There Can be Only One!
Once you have had enough fear you will sit down, shut up, and do as you are told.
Like you do for Mistress?
Once you have had enough fear you will sit down, shut up, and do as you are told.
It's not that there are so many trolls here: There are. The problem is they're not even GOOD trolls.
"Democrats want to abolish prisons". Give me a fucking break
"The Daily Fetched"? Might as well call it "The Far Fetched".
Then prove it false
Sometimes I think there is one who uses socks because the language is so often nearly identical.
You are talking to the one and only subject matter expert, who gave up lying years ago.
Sit Down.
Biden is makingh things worse. The democrats hate has done a 7 year witchhunt and still no charges against Trump. The hate will destroy the democrat party. The democrats will reap what they sow in January
It has 0 chance of passing either house. Like the "defunding the police" thing that never happened and soon disappeared. I remember Schumer saying it hurt their candidates in the 2020 election.
Are you crazy rightys thinking the Dem party platform will be to end prisons? That is ridiculous.
It's not that there are so many trolls here: There are. The problem is they're not even GOOD trolls.
"Democrats want to abolish prisons". Give me a fucking break
You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on your swastika neck tattoo.
They have said it in their own words
No, dickhead. That's not how life works. You can't prove a negative. The burden of proof is the one making the bullshit claim. You! You useless bitch-like twuptard fuck.
Why do you lie?
The proof is in the OP link if you disagree prove it false. Those democrats did say that
So you did not look at the link
They have said it in their own words
You have no idea if I even have any tattoos. It is ther democrats that continue to repeate their lies
The proof is in the OP link if you disagree prove it false. Those democrats did say that
I already proved you wrong.