In Defense of Columbus: An Exaggerated Evil

Bringing up David Duke is not an argument. Yes, I agree with Duke on some issues. Big deal.
I'm not disagreeing that most of the victims are black. I'm disagreeing that the REASON they're victims is because they're black. I'm saying this is a class issue. Blacks have higher rates of poverty, but there are still plenty of poor white people effected, and it's even worse for them because they don't have affirmative action or the right to assembly.

What exactly is the racist policy aimed at the non-white population?

Congrats, you found ONE example. Of course there are cases where the establishment acknowledges that a hate crime happened to a white person, but that's the exception, not the rule. Most people still have that ridiculous believe that white people aren't victims of racism.

Again, you're confusing racism with classism. Just because the majority of the victims of something are black, does not mean the REASON they are being targeted is their race.

WTF are you talking about? I said legacy admission is classism. Are you even reading my comments?

And here's why it is no longer necessary to debate this joker on this subject, folks:

StonebyStone stated: Yes, I agree with Duke on some issues. Big deal.

'Nuff said.
And here's why it is no longer necessary to debate this joker on this subject, folks:

StonebyStone stated: Yes, I agree with Duke on some issues. Big deal.

'Nuff said.

this shit statue stone by stone has said more than once the black and white people need to separate.

its a racist that likes to pretend its liberal

racism is antithetical to liberal ideas

I think its a russo bot hole trying to make liberals look bad
And here's why it is no longer necessary to debate this joker on this subject, folks:

StonebyStone stated: Yes, I agree with Duke on some issues. Big deal.

'Nuff said.


By the way, I usually consider Wikipedia to be an accurate source, but their page on Duke is bullshit. He's not a White Supremacist, he's a separatist.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And here's why it is no longer necessary to debate this joker on this subject, folks:

StonebyStone stated: Yes, I agree with Duke on some issues. Big deal.

'Nuff said.


By the way, I usually consider Wikipedia to be an accurate source, but their page on Duke is bullshit. He's not a White Supremacist, he's a separatist.


And there you have it, folks...all one has to do is just gleam through any reputable, objective source to see that junior's hero David Duke has run the spectrum of racist bilge during his 'career'. That SBS thinks one aspect isn't as repugnant as the other speaks volumes of his mindset. Note that all he has to offer in rebuttal is a childish cartoon.

the attempts of racists and bigots to try and intellectualize their prejudices is a-typical of the David Duke mindset. Once exposed, I have no more desire or need to deal with them, as all they wish for is a platform to spew their bilge. I'm done with this clown.

And there you have it, folks...all one has to do is just gleam through any reputable, objective source to see that junior's hero David Duke has run the spectrum of racist bilge during his 'career'. That SBS thinks one aspect isn't as repugnant as the other speaks volumes of his mindset. Note that all he has to offer in rebuttal is a childish cartoon.

#strawmanning and #deflecting

I never said Duke is my hero. I agree with a few things he says. I also agree with a few things Cornel West and Bernie Sanders say, but they're not my heroes.
The reason I posted that cartoon is because you're not making any arguments. All you're doing is changing the subject and name-calling.

the attempts of racists and bigots to try and intellectualize their prejudices is a-typical of the David Duke mindset. Once exposed, I have no more desire or need to deal with them, as all they wish for is a platform to spew their bilge. I'm done with this clown.

Again, not an argument. If you can't stand behind your claims, don't make them.
this shit statue stone by stone has said more than once the black and white people need to separate.

its a racist that likes to pretend its liberal

racism is antithetical to liberal ideas

I think its a russo bot hole trying to make liberals look bad

What you call "racism" is actually Nationalism and has been the norm among Liberals for most of Western history. It's still the norm among Liberals outside of the West.

There is absolutely no reason we can't have both Social Democracy and Ethnic Nationalism.
this shit statue stone by stone has said more than once the black and white people need to separate.

its a racist that likes to pretend its liberal

racism is antithetical to liberal ideas

I think its a russo bot hole trying to make liberals look bad

Nah, they're not smart enough to hook up with Putin's Russia to get paid for the dreck they've been spouting for decades.
So why are only Whites accused of racism when fighting for their own interests? Why does the establishment Left care about non-white groups being underrepresented, but not white people being underrepresented? Why are non-white people able to self-segregate in the private sphere but Whites aren't?

First of all, this is an issue of freedom of association. You don't have to agree with self-segregation, but if you believe in freedom, you should support other people's right to self-segregate.
Secondly, I don't want the government getting involved, saying who can't live where and so on. I only want private businesses to decide for themselves.
And finally, why is this ONLY an issue for white people? How come when black businesses only hire Blacks, or Jews only rent apartments to Jews, nobody kicks up a fuss? This is why people say "anti-racist is code for anti-white.

It's illegal, but the law is only enforced against Whites. Have you been to New York, California, or any other very multiracial area? There are plenty of non-white businesses that do this. I've been told in job interviews, before the interview even started, that they won't hire me because they want "diversity."

May I ask where you live? Have you spent time living in both racially mixed neighborhoods and neighborhoods with very few minorities?

That's because you're older than me. I'm a Zoomer. Are you familiar with the Overton Window? The Western world is becoming more and more anti-white with each generation. When my parents were in school, they taught about ancient slavery, but only taught about modern slavery in the context of white America. This is still anti-white since it's acting like only white people still practiced slavery in recent times. However, when I went to school it was even worse, because they barely mentioned slavery outside of America.

Even more important than academia, for propaganda, is TV and movies. Look at the tons upon tons of movies about American slavery, Jim Crow laws, supposed current anti-black racism, and the Holocaust.

Sure, but people like Columbus are held to a higher standard because he was a white explorer.

Duh. I learned about all of that stuff because academia is anti-white. I learned the typical one-sided version of "history" where the Native Americans were saints and every instance of violence was the white man's fault.
By the way, the fact that I'm called tender for wanting an end to double standards just shows how internalized anti-white conditioning has been for you. For the "anti-racism" crowd, it's not enough to want all races to have the same standards. Whites must be held to a higher standard.

Welcome to real life. This happens to every people. The only difference is that it's STILL happening to white ethnic groups.

How are Native Americans persecuted NOW?

this is a racists view shit box
Here's the thing:

~ Columbus fucked up. He thought he was in India. Get a map and see how bright that was.

~ If the native folk had guns, they would have charged Columbus docking fees and history would have been changed forever.

~ People have yet to explain to me how devout, intellectually and technically superior Christians condoned bringing back slaves to Spain.

~ To date, the world still incorrectly calls the native people inhabiting North America for over a 1,000 years before the Vikings, Columbus and the Pilgrims show up "Indians". :palm:
Here's the thing:

~ Columbus fucked up. He thought he was in India. Get a map and see how bright that was.

~ If the native folk had guns, they would have charged Columbus docking fees and history would have been changed forever.

~ People have yet to explain to me how devout, intellectually and technically superior Christians condoned bringing back slaves to Spain.

~ To date, the world still incorrectly calls the native people inhabiting North America for over a 1,000 years before the Vikings, Columbus and the Pilgrims show up "Indians". :palm:

All beside the point. The point is Columbus wasn't that bad of a person, but the Jewish media is still painting him out as one.
All beside the point. The point is Columbus wasn't that bad of a person, but the Jewish media is still painting him out as one.

If Columbus was that bad, why aren't all the native Americans claiming he was not living exactly like their ancestors did prior to his arrival and further European exploration.

I seriously doubt their ancestors had casinos, etc.
Here's the thing:

~ Columbus fucked up. He thought he was in India. Get a map and see how bright that was.

~ If the native folk had guns, they would have charged Columbus docking fees and history would have been changed forever.

~ People have yet to explain to me how devout, intellectually and technically superior Christians condoned bringing back slaves to Spain.

~ To date, the world still incorrectly calls the native people inhabiting North America for over a 1,000 years before the Vikings, Columbus and the Pilgrims show up "Indians". :palm:

No, here's the thing:

When all of the native Americans start living exactly like their ancestors did prior to European exploration, they can complain. Until then, STFU.
Columbus invaded America because he hated the Red race

That can't be true. According to Taichi, someone that believes he's smarter than the rest of us, Columbus couldn't have known anything about the race of those already here.