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Lovely document, that Declaration. It's just not law, is it, dimwit?
Lovely document, that Declaration. It's just not law, is it, dimwit?
you still hold to your ignorance. tell us what YOU think the constitution and bill of rights does.......just tell us.
you still hold to your ignorance. tell us what YOU think the constitution and bill of rights does.......just tell us.
As usual you have no relevant arguments, you've been rendered irrelevant to this thread. Go spread your childish absurdities elsewhere, commie.
The fucking idiot doesn't believe in inalienable rights. He doesn't believe he has any. Morons like that don't deserve any. He's BIG government's little commie pussy retard.
Dimwit, find "inalienable rights" in either the Constitution or Bill of Rights and I'll kiss your ass on Main Street. Otherwise, you either do the same or shut the fuck up.
Translation = you can't, because it doesn't exist.
Not even a good try, ignoramus
Translation = you can't, because it doesn't exist.
Not even a good try, ignoramus
Find an inalienable right in the Constitution or Bill of Rights, idiot.
That concept is bullshit on stilts. You gave what rights codified in the Constitution and B of R. None from your creator. Nor did they exist prior to being codified.
There's no need to drag mention of 'the Constitution' into every social discussion. The document is an outdated, and severely flawed concoction going back to the moment the ink dried.
Yet you think the words food stamps, Section 8 housing, healthcare, marriage, abortion, and the like are in the Constitution. Provide specific locations for those terms, boy.
Divert somewhere else, bitch. This topic is well over the head of your 6th grade education.
still the ignorant one. there is a REASON why it's not in those and it has zip to do with your idiot notion that they don't exist. go take a few history classes that don't come from a public education or a liberal indoctrination camp.
so you don't believe in the concept of freedom based upon the constitution of the united states?
translation - 'those words are not in there, but I want them to be, so I believe'
Let's try this again, halfwit. You refer to "inalieanable rights". You have yet to either define them, to list specific ones or to provide any mention of them in the law of our land - the Constitution and B of R
Let's try this again, halfwit. You refer to "inalieanable rights". You have yet to either define them, to list specific ones or to provide any mention of them in the law of our land - the Constitution and B of R
Read the Declaration moron. "All men are created equal and endowed by their creator WITH CERTAIN INALIENABLE RIGHTS and among those rights are LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS."
Again asshole the Declaration sets the purpose and principles of the nation and its Constitution. Without the Declaration there'd be no United Several States, You'd be kissing some English Queen's ass. The nation and the Constitution and its rule of law only exist because of the Declaration and the hero's that chased the fucking British out of the country. GET A FUCKING CLUE COMMIE!