In Defense of Columbus: An Exaggerated Evil

28 minutes. I don't have time right now to watch that. I think the best solution to this is to do what the Hispanics have done "Dia de La Raza".

"Día de la Raza is the celebration of the Hispanic heritage of Latin America and brings into it all the ethnic and cultural influences making it distinctive.'

A good way for the US to celebrate it's diverse ethnic heritage.
OK. I went back and listened to it.
I have no problem with Columbus and the Conquistadors being presented as any other Conquering Group, that's what happened through out History.
The PC Fascists have all been instructed to 'Hate Columbus', so that's what they do.

My preference is to use 'Columbus' as a unifying figure. 'Dia de la Raza' seems like the perfect route to take. Old World meets New World. A New Race is born. A Celebration of the Diversity.
History is replete with Stories of Conquest. It was always brutal. Spoils went to the Victor. So ... there shouldn't be any surprises.
Good, Bad, or Whatever, we have a chance to turn the Event into something Positive, a Day of the Race. A unique way to foster 'unity' among our diverse selves.

I have a friend that can go on and on about 'the genocide and cruelty of Columbus'. It seems to be the current 'two minutes of Hate' used by the PC Fascists with their Trump-like goal of 'Division and Hatred'.
"As a budding politician in Hollywood`s acting community after World War II, Ronald Reagan was a confidential informant for the FBI, according to records released by the bureau."
"The FBI documents, obtained by the San Jose Mercury News in a freedom-of- information request, show that Reagan, identified as ''T-10,'' told agents about pro-Communist influences in the Screen Actors Guild and other Hollywood organizations.

You must not get out much, Cypress. Even Thomas Jefferson is under attack for fucking his slave, Sally Hemmings (his wife's half sister).

"Sarah "Sally" Hemings (c. 1773 – 1835) was an enslaved woman of mixed race owned by President Thomas Jefferson. According to the New York Times, there is a "growing historical consensus" among scholars that, as a widower, Jefferson had a long-term relationship with Hemings, and that he was the father of her six children[1] born after the death of his wife Martha Jefferson, who was the half-sister of Sally Hemings. Four of Hemings' children survived to adulthood.[2] Hemings died in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 1835.[3]"
I agree with your comment.
Most people viewed Columbus 'as discovering America' and that was about it. No one dwelt upon any of his other traits. Same goes for Jefferson.
Now, there has become increased awareness of, by today's standards, the faults of these people. Resulting in 'Outrage', that these people should be revered, have Statues in their Honor, or Places named after them. Resulting in the 'Hatred' that you see among the 'Hip & Cool', the PC Fascists, and those that think it's a Good Idea to spread Divisiveness (like Russia and China).

So, in light of this, my opinion is to do what many in Latin America do. 'Dia de la Raza'. Turn something that is causing 'divisiveness' (Columbus Day), ... into something that is 'unifying' (Day of the Race).
Granted, this will not quell the Faux Outrage of the PC Fascists, nor those that Promote Hate & Divisiveness.
I doubt if Columbus really cares at this point.

He doesn't, but we should. I'm sure you'll disagree, but the media promotes hatred of Columbus because he was a white explorer who is linked with the start of America. It's the same reason they want to tear down Confederate statues. It's not about racism or slavery, it's about Southern culture being seen as a white culture. The establishment wants to take the whiteness out of white Western Civilization, so slowly but surely, all historical white heroes must go.
He doesn't, but we should. I'm sure you'll disagree, but the media promotes hatred of Columbus because he was a white explorer who is linked with the start of America. It's the same reason they want to tear down Confederate statues. It's not about racism or slavery, it's about Southern culture being seen as a white culture. The establishment wants to take the whiteness out of white Western Civilization, so slowly but surely, all historical white heroes must go.

I think you are entirely paranoid -- and wrong -- over this "white culture extermination" bullshit. Don't pardon this pun, but you are thinking in black-and-white parameters. Allowing the minority citizens of this country to have voice and presence in our shared history is not denying whites a voice or presence. Your fixation on this reminds me of Christians who are outraged because they can't put Xtian symbols like creches on public property at Xmas time, or insist that public school kids start each day with prayer, or that the idiocy of creationism be taught in public school science classes. They equate this with "persecution" and claim that we're trying to keep them from practicing their religion. And soon they will be all gone!

You think that the media showing that the bullshit we were taught in history classes as kids has a different POV equals teaching "hate." As many here have already pointed out, no one is teaching anyone to "hate" C. Columbus. They are merely pointing out that his misadventure in landing in this hemisphere led to both discovery, and eventual sorrow for the people who were already here.

BTW, I heard the same kind of bigoted rhetoric when Black History Month was created and publicized.
I agree with your comment.
Most people viewed Columbus 'as discovering America' and that was about it. No one dwelt upon any of his other traits. Same goes for Jefferson.
Now, there has become increased awareness of, by today's standards, the faults of these people. Resulting in 'Outrage', that these people should be revered, have Statues in their Honor, or Places named after them. Resulting in the 'Hatred' that you see among the 'Hip & Cool', the PC Fascists, and those that think it's a Good Idea to spread Divisiveness (like Russia and China).

So, in light of this, my opinion is to do what many in Latin America do. 'Dia de la Raza'. Turn something that is causing 'divisiveness' (Columbus Day), ... into something that is 'unifying' (Day of the Race).
Granted, this will not quell the Faux Outrage of the PC Fascists, nor those that Promote Hate & Divisiveness.

Outside of quasi religious and pagan holidays we probably do not need national holidays for people who are not American .

I do not know why anyone would get stressed about this, to me this is simple and uncomplicated>>

Columbus was a visionary who changed the course of history .

His historical legacy when considered from the perspective of indigenous people of the western hemisphere leaves alot to be desired
1. "... we probably do not need national holidays for people who are not American."
2. "Columbus was a visionary who changed the course of history."
3. "His historical legacy when considered from the perspective of indigenous people of the western hemisphere leaves alot to be desired."

To be blunt. --->Turn Lemons into Lemon Aide<---

Someone came up with 'Dia de la Raza'. Seems brilliant to me. A 'unifying' Event.

Outside of quasi religious and pagan holidays we probably do not need national holidays for people who are not American .

I do not know why anyone would get stressed about this, to me this is simple and uncomplicated>>

Columbus was a visionary who changed the course of history .

His historical legacy when considered from the perspective of indigenous people of the western hemisphere leaves alot to be desired
Allowing the minority citizens of this country to have voice and presence in our shared history is not denying whites a voice or presence.

I agree. But that's not what the establishment Left wants. It's only white people that get shut down with accusations of racism whenever we try to fight for our own interests.

Your fixation on this reminds me of Christians who are outraged because they can't put Xtian symbols like creches on public property at Xmas time, or insist that public school kids start each day with prayer, or that the idiocy of creationism be taught in public school science classes. They equate this with "persecution" and claim that we're trying to keep them from practicing their religion. And soon they will be all gone!

Which is why I've always said that public businesses should be completely aracial. There should be no form of affirmative action in public schools or government jobs.
However, if a white person wants to only hire white employees at their private business, that should be allowed.
Right now, affirmative action is used in the public sphere, while only non-white people are able to have self-segregation in their private business. We're getting fucked in the public and the private spheres.

You think that the media showing that the bullshit we were taught in history classes as kids has a different POV equals teaching "hate."

No. I think that the media and academia ONLY showing bad things white people do is teaching hate. Growing up, I thought that only white people had slaves and committed genocide. This is no accident. The media and academia want this. I had to learn on my own that slavery and genocide were done by every people on every continent.
They also exaggerate the bad things white explorers do, which is the case with Columbus. The things Columbus did were normal for the time. And he didn't lead the Europeans to kill all the Native Americans. Like the video explained, this was due to disease.
BTW, I heard the same kind of bigoted rhetoric when Black History Month was created and publicized.

Again, my problem is only with double standards. People can celebrate black history all they want, but people who think talking positively about white history is racist, well they just suck.
I agree. But that's not what the establishment Left wants. It's only white people that get shut down with accusations of racism whenever we try to fight for our own interests.

I've been a member of "the Left" since I became politically aware before I even became a teenager. You are wrong about that. We want *all* people to have a voice in public life, in academia, in business, in the military (as much as anyone can have an individual voice there, of course). We do not want one group to dominant any other. If it seems to you that now whites' voices are not as loud as those of people of color, perhaps that is just an evening out of the playing field.

Which is why I've always said that public businesses should be completely aracial. There should be no form of affirmative action in public schools or government jobs.
However, if a white person wants to only hire white employees at their private business, that should be allowed.]

Why? So we can go back to those good old segregation days? Sorry if you're forced to live around, work with, attend church with, educate your kids next to, etc. non-whites. I bet though that they will grow up far more open-minded than their mother, and that is a good thing for us all.

Right now, affirmative action is used in the public sphere, while only non-white people are able to have self-segregation in their private business. We're getting fucked in the public and the private spheres.

What bullshit. Show us some examples of non-white businesses allowed to discriminate against whites. I have heard of this happening in Hawaii, but it is still illegal.

No. I think that the media and academia ONLY showing bad things white people do is teaching hate. Growing up, I thought that only white people had slaves and committed genocide. This is no accident. The media and academia want this. I had to learn on my own that slavery and genocide were done by every people on every continent.

Then you had a shitty education. *I* grew up knowing that slavery has been around as long as humankind. You never heard about the Hebrews in Egypt? Or that scholars believe that the Pyramids were built with slave labor? You never heard about the Chinese dynasties enslaving other Asian populations, the Mongols taking slaves as they swept across the steppes into Europe? You never heard about Ethiopian kings and tribal chiefs in Africa capturing enemies and enslaving them? You didn't learn about the Aztecs and Mayans enslaving other native groups and using them to build their huge monuments and temples? Yep, crappy education right there.

They also exaggerate the bad things white explorers do, which is the case with Columbus. The things Columbus did were normal for the time. And he didn't lead the Europeans to kill all the Native Americans. Like the video explained, this was due to disease.

It doesn't matter if it was "normal for the time." It was still wrong. Yes, disease killed millions of indigenous Americans. And so did the Europeans.

Again, my problem is only with double standards. People can celebrate black history all they want, but people who think talking positively about white history is racist, well they just suck.

My, aren't we a tender buttercup? 90% of the history taught in American elementary and high schools is "white history." It's not called that, of course, because it's taken for granted that the generals, explorers, pioneers, Founding Fathers, explorers, etc. were white. Tell me, what did you learn in school about Native Americans? Were you ever told about the residential schools? Did you learn about the broken treaties, the massacres? Your problem is that you want to white-wash -- pun intended -- our history and make it just about white people brave, good, amazing -- and all those others, meh, well they deserved what they got.

I am majoring in Native American studies. I have seen students break down and cry in class because they learned positive things about their own culture and people that they weren't taught when they went to primary school. Things that were stripped from them, including their culture, language, religion, ceremonies, their ancestral lands. There is a bad problem among their people with substance abuses and suicide. This is part of the reason why. Our history books and media and culture have treated them as defeated, nothing, people.

Think about that the next time you want to whine about your fake persecution nonsense.
1. "... we probably do not need national holidays for people who are not American."
2. "Columbus was a visionary who changed the course of history."
3. "His historical legacy when considered from the perspective of indigenous people of the western hemisphere leaves alot to be desired."

To be blunt. --->Turn Lemons into Lemon Aide<---

Someone came up with 'Dia de la Raza'. Seems brilliant to me. A 'unifying' Event.
Cypress. You like to read. Try "A People's History" by Howard Zinn.

Outside of quasi religious and pagan holidays we probably do not need national holidays for people who are not American .

I do not know why anyone would get stressed about this, to me this is simple and uncomplicated>>

Columbus was a visionary who changed the course of history .

His historical legacy when considered from the perspective of indigenous people of the western hemisphere leaves alot to be desired
I think you are entirely paranoid -- and wrong -- over this "white culture extermination" bullshit. Don't pardon this pun, but you are thinking in black-and-white parameters. Allowing the minority citizens of this country to have voice and presence in our shared history is not denying whites a voice or presence. Your fixation on this reminds me of Christians who are outraged because they can't put Xtian symbols like creches on public property at Xmas time, or insist that public school kids start each day with prayer, or that the idiocy of creationism be taught in public school science classes. They equate this with "persecution" and claim that we're trying to keep them from practicing their religion. And soon they will be all gone!

You think that the media showing that the bullshit we were taught in history classes as kids has a different POV equals teaching "hate." As many here have already pointed out, no one is teaching anyone to "hate" C. Columbus. They are merely pointing out that his misadventure in landing in this hemisphere led to both discovery, and eventual sorrow for the people who were already here.

BTW, I heard the same kind of bigoted rhetoric when Black History Month was created and publicized.

Have you got Guano on ignore as well?
"As a budding politician in Hollywood`s acting community after World War II, Ronald Reagan was a confidential informant for the FBI, according to records released by the bureau."
"The FBI documents, obtained by the San Jose Mercury News in a freedom-of- information request, show that Reagan, identified as ''T-10,'' told agents about pro-Communist influences in the Screen Actors Guild and other Hollywood organizations.

You must not get out much, Cypress. Even Thomas Jefferson is under attack for fucking his slave, Sally Hemmings (his wife's half sister).

"Sarah "Sally" Hemings (c. 1773 – 1835) was an enslaved woman of mixed race owned by President Thomas Jefferson. According to the New York Times, there is a "growing historical consensus" among scholars that, as a widower, Jefferson had a long-term relationship with Hemings, and that he was the father of her six children[1] born after the death of his wife Martha Jefferson, who was the half-sister of Sally Hemings. Four of Hemings' children survived to adulthood.[2] Hemings died in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 1835.[3]"

Cypress. You like to read. Try "A People's History" by Howard Zinn.

I have been reluctant to read zinn because I like my history agenda free.

Histororical scholarship should really be based on established methods of research and have the utmost integrity to make reasoned conclusions irrespective of personal feelings.
OK. I went back and listened to it.
I have no problem with Columbus and the Conquistadors being presented as any other Conquering Group, that's what happened through out History.
The PC Fascists have all been instructed to 'Hate Columbus', so that's what they do.

My preference is to use 'Columbus' as a unifying figure. 'Dia de la Raza' seems like the perfect route to take. Old World meets New World. A New Race is born. A Celebration of the Diversity.

telling the truth is NOT HATING