In case your FB wasn't blowing up with this today:

Thats what I thought. Not sure what it means? Make it an insult aimed at the left. Always a safe bet, huh?

Pfeeesh...the saying sounded like a 15 yr old mush brained lefty made it up...sorry, that's how I see it..:cof1:
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Well, according to a former Congresswoman from Denver Conservatives not only want people to die and go broke, they want old people to eat dog food and they are "coming for your children"...
Well, according to a former Congresswoman from Denver Conservatives not only want people to die and go broke, they want old people to eat dog food and they are "coming for your children"...

Oh man I remember that..
ok....look foward to your posts in that thread....

i'm on the fence and leaning towards the lib plan.....

The lib plan is medicare for all. Obama isn't a liberal. That's clear now. Obama is a centrist ready to appease the righties because the liberals have no other options.

If he was a liberal, he wouldn't be giving up on the private option. If he was a liberal (let alone a socialist) he'd have pushed for single payer from the get-go.

This isn't the "liberal plan." It's Obama's plan and you can bank on a huge progressive organization against the guy in the 2012 primaries.
everyone in this country can get HEATH that point is a lie..

and no one should go broke if they get sick, so instead all the people who actually work in this country should pay for all sweet is that.

Not if they can't afford it. And if you believe otherwise, you are stupid. Which is why I"m not surprised you would state such an obviously outright falsehood.
Didn't see it, it seems that the FB program is full of phail.

Ah....that's right. Because if you didn't come across it, it must not be relevant.

Anyway, technically you did see it and it spilled out of fb and onto a website that you maintain.

Obama +1
Axis of Evil 0
Grind, I have never seen Facebook abbreviated before. EVER. I've never even seen MySpace abbreviated, although, calling it MS could be confused with Microsoft...

I've seen "FB" all over the place.
I know it is yurt, but you know how I feel about this administration and the plan they have for the take over of health care is not about our health care, it is about them gaining power in Government and control over our live to predict how we live, eat and sleep..

sorry that doesn't answer your question, but there have been other ways suggested to try and help people not to go broke from medical bills, I know you know that..

Care to expand on that?

Its Obama proposed an insurance OPTION genius. Not every has to subscribe to it. And can you point to the specific articles in the bill where the government plans to regulate the way we live, eat and sleep.

(lol, I know I crack myself up sometimes. I might as well ask a three month old baby to do geometry)
Yes, that was flooding FaceBook over the last few days.

I copied and posted it as my status as well. Having that up does not mean you support Obama's healthcare plan. It just means you agree with the sentiment expressed.

That's what I thought too. You should have seen some of the arguments I saw popping up on friends' boards that posted it.

"No one should die because they cannot afford health care, and no one should go broke because they get sick" is not taking political sides.

The idea that no one should die because they cannot afford healthcare is a valid statement. Yes, anyone in this country can get emergency medical care without insurance. That works great for car accidents, shootings, or various mishaps.

But anyone that thinks that it works for cancer is mistaken (at best). There are any number of medical problems that require periodic medical exams to detect, especially in the early stages. By the time they become something that will get someone to an emergency room it is too late.

And if anyone thinks that there are not far too many people going broke because of medical bills has simply ignored the truth.

^^^I couldn't have said it better^^^

And I agree 200% with every line.
that's her nature I guess..sorta ugly if ya ask me..
but that's what seems to blow her skirt up..

Oh please, spare us. YOu have taken cheap shots and thrown bullshit out at every opportunity.

This thread started about a post on FB, and you claimed it was "lefties".

But then have no reason (by your own admission) to make the claim about it being anything to do with lefties.
Oh please, spare us. YOu have taken cheap shots and thrown bullshit out at every opportunity.

This thread started about a post on FB, and you claimed it was "lefties".

But then have no reason (by your own admission) to make the claim about it being anything to do with lefties.

did I call anyone a fucking cow? what no...Ummm K
I post my opinions on how I see things, just like you are here...
now ya can move along.