Point out where she said she wanted to abolish prisons.
You did not read the link that shows she supported groups that want prisons abolished
Point out where she said she wanted to abolish prisons.
You did not read the link that shows she supported groups that want prisons abolished
Point out where she said she wanted to abolish prisons.
As always you ignore what is pointed out
Point out where she said she wanted to abolish prisons.
You ignore what has been said in this thread
Point out where she said she wanted to abolish prisons.
So you refuse to read the OP
They already do that. They use pentobarbital, midazolam, or Fentanyl to humanly render the convict unconscious then a paralytic like pavulon.Prisons are a ludicrous concept. We seek to punish people for being sickos. Shall we punish people with non-mental illnesses like cancer?
Those who can't be rehabilitated in a mental health facility should be humanely euthanized.
Only those who prefer to live in cages rather than peacefully die should be incarcerated, and I bet that would be far fewer people than most imagine.
People fear being executed but not humanely euthanized.
Anesthesia prior to the lethal injection makes all the difference, so why don't we just do it? We're a nation of fucking idiots. It's shameful.
Unrehabilitatable sick people can't be allowed to endanger society, but they shouldn't be caged. They should simply be put down.
Everybody with no remaining quality of life, in fact, criminals or not, should have access to euthanasia.
Point out where she said she wanted to abolish prisons.
Look at the organizations she supported
List those organizations.
Also, Point out where she said she wanted to abolish prisons.
It is in the OP link