In Defense of Columbus: An Exaggerated Evil

So I think I saw ppl in Calif & some place else have been lumped together as being taught to hate Columbo.......

I wasn't, did I miss something??

Will someone be coming forth to debate this?? :corn:
Spare us all this tired ass whine....because last time I checked, the periodic cases of real estate "red-lining" are not something YOU have to worry about.

That's about class, not race.

Nor do you have to worry about organized hate groups that have been around for well over a century...who have members and sympathizers in law enforcement, local and federal gov't.

Bullshit. These hate groups barely even exist any more. How many members of the KKK are still around today, like a hundred?

And you are less likely to be denied a bank loan despite having the same financial situation as a black well as you're less likely to get the same severe jail sentence as a black person for the same exact crime.

There are lots of factors when it comes to these things that are never taken into consideration, that way the media could just say it's racism. Blacks are less likely to be rich or play a positive role in the community, and more likely to have prior convictions. These things matter when a sentence is being decided on. But instead of examining these factors, we just assume it's racism. This is White Guilt in our culture.

I could go on, but the only thing YOU seem to hear are the wails of "affirmative action is wrong"......yet NOTHING from you regarding "legacy students". GMAFB!

Legacy student enrollment is also about class, not race. This is another part of anti-white conditioning. Classism is marketed as racism so we can be told White Supremacy still exists in the Western world.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Spare us all this tired ass whine....because last time I checked, the periodic cases of real estate "red-lining" are not something YOU have to worry about.
That's about class, not race.

Nor do you have to worry about organized hate groups that have been around for well over a century...who have members and sympathizers in law enforcement, local and federal gov't.

Bullshit. These hate groups barely even exist any more. How many members of the KKK are still around today, like a hundred?

And you are less likely to be denied a bank loan despite having the same financial situation as a black well as you're less likely to get the same severe jail sentence as a black person for the same exact crime.
There are lots of factors when it comes to these things that are never taken into consideration, that way the media could just say it's racism. Blacks are less likely to be rich or play a positive role in the community, and more likely to have prior convictions. These things matter when a sentence is being decided on. But instead of examining these factors, we just assume it's racism. This is White Guilt in our culture.

I could go on, but the only thing YOU seem to hear are the wails of "affirmative action is wrong"......yet NOTHING from you regarding "legacy students". GMAFB!
Legacy student enrollment is also about class, not race. This is another part of anti-white conditioning. Classism is marketed as racism so we can be told White Supremacy still exists in the Western world.

1. some honest research as to the vast majority of victims of real estate "red-lining" in the last 40 years.....and take a gander at the majority of folk affected by the mortgage loan scandal that nearly bankrupted this country.

2. What planet are you on? Get educated, man!

3. What you've done is parrot a text book display of bigoted notions totally devoid of reality and ALL pertaining information. Again, for your education:

4. Again, you post bilge straight out of David Duke's handbook. This explains it better:
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1. some honest research as to the vast majority of victims of real estate "red-lining" in the last 40 years.....and take a gander at the majority of folk affected by the mortgage loan scandal that nearly bankrupted this country.

What do they all have in common? Are they all black? Or are most of them black, but all of them are poor? Again, this is about class.
The white working-class gets fucked by the Right for not being rich, fucked by the Left for being white.

2. What planet are you on? Get educated, man!

I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I'm saying it happens very rarely. And interracial crimes are only recognized as hate crimes if the white person is the perpetrator, regardless of intent. Most interracial crime is black on white, but that doesn't get counted.

3. What you've done is parrot a text book display of bigoted notions totally devoid of reality and ALL pertaining information. Again, for your education:

It's funny, when banks give poor people loans that they can't pay back, it's predator lending. When banks don't give loans to poor people, it's racism. This isn't a "loophole," this is simply the ethical thing to do.
4. Again, you post bilge straight out of David Duke's handbook. This explains it better:

Is legacy admission based on race or class? Do poor white people, whose parents never went to college, benefit from legacy admissions?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
1. some honest research as to the vast majority of victims of real estate "red-lining" in the last 40 years.....and take a gander at the majority of folk affected by the mortgage loan scandal that nearly bankrupted this country.
What do they all have in common? Are they all black? Or are most of them black, but all of them are poor? Again, this is about class.
The white working-class gets fucked by the Right for not being rich, fucked by the Left for being white.

2. What planet are you on? Get educated, man!

I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I'm saying it happens very rarely. And interracial crimes are only recognized as hate crimes if the white person is the perpetrator, regardless of intent. Most interracial crime is black on white, but that doesn't get counted.

3. What you've done is parrot a text book display of bigoted notions totally devoid of reality and ALL pertaining information. Again, for your education:

It's funny, when banks give poor people loans that they can't pay back, it's predator lending. When banks don't give loans to poor people, it's racism. This isn't a "loophole," this is simply the ethical thing to do.
4. Again, you post bilge straight out of David Duke's handbook. This explains it better:

Is legacy admission based on race or class? Do poor white people, whose parents never went to college, benefit from legacy admissions?

1. Again, you're parroting David Duke myopic BS. I know you didn't miss my referring to the vast majority of victims....TWICE. Here's an example of how full of it that mind set/lame ass propaganda in just one state:

2. Typical lame attempt at David Duke-ish "intellectual myopia". It doesn't matter to you if whites are the bare minimal victims of a racist policy aimed at non-white population...the whites become the priority...THE ISSUE, THE VICTIMS. And with that mindset, a documented increase in black victims by white nationalist/separatist/racist, etc., is irrelevant, as you FALSELY claim that white victims of hate crimes are not reported. In my local NYC/suburb news, victims of hate crimes regardless of race, creed or color are reported. Here's just one example for your education:

3. What's truly funny is that when the VAST MAJORITY of predatory lending are black & Hispanic, folk with your mindset, you want to highlight and exaggerate the number of white victims in some lame attempt to dismiss congenital bigotry in American society. Seems you can't or won't address the historical facts of the link in favor of your version of reality. All one has to do is just google "racism predatory lending" to see the plethora of examples.

4. the point that you are avoiding is that legacy admissions deprive ALL...white, black, Asian, Latin, etc. But folk of your mindset don't seem to care that white folk are victimized's that dastardly affirmative action that's the REAL culprit! :thinking: Me thinks you're blowing smoke here, son.
OK. I went back and listened to it.
I have no problem with Columbus and the Conquistadors being presented as any other Conquering Group, that's what happened through out History.
The PC Fascists have all been instructed to 'Hate Columbus', so that's what they do.

My preference is to use 'Columbus' as a unifying figure. 'Dia de la Raza' seems like the perfect route to take. Old World meets New World. A New Race is born. A Celebration of the Diversity.

If I was of Native American I’d be like “Fuck Columbus” too. Though Columbus was not an evil man he opened the door to European invasions to the Americas that led to arguably the worst instances of human genocide in our history.

So though as a Caucasian of Anglo-American descent I admire Columbus as a great explorer and Admiral but if I was Native American I’d be like “Fuck Columbus”.
The key point about the first serious invasions of America is that the invaders were rotten with diseases, which spread and pretty nearly wiped out the original population.

Angry old white socialists lying to millenials, ... again.
The key point about the first serious invasions of America is that the invaders were rotten with diseases, which spread and pretty nearly wiped out the original population.

Which is why the narrative of Europeans committing genocide is such bullshit.
1. Again, you're parroting David Duke myopic BS. I know you didn't miss my referring to the vast majority of victims....TWICE. Here's an example of how full of it that mind set/lame ass propaganda in just one state:

Bringing up David Duke is not an argument. Yes, I agree with Duke on some issues. Big deal.
I'm not disagreeing that most of the victims are black. I'm disagreeing that the REASON they're victims is because they're black. I'm saying this is a class issue. Blacks have higher rates of poverty, but there are still plenty of poor white people effected, and it's even worse for them because they don't have affirmative action or the right to assembly.

2. Typical lame attempt at David Duke-ish "intellectual myopia". It doesn't matter to you if whites are the bare minimal victims of a racist policy aimed at non-white population...the whites become the priority...THE ISSUE, THE VICTIMS. And with that mindset, a documented increase in black victims by white nationalist/separatist/racist, etc., is irrelevant, as you FALSELY claim that white victims of hate crimes are not reported. In my local NYC/suburb news, victims of hate crimes regardless of race, creed or color are reported. Here's just one example for your education:

What exactly is the racist policy aimed at the non-white population?

Congrats, you found ONE example. Of course there are cases where the establishment acknowledges that a hate crime happened to a white person, but that's the exception, not the rule. Most people still have that ridiculous believe that white people aren't victims of racism.

3. What's truly funny is that when the VAST MAJORITY of predatory lending are black & Hispanic, folk with your mindset, you want to highlight and exaggerate the number of white victims in some lame attempt to dismiss congenital bigotry in American society. Seems you can't or won't address the historical facts of the link in favor of your version of reality. All one has to do is just google "racism predatory lending" to see the plethora of examples.

Again, you're confusing racism with classism. Just because the majority of the victims of something are black, does not mean the REASON they are being targeted is their race.

4. the point that you are avoiding is that legacy admissions deprive ALL...white, black, Asian, Latin, etc. But folk of your mindset don't seem to care that white folk are victimized's that dastardly affirmative action that's the REAL culprit! :thinking: Me thinks you're blowing smoke here, son.

WTF are you talking about? I said legacy admission is classism. Are you even reading my comments?
If I was of Native American I’d be like “Fuck Columbus” too. Though Columbus was not an evil man he opened the door to European invasions to the Americas that led to arguably the worst instances of human genocide in our history.

So though as a Caucasian of Anglo-American descent I admire Columbus as a great explorer and Admiral but if I was Native American I’d be like “Fuck Columbus”.

Yes. I would agree. So. Do YOU have a SOLUTION to the present dilemma?
Others have SOLVED the problem by shifting the emphasis from Columbus to 'A Day of A New Race'. That seems like a UNIFYING event, the Americans.
Instead of calling it 'Columbus Day', we could adopt what others have done, and call it 'Dia de La Raza'.
Seems like a simple fix.
If I was of Native American I’d be like “Fuck Columbus” too. Though Columbus was not an evil man he opened the door to European invasions to the Americas that led to arguably the worst instances of human genocide in our history.

So though as a Caucasian of Anglo-American descent I admire Columbus as a great explorer and Admiral but if I was Native American I’d be like “Fuck Columbus”.

Our history as in North America??
Which is why the narrative of Europeans committing genocide is such bullshit.

IMHO they most certainly did.. It was very common @ the time...

The Jews & Muslims in Jerusalem didn't slaughter themselves when the Crusaders arrived..

The various Indo-Iranian & Turkish tribes in central Asia didn't stack their own skulls, Turks in Armenia etc etc etc..

Genocide was quite common back in the day & it seems almost everyone was in on it........
Yes. I would agree. So. Do YOU have a SOLUTION to the present dilemma?
Others have SOLVED the problem by shifting the emphasis from Columbus to 'A Day of A New Race'. That seems like a UNIFYING event, the Americans.
Instead of calling it 'Columbus Day', we could adopt what others have done, and call it 'Dia de La Raza'.
Seems like a simple fix.
Why do we even need that day period?? Only state & fed workers get that day off, like they get flag day & ground hog day.:mad:
Why do we even need that day period?? Only state & fed workers get that day off, like they get flag day & ground hog day.:mad:

I guess that would be an Option.
I think it is only celebrated in the Western Hemisphere.
It's a momentous event.
I've tossed in my two cents.
'Dia de La Raza'. Sounds Unifying and Inclusive.
Yes. I would agree. So. Do YOU have a SOLUTION to the present dilemma?
Others have SOLVED the problem by shifting the emphasis from Columbus to 'A Day of A New Race'. That seems like a UNIFYING event, the Americans.
Instead of calling it 'Columbus Day', we could adopt what others have done, and call it 'Dia de La Raza'.
Seems like a simple fix.

I think you’re creating a false dichotomy. Why get rid of Columbus Day?

I say we keep Columbus Day but we create a new Holiday called “Atonement Day”.

On the first Atonement Day we take a person who represents all that is wrong with Anglo-American culture and burn them at the stake in Atonement for our past sins (Just like the Shawnee burned Colonel Crawford) .

Obviously Watermark would be the best person to burn at the stake as I can think of no one better to represent the flaws of white Anglo Americans.

After that every Atonement Day everyone will display a picture of a Native American with a tear running down his cheek as a symbol of all the atrocities committed against Native Americans and for Watermark’s sacrifice.

Now before anyone criticizes “Who would cry over Watermark being burned at the stake?”.

That’s a fair criticism but i’d Point out that the Native Americans tear is a Watermark.
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OK. That makes sense. Especially the burning of Watermark. (any chance we can hold him down and pour gold down his throat before the burning?)

I think you’re creating a false dichotomy. Why get rid of Columbus Day?

I say we keep Columbus Day but we create a new Holiday called “Atonement Day”.

On the first Atonement Day we take a person who represents all that is wrong with Anglo-American culture and burn them at the stake in Atonement for our past sins (Just like the Shawnee burned Colonel Crawford) .

Obviously Watermark would be the best person to burn at the stake as I can think of no one better to represent the flaws of white Anglo Americans.

After that every Atonement Day everyone will display a picture of a Native American with a tear running down his cheek as a symbol of all the atrocities committed against Native Americans and for Watermark’s sacrifice.
