In case your FB wasn't blowing up with this today:

to be honest, i agree with the power grab....that did bush, so did clinton and so forth....

i really don't care about politics with healthcare. i really don't. i have suggested other ways that might work....those ideas are not on the floor and will never be considered except in cyber i want to know the real answer.....because this bill will come.....please see this thread and i will link this to that thread:

APP - what is wrong with the government option? - Just Plain Politics!

I saw your other thread..I don't have all those answers..I know health savings accounts were presented during the Bush years and the Democrats rejected it...
If you're for the Hugo Obamas plan, then you are..
I saw your other thread..I don't have all those answers..I know health savings accounts were presented during the Bush years and the Democrats rejected it...
If you're for the Hugo Obamas plan, then you are..

ok....look foward to your posts in that thread....

i'm on the fence and leaning towards the lib plan.....
everyone in this country can get HEATH that point is a lie..

and no one should go broke if they get sick, so instead all the people who actually work in this country should pay for all sweet is that.
Wow. Your thinking is truly just limited to yourself.

How does that work for you in life?
€ r ı π ∂;510424 said:
Hey, did you see my bald head picture?
Grind, I have never seen Facebook abbreviated before. EVER. I've never even seen MySpace abbreviated, although, calling it MS could be confused with Microsoft...
She is a compassionate con.

I'm as compassionate as you are..

I'm just more up front and honest with my opinions than you lefties who try to hide who you really are..and pretend to be something your not..
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everyone in this country can get HEATH that point is a lie..

and no one should go broke if they get sick, so instead all the people who actually work in this country should pay for all sweet is that.

Yes, that is something called society where the strong take care of the weak apparently it's a alien concept to you.