Infant Deaths

Check the figures for out of wedlock pregnancies/births. I think it will suprise many....
I know of a few that do it on purpose so that welfare will pay for the births because of not enough money/insurance to do it any other way. Not supporting that view, just an observation.
Check the figures for out of wedlock pregnancies/births. I think it will suprise many....
I know of a few that do it on purpose so that welfare will pay for the births because of not enough money/insurance to do it any other way. Not supporting that view, just an observation.

Yes uscitizen, that is an observation I have seen here. I saw one girl 9another from the familis like I described) get pregnant because she wanted to be on the fast track (called alternative education here) out of high school.......and she got her wish. I don't get it and never will.
Oh for fucks sakes, you want a study showing the numbers and proving it for the 90's here you go:
"New York is by far the largest city in the United States, and its record of crime reduction in the 1990s was, by far, the largest of any big city
in the United States."
Go to Figure 6.1

As I said it is NOT even CLOSE and the numbers back me up. But YOU as a New Yorker know this as well as anyone, tons of people I've talked to from New York all credit Guilani and being tough on crime, he even drew plenty of the Liberal Democrat vote because they were so fed up. YOU are too much of a yellow dog to ever accept that, but the facts speak for themselves.
I am sure you already knew this but are just hoping to be dishonest and get away with it, I mean come on this is not even close, nobody could be that unobservative and idiotic.

Crime does not just rise and fall merely owing to who is in the White House. A criminal about to break into a house is not contemplating who is President. They have to DO things to reduce crime and I have shown you a list of MANY points showing how Republicans reduced crime while Dems are weak on it.
As for the blip in violent crime rate increase in 2005, what about 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001? Who was president then?
You'll need more than ONE single year to make your case for your point.

Dano, I'm not sure how this guy is working his figures. According to the FBI, NYc was experiencing, for instance in 1997, a 7% drop in crime. Compared to an overall national drop of 5%. That's a 2 percent difference, and the 5% is overall, so it could be that San Fran, which is the city Ornot was referring to, experienced a 6% drop, which would not make it "not even close".

So overall, the nation experienced a 5% drop in crime, and NYC experienced a 7% drop. Some cities ini that "overall" rate, were bound to have a 6% rate, just as some were bound to have a 4% rate.

Again, no miracle perfomed by Rudy here.
Yes uscitizen, that is an observation I have seen here. I saw one girl 9another from the familis like I described) get pregnant because she wanted to be on the fast track (called alternative education here) out of high school.......and she got her wish. I don't get it and never will.
Me neither leaning, Me neither........
There are poor, there are trash, and there are sorry.

Yes there are. I know many poor folks that are fine people , just poor. I know some people that are doing well financially but are still trash. A know some that have lots of money are are sorry excuses for humans.
Money does not really make the difference, it is all about attitudes. With education being a factor of course.
Unmerited and unsubstantiated accusations like this, will be henceforth known as "Pulling a Damo"

Darla said she couldn't believe it, and I took it literally, so I provided a source. Blacks in my area are more likely to be poor than whites, so when you talk poverty race tends to creep into the conversation, although the intent is not to raise racial issues.

The fact that nearly 3 out of 4 black kids in my area are illegitimate should make you want to projectile vomit. (Yes, I provided data for 2004 only, but this is a long know and established problem. It's not a singular anomalous data point.)