In case your FB wasn't blowing up with this today:

Yes, that was flooding FaceBook over the last few days.

I copied and posted it as my status as well. Having that up does not mean you support Obama's healthcare plan. It just means you agree with the sentiment expressed.

"No one should die because they cannot afford health care, and no one should go broke because they get sick" is not taking political sides.

The idea that no one should die because they cannot afford healthcare is a valid statement. Yes, anyone in this country can get emergency medical care without insurance. That works great for car accidents, shootings, or various mishaps.

But anyone that thinks that it works for cancer is mistaken (at best). There are any number of medical problems that require periodic medical exams to detect, especially in the early stages. By the time they become something that will get someone to an emergency room it is too late.

And if anyone thinks that there are not far too many people going broke because of medical bills has simply ignored the truth.
yeah like you know me. do you go to work and donate your whole paycheck to the weak?

So that is the only option? Who here has said anything about donating their whole paycheck? Stop trolling and try to be a bit more rational.
So that is the only option? Who here has said anything about donating their whole paycheck? Stop trolling and try to be a bit more rational.

listen sonny or missy whatever you are, I don't need you to tell me what to do, K
I asked a question of someone who accused me of not caring for the weak..if I recall that wasn't directed at you..
listen sonny or missy whatever you are, I don't need you to tell me what to do, K
I asked a question of someone who accused me of not caring for the weak..if I recall that wasn't directed at you..

Oh, I'm sorry, did you think a public forum is a place for a private conversation? If you post things out here they are fair game for comments from anyone. Unless you plan to stop responding to anything that isn't directed at you.
Oh, I'm sorry, did you think a public forum is a place for a private conversation? If you post things out here they are fair game for comments from anyone. Unless you plan to stop responding to anything that isn't directed at you.

good, now we have that settled..
from what I have been seeing, face book was being spammed with this saying by the original
from what I have been seeing, face book was being spammed with this saying by the original

What part of that saying means "lefties"?

It is not an endorsement of the Obamacare bill. Quite a few conservatives on my FB friends list posted the saying as well.
Yes, that was flooding FaceBook over the last few days.

I copied and posted it as my status as well. Having that up does not mean you support Obama's healthcare plan. It just means you agree with the sentiment expressed.

"No one should die because they cannot afford health care, and no one should go broke because they get sick" is not taking political sides.

The idea that no one should die because they cannot afford healthcare is a valid statement. Yes, anyone in this country can get emergency medical care without insurance. That works great for car accidents, shootings, or various mishaps.

But anyone that thinks that it works for cancer is mistaken (at best). There are any number of medical problems that require periodic medical exams to detect, especially in the early stages. By the time they become something that will get someone to an emergency room it is too late.

And if anyone thinks that there are not far too many people going broke because of medical bills has simply ignored the truth.
I was arguing with some wingnut the other day. When I said medical bills were the number 1 cause of bankruptcy he told me I was wrong, that divorce was. How can you argue with an idiot like that?
I was arguing with some wingnut the other day. When I said medical bills were the number 1 cause of bankruptcy he told me I was wrong, that divorce was. How can you argue with an idiot like that?

It is not uncommone for people to divorce so a sick one can get on medicaid.

You can't argure with idiots. Webb, meme, etc...

I was right about republicans being sorry they voted Bush in.
I was right about no WMD, and Iraq turing into a quagmire.
I was right about the recession.
I am still waiting for meme to explain why the FB post was "leftie" and not a universal sentiment.

Do righties want people to die because they have no health insurance or think its ok for people to go broke because they got sick?
I am still waiting for meme to explain why the FB post was "leftie" and not a universal sentiment.

Do righties want people to die because they have no health insurance or think its ok for people to go broke because they got sick?

so dramatic..yet they talk about the right using "death panels"
so dramatic..yet they talk about the right using "death panels"

I don't know who "they" are or when this was said. But earlier today in this thread you said "face book was being spammed with this saying by the lefties" about the FB posts.

I asked you before to tell us what is "lefty" about what was posted on FB.

You want to go off on who said what on other stuff, thats fine. But I didn't say anything about righties and "death panels".
I don't know who "they" are or when this was said. But earlier today in this thread you said "face book was being spammed with this saying by the lefties" about the FB posts.

I asked you before to tell us what is "lefty" about what was posted on FB.

You want to go off on who said what on other stuff, thats fine. But I didn't say anything about righties and "death panels".

good grief...I just ASSUMED like you all it sounds like something a lefty would make
good grief...I just ASSUMED like you all it sounds like something a lefty would make

Thats what I thought. Not sure what it means? Make it an insult aimed at the left. Always a safe bet, huh?