Senator John McCain would be rightly critical of President Trump.
No, he'd bend over, grab his ankles, and take one up the ass from a black former President because McCain is ashamed of being unable to defeat an incompetent black.
Senator John McCain would be rightly critical of President Trump.
True he has some values. That is not permitted. Trump can do no wrong.
Probably having gay sex.
wouldn't say he can do no wrong......I will concede that you've never proved he has......
Have you noticed how desperately he is trying to fight a simple legal and lawful investigation? He is doing what a guilty man does.
sure....because innocent people never defend themselves......
He is not defending himself at all. He is blocking the cases from proceeding. The Dems are giving him ample time and press coverage to prove he is innocent. You ought to know better. He acts like he is guilty and has much to hide. Hillary showed up and got sworn in. She showed the Repugs had no case. Trump has that opportunity and flees it.
oh for fucks sake.......instead of defending himself in court with procedures set forth by law you figure its sufficient if you give him time to prove himself innocent in the news media?......YOU are the one acting like he's guilty and it makes you look incredibly stupid...have the House vote......otherwise shut the fuck up and go back to sucking your thumb......
I am a completely mindless cunt
I am utterly and shamelessly dishonest.
we realize you can't help yourself.......Trump is manipulating your mind.......
of course I don't........I'm not a demmycunt........its the demmycunts who should be have no shame.
of course I don't........I'm not a demmycunt........its the demmycunts who should be ashamed......
If you had the ability to evaluate facts you would not be such a blind ass Trumplestilskin. You have never criticized the most corrupt administration we have ever had.
it's sad that you're an adult with the mind of a seven year old child......
Cindy McCain has already expressed her disappointment in the Trumpublicans, do you think she was thinking of Lindsey in particular? I do.
The bigger question is what would Lindsey be doing with McCain around?