In Nortn Palm Beach today.

Why would anyone care is the issue... So this certainly Isn't an actual current event just a troll thread...

And here you are, trolling, Frau Braun
. lol
How do you differentiate between them? I really can't stand willfully blind or ignorant magas because of how they ignore factual information and also lie about it. I don't know how anybody could watch a boat full of white neo-Nazis campaigning for trump and not realize how sick this is. Yet we have those here either ignoring it, making excuses for it or deflecting from it. Top's spent the entire day honking about a typo in the title rather than giving an honest opinion about these maga dregs of society.

I see trump and his campaign workers as the intentional deceivers but they wouldn't exist if it weren't for the gullible stooges who believe their lies. And worse, the crazier and more unhinged he becomes, the more they support him. trump doesn't even try to have a rally where he talks about his platform instead of bashing everybody, and the suckers eat it up. It's impossible to understand.
People who keep posting the same words, emojis or phrases aren't very creative and, therefore, lack intelligence. People who adapt their posts, twist other people's words or otherwise display some inventiveness or creativity are more intelligent. Truth Detector is an example of the former.

People who tacitly support neo-Nazis are haters. They are evil. The same goes for anyone who tacitly or openly supports racial, religious or gender bigotry.

Agreed that Trump and his campaign are intentional deceivers. They consider it "a means to an end" and see it as justified because "might makes right". Trump's town hall last night had Trump dancing to music for over half an hour and refusing to take questions. WTF? How insane is he becoming?

Trump suggested they could wrap up the evening with the audience in their seats, enjoying some musical selections rather than hearing him answer more questions.

He called for the Village People’s “YMCA” and it blasted through the loudspeakers, the usual signal that Trump is done speaking and is ready to leave. But he remained onstage.

More music, more dancing.

“Nobody’s leaving,” Trump said. “What’s going on?”

More music played — and for roughly 40 minutes, it didn’t stop.

Trump bopped and shimmied onstage to an eclectic playlist of songs that included Sinead O’Connor’s “Nothing Compares 2 U,” Rufus Wainwright’s cover of “Hallelujah” and Guns N’ Roses’ “November Rain.”
I joined Team TOP because that's where I found my safe space away from you and the liars club. I grew to enjoy my exchanges with you and now see you as an integral part of JPP. I even asked you to meet me for lunch and a few beers.

You know we would have a fun day.
QED on psychotic but intelligent, @christiefan915 . Not as smart as Ted Kaczynski or Ted Bundy but clearly smarter than @TOP.

I'm sure Frau Toxic will be along shortly to deny that there is such a place despite all the evidence you've presented. Apparently if there isn't such a place (there is), then the Nazi flag-waving Trumpanzees in the boat don't exist, either.

The "mind" of a MAGAT is truly unfathomable to us normal people.

ETA: And sure enough, here it is.

There is no Nortn Palm Beach...
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No one can get along with her...but then, that's her choice....She's very special...
Which is why I have so much patience and tolerance when replying to her silliness, if you've noticed...:)
It's what I do what you do...
We're what makes the world go round...we each had a calling, and were successful...
Just leave her to me...I've go this...
OK you can keep her. You have tons of patience