The densest element is Osmium. You, shitweasel, put osmium to shame. When did you experience that traumatic brain injury, tard?
The justification to separate from Britain has an entire list of grievances, you fucking idiot. Try to read past the creator part.
I don't read past anything commie idiot! I appreciate the context and assess relevancy. You ignore anything that proves you to be the fucking commie idiot you are.
You don't know for shit whether the B of R or the Constitution "would have" been written without the Declaration. That's merely a supposition on your part without factual basis. It's called "Hypothesis Contrary to Fact" and is a logical fallacy. Major fail on your part, tard boy.
Keep flailing, asswipe. It's amusing to watch your continual fails.
If you had a brain commie you'd realize that
BECAUSE there was a Declaration, and
BECAUSE the Declaration
DECLARED all men's rights to be inalienable by
REASON of an endowment from their
CREATOR, that principle alone instituted the necessity for the Constitution to limit the governing powers and guarantee thereby those inalienable rights.
Take note moron commie that the first paragraph of the Declaration proclaims a
"Nature's God."
The second paragraph guarantees the equality of men relative to how they are to be governed. It guarantees their inalienable rights by way of their
Take note commie that these were the same folk that conspired to defeat your Tory red coats, and the same who conspired to write the Declaration and the same to conspire to write the Constitution and the same folk who conspired to set their priortites of reason within the first two paragraphs of the Declaration. Their principles were their priorities.
also take note commie moron that nary a single moron leftist, socialist, progressive has come to your rescue in this thread. You're all alone commie, because even your allies know you're a useless waste of breathable air and a stupid government stooge.