Impeachment May Not Be Neccessary...

Cypress your a Koolaid drinking radical that reaks of an unsuccessful life. Dems have a hard enough time producing a candidate better than dukakis or Kerry. You childish bashings of Bush are Dean like.
Someone wanted me to post a name the other day of a Bush apologist coming out of the woodwork as the desperation in the Republican party grows...
Well Spinner is one name :)
where did I apologize moron, I've for bettering the dems top candidates not this juvenille bashing. Your also a clown for joining in every 30 minutes.
Cypress your a Koolaid drinking radical that reaks of an unsuccessful life. Dems have a hard enough time producing a candidate better than dukakis or Kerry. You childish bashings of Bush are Dean like.

I've never backed a losing Democratic candidate in my life, dummy. I supported Clinton in 92 and 96 - Gore in 2000 (we know he really won), and Howard Dean in 2004: Because I was anti-war, while you were voting for bush and allowing him to slaughter unneccessarily thousands of american soliders. And I think Dean would have beat the moron bush

So, with that blood on your hands, I reject your assertion about my "choices" for president. ;)
Cypress your a Koolaid drinking radical that reaks of an unsuccessful life. Dems have a hard enough time producing a candidate better than dukakis or Kerry. You childish bashings of Bush are Dean like.

In case you missed it .. earth is bashing Bush, including many republicans .. and the democratic candidates compare quite well today against the pro-war, pro-torture groupf of republicans.

In case you missed it .. earth is bashing Bush, including many republicans .. and the democratic candidates compare quite well today against the pro-war, pro-torture groupf of republicans.

are we forgetting 'Madeline Halfbrights'..and Billy Bobs Croation war...they did the same thing ya are accusing the opposition a little research on Maddies and Billys little war..Hypo!

Side note: at least GW kept the Stars and Stripes on the planes ID...Unlike Billy and Madie hiding under the UN/Nato banner...try again BAC the war vet!..or not...Ya haven't provided any proof as of yet!
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The few remaining dead-enders - the 26 percenters who still approve of Bush - are in full delusional mode.

The world hates this man. Most americans do too. His illegal war is nearly universally condemned by everyone on the planet (outside of 40 million kool aid drunk republicans), and he is responsible for lighting the match that ignited a civil war that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of dead and maimed people, and close to four million displaced refugees.

The man is a disgrace to america, and to humanity in general. I believe he is, in fact, a criminal.
I am beginning to agree. He seems akin to Charles Manson.
What wasn't civil about stating that Impeachment convictions have historically gone largely on party lines?

SORRY DAMO, Please note the double quote"Your quote got somehow combined with BB's. I was referring strictly to BB's reference to Bison Breath NOT to your comment.