Impeachment May Not Be Neccessary...

Of course that is why the supreme court had to decide between Bush and Gore ;)

The Supreme Court did not decided between Bush and Gore. The Supreme court ruled whether or not the Florida Supreme Court could change voting laws 'after or during an election which would have direct baring on an election that is being contested' which is what they attempted to do. The Supreme Court said that they cannot.
The Supreme Court did not decided between Bush and Gore. The Supreme court ruled whether or not the Florida Supreme Court could change voting laws 'after or during an election which would have direct baring on an election that is being contested' which is what they attempted to do. The Supreme Court said that they cannot.

Dont be obtuse, they knew the effect of what they were doing.
Cypress your a Koolaid drinking radical that reaks of an unsuccessful life. Dems have a hard enough time producing a candidate better than dukakis or Kerry. You childish bashings of Bush are Dean like.

You ever hear of Clinton?

Have you seen what the Repugs have put up...

Bush I
Bush II
Bush II

Talk about pittafull canidates.