Oh for fucks sakes, you want a study showing the numbers and proving it for the 90's here you go:
"New York is by far the largest city in the United States, and its record of crime reduction in the 1990s was, by far, the largest of any big city
in the United States."
Go to Figure 6.1
As I said it is NOT even CLOSE and the numbers back me up. But YOU as a New Yorker know this as well as anyone, tons of people I've talked to from New York all credit Guilani and being tough on crime, he even drew plenty of the Liberal Democrat vote because they were so fed up. YOU are too much of a yellow dog to ever accept that, but the facts speak for themselves.
I am sure you already knew this but are just hoping to be dishonest and get away with it, I mean come on this is not even close, nobody could be that unobservative and idiotic.
Crime does not just rise and fall merely owing to who is in the White House. A criminal about to break into a house is not contemplating who is President. They have to DO things to reduce crime and I have shown you a list of MANY points showing how Republicans reduced crime while Dems are weak on it.
As for the blip in violent crime rate increase in 2005, what about 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001? Who was president then?
You'll need more than ONE single year to make your case for your point.