In Defense of Columbus: An Exaggerated Evil

OK. That makes sense. Especially the burning of Watermark. (any chance we can hold him down and pour gold down his throat before the burning?)

Now that’s simply sick, perverted and warped. How could you contaminate perfectly good gold like that?
It is but come could you do that to gold? Now molten lead...

I withdraw my suggestion. But just burning Watermark without some kind of ritual torture seems ... I don't know ... lacking, for want of a better word. (maybe a quick but painful lashing with a cat-o-nine tails?)
IMHO they most certainly did.. It was very common @ the time...

The Jews & Muslims in Jerusalem didn't slaughter themselves when the Crusaders arrived..

The various Indo-Iranian & Turkish tribes in central Asia didn't stack their own skulls, Turks in Armenia etc etc etc..

Genocide was quite common back in the day & it seems almost everyone was in on it........

Just because it was common at the time, doesn't mean the Europeans did it to the Native Americans. In this one particular case, it was disease that caused mass death, not war or genocide.
I withdraw my suggestion. But just burning Watermark without some kind of ritual torture seems ... I don't know ... lacking, for want of a better word. (maybe a quick but painful lashing with a cat-o-nine tails?)

Worse. Force him to talk to a woman.
I withdraw my suggestion. But just burning Watermark without some kind of ritual torture seems ... I don't know ... lacking, for want of a better word. (maybe a quick but painful lashing with a cat-o-nine tails?)

Actually you should read the account of Col. Crawford and how the Shawnee burned him at the stake in Atonement for the Moravian Indian Massacre. They didn’t just pop the good Colonel on a brush pile and light him off. They slow roasted him with lots of ritual torture involved.
Just because it was common at the time, doesn't mean the Europeans did it to the Native Americans. In this one particular case, it was disease that caused mass death, not war or genocide.

You don’t have the first clue what you’re talking about. It wasn’t just disease and even so the European colonist, once they became aware of Native Americans lack of immunity purposefully and systematically spread contagion among them.
Actually you should read the account of Col. Crawford and how the Shawnee burned him at the stake in Atonement for the Moravian Indian Massacre. They didn’t just pop the good Colonel on a brush pile and light him off. They slow roasted him with lots of ritual torture involved.

Gees. That sounds gruesome. That will have to be a little further down on my Reading List, but thanks for the info.
Gees. That sounds gruesome. That will have to be a little further down on my Reading List, but thanks for the info.

Allen Eckert wrote about his execution in gruesome detail using primary sources. Simon Girty was also present during the execution and reported to the British. It was horrific to say the least.
I think you’re creating a false dichotomy. Why get rid of Columbus Day?

I say we keep Columbus Day but we create a new Holiday called “Atonement Day”.

On the first Atonement Day we take a person who represents all that is wrong with Anglo-American culture and burn them at the stake in Atonement for our past sins (Just like the Shawnee burned Colonel Crawford) .

Obviously Watermark would be the best person to burn at the stake as I can think of no one better to represent the flaws of white Anglo Americans.

After that every Atonement Day everyone will display a picture of a Native American with a tear running down his cheek as a symbol of all the atrocities committed against Native Americans and for Watermark’s sacrifice.


Yep... Nothing says Americana like an Italian portraying a Native American in a discussion about Columbo...... :thinking::)
Just because it was common at the time, doesn't mean the Europeans did it to the Native Americans. In this one particular case, it was disease that caused mass death, not war or genocide.

Yes, some estimates are that 90% in North & South America died from it. Massive kill offs do to the plague & other diseases throughout Asia & Europe..

IMHO they surely did ethnic cleansing & I guess it is about how you wanna define genocide, & scale...
You don’t have the first clue what you’re talking about. It wasn’t just disease and even so the European colonist, once they became aware of Native Americans lack of immunity purposefully and systematically spread contagion among them.

It wasn't just disease, but as the video explains, the vast majority of Native American deaths happened because of disease. We're talking around 90%. And yes, the Europeans did give them smallpox blankets, but that happened much later on. Had that event not happened, the death toll would have been about the same.
Yes, some estimates are that 90% in North & South America died from it. Massive kill offs do to the plague & other diseases throughout Asia & Europe..

IMHO they surely did ethnic cleansing & I guess it is about how you wanna define genocide, & scale...

There were battles between Europeans and Native tribes, and I'm sure race and culture played a role, and naturally the Europeans dominated since they had the better weapons. But the narrative that the Europeans just went in and decided to commit mass murder is just another anti-white talking-point taught in (((the media and academia))).
Just because it was common at the time, doesn't mean the Europeans did it to the Native Americans. In this one particular case, it was disease that caused mass death, not war or genocide.

IMHO it has a lot to do w/ scale.... Was it like the Mongols going in & slaughter ever man, women & child-sadly yea, some times it was, although on a smaller scale..

Individuals of all sides performed what we would call war crimes & ethnic cleansing........

While the US government did not order genocide, it did happen on the local level, bounty for scalps for example is a clear example..

The gov most certainly did order ethnic cleansing & everyone knows it, & knows of their indifference to the deaths it caused...

There was more than just one trail of tears, EXAMPLE The Other Trail of Tears: The Removal of the Ohio Indians Paperback – March 18, 2016

They had no rights & they could be murdered w/ impunity.....