in the "officers quarters" .. nod nod wink wink

Oh .. that's right .. you're an apache and probably came from when you used to smoke payote' with the buffalo. I'm Ogala, we no smoke with the buffalo.
Nope....on the dope...

Bison breath?

Is that funny in the circles you travel in?

Is that a joke you used to tell in the "officers quarters" .. nod nod wink wink

Oh .. that's right .. you're an apache and probably came from when you used to smoke payote' with the buffalo. I'm Ogala, we no smoke with the buffalo.

However it is a inside joke...applies to those who snort alot....kinda akin to naming someone...'Walking Eagle' full of shit to fly...anymore questions 'Bison Breath'?
I doubt that, because there are not enough votes if the vote went along largely party lines, which is usually how these go.

YOU apparently missed my point. The embarrassment would cause him to quit. He is a spoiled little boy.

However, I'm not so sure the votes wouldn't be there.
However it is a inside joke...applies to those who snort alot....kinda akin to naming someone...'Walking Eagle' full of shit to fly...anymore questions 'Bison Breath'?

Oh, I get it .. you tell inside jokes on a message board so only you will think it's funny.

That's crafty. :)