Infant Deaths

Oh, I understand the rural south is different. I lived in Texas and Louisiana. There are reactionaries there who want to use government to regulate a woman's body, and to legislate against (some) people's personal sexual behaviour.

But, don't you think the real reason for hostility towards city slickers, is not their "values"....but their annoying city slicker habits and attitudes? Like wanting a Starbucks on every corner, or using or landscaping their property in ways that are incompatible with the local traditions or the local ecology?

Maybe I'm wrong. But, I really think it has to do more with relatively benign city slicker habits, than red versus blue "values".

Lets not forget all those zoning rules and such Cypress....

Using a 63 ford as a doghouse would not be permitted in your neghborhood I am thinking ?
Yeah we can tell from the infant mortality rates....

Darla is just cherrypicking the stats she can. There is no question that the South (Miss. included) is doing much better and they are not going to increase prosperity by increasing their dependence on government social welfare programs - that didn't exactly work well for Liberal Democrat run inner cities.
Lets not forget all those zoning rules and such Cypress....

Using a 63 ford as a doghouse would not be permitted in your neghborhood I am thinking ?

Exaclty my point. It's about hostily to city slicker habits.

Zoning against dog houses may be annoying to a local hayseed. But, I don't think it fundamentally tells us anything about "red" values, versus "blue" values.

I think zoning is a policy issue, around the margins.
BAHAHAHA, this is a total BS LIE.
New York is THE safest big city, the other cities did NOT match it and some like Detroit and DC didn't even come close:

Crime is still low, so don't give me some crap over Clinton, New York's reduction was due to getting tough on crime, especially with the "broken window's" philosophy. Republicans in the house pushing for welfare cuts (which Clinton vetoed twice), got millions into jobs where they stood to lose more from criminal actions and brought them hope and pride helped bigtime to cut down on crime.
So did the advance of technology with more security cameras and home install systems.
Also having Republican governors get tough on crime with 3 strikes laws and such also helped, no more Liberal Democrats releasing violent criminals on parole after a few years/months over and over.

There were multiple factors, but don't try and sell this nonsense over Clinton's mere presence reducing crime, to be fair he had some good initiatives like pushing community policing, but on the whole the actions of the Liberal Democrat party has not exactly been something that criminals fear.

Your link does not prove this is a "total bs lie" Dano. Its figures are from 2005. The article does not even mention, or address crime rates in the 90's. How can you provide a link like this, that doesn't even mention the years Ornot is speaking about, and act as if it's proof that he's wrong? That is outlandish.

We don't have to try and "sell this nonsense". FACT: crime dropped nationwide under Clinton. And rose under Bush (along with poverty). From your own link: The national figures showed that violent crime rose 2.3 percent last year, (2005)the first increase since 2001.
Darla is just cherrypicking the stats she can. There is no question that the South (Miss. included) is doing much better and they are not going to increase prosperity by increasing their dependence on government social welfare programs - that didn't exactly work well for Liberal Democrat run inner cities.

Umm I am reminded of a maw bush quote. something about they are doing very well....I forget the rest....
What is it that has caught your eye? There is behavior in there that is inexplicable to me too. But what are the causes? Poverty and lack of education are big ones. This kind of poverty shouldn't exist in this country today. Why does it? Why have we failed here? There is a correlation between medicaid spending and poverty and infant mortality.

I don't know why a 20 year old who has three kids she can't support, is having another baby either.
The inexplicable behavior caught my eye. Trash breeds trash and sorry breeds sorry. Barely post-pubescent sows dropping progeny.
Let's just agree that Guilliani's strict enforcment of New York gun control laws, helped drop violent crime in the 1990s ;)
Darla is just cherrypicking the stats she can. There is no question that the South (Miss. included) is doing much better and they are not going to increase prosperity by increasing their dependence on government social welfare programs - that didn't exactly work well for Liberal Democrat run inner cities.

I'm just cherrypicking the stats that I can?? I posted an article stating that according to the Federal Government infant mortality rates have risen in the South. How in hell is that "cherrypicking"?

You meanwhile, have posted nothing, except for you own emotional opinion.
The inexplicable behavior caught my eye. Trash breeds trash and sorry breeds sorry. Barely post-pubescent sows dropping progeny.

Well Trog, it caught my eye too, but you consider them trash. I consider them uneducated youths who have never had an example of anything else. They've lived in poverty all of their lives.
All men/women are not created equal. One can overcome the disadvantage they are born into, but it is the exception rather than the rule.
These are the poorest among us Trog. They don't have private insurance, and the states are feeling the federal cuts in their social programs.
Why is it incumbent upon total strangers to provide support to the irresponsible? This goes beyond simple poverty into a dysfunctional cultural ethos.
Why is it incumbent upon total strangers to provide support to the irresponsible? This goes beyond simple poverty into a dysfunctional cultural ethos.

I believe most people who live in poverty are children. I don't hold them responsible for living in poverty.

Do you really know how much money we spend on AFDC (aid to families with dependent children - i.e., welfare)? I think its around 1% of the federal budget.
Why is it incumbent upon total strangers to provide support to the irresponsible? This goes beyond simple poverty into a dysfunctional cultural ethos.

I don't have the answer to curing all of those problems. I agree there needs to be a cultural shift. Some of that can be accomplished with education and real job opportunties. Access to affordable, and if need be, free birth control. Sex education. Some of it can't be.

At the end of the day I believe we can reduce it, but not stop it. And what we can't stop, I am not willing to say, well, we as a society wash our hands of these children.
Oh, I understand the rural south is different. I lived in Texas and Louisiana. There are reactionaries there who want to use government to regulate a woman's body, and to legislate against (some) people's personal sexual behaviour.

But, don't you think the real reason for hostility towards city slickers, is not their "values"....but their annoying city slicker habits and attitudes? Like wanting a Starbucks on every corner, or using or landscaping their property in ways that are incompatible with the local traditions or the local ecology?

Maybe I'm wrong. But, I really think it has to do more with relatively benign city slicker habits, than red versus blue "values".

It is a difference in the way people see things. One sees "regulate woman's body" another sees stopping infanticide. One sees "people's personal sexual behavior" another sees allowing decadent behavior. City folks come here quite often and buy land. They develop it as they desire and I have never seen a case where that was a problem. The only problem I have ever seen concerning land is when they buy land, sight unseen, and it is in the middle of the national forest where people hunt and they want to prosecute some poor sap who happens to amble on it while hunting. The benign habits you speak of are tolerated but not liked. I never hear cussing (and I not saying country folks don't talk nasty, several do) in pubilc but when I do I almost know it is someone who isn't from here. Also you'll never see someone who was raised here touting more gun control as a deterent to crime. There are differences.....workable differences mind you but differences, some of which I don't care for but none I can do anything about. I have learned more tolerance in the past 5 years than I would have ever thought possible and a lot of it is due to participation on boards such as this one, learning more about how folks that are not from here think.
Your link does not prove this is a "total bs lie" Dano. Its figures are from 2005. The article does not even mention, or address crime rates in the 90's. How can you provide a link like this, that doesn't even mention the years Ornot is speaking about, and act as if it's proof that he's wrong? That is outlandish.
Oh for fucks sakes, you want a study showing the numbers and proving it for the 90's here you go:
"New York is by far the largest city in the United States, and its record of crime reduction in the 1990s was, by far, the largest of any big city
in the United States."
Go to Figure 6.1

As I said it is NOT even CLOSE and the numbers back me up. But YOU as a New Yorker know this as well as anyone, tons of people I've talked to from New York all credit Guilani and being tough on crime, he even drew plenty of the Liberal Democrat vote because they were so fed up. YOU are too much of a yellow dog to ever accept that, but the facts speak for themselves.
I am sure you already knew this but are just hoping to be dishonest and get away with it, I mean come on this is not even close, nobody could be that unobservative and idiotic.

We don't have to try and "sell this nonsense". FACT: crime dropped nationwide under Clinton. And rose under Bush (along with poverty). From your own link: The national figures showed that violent crime rose 2.3 percent last year, (2005)the first increase since 2001.
Crime does not just rise and fall merely owing to who is in the White House. A criminal about to break into a house is not contemplating who is President. They have to DO things to reduce crime and I have shown you a list of MANY points showing how Republicans reduced crime while Dems are weak on it.
As for the blip in violent crime rate increase in 2005, what about 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001? Who was president then?
You'll need more than ONE single year to make your case for your point.
It is a difference in the way people see things. One sees "regulate woman's body" another sees stopping infanticide. One sees "people's personal sexual behavior" another sees allowing decadent behavior. City folks come here quite often and buy land. They develop it as they desire and I have never seen a case where that was a problem. The only problem I have ever seen concerning land is when they buy land, sight unseen, and it is in the middle of the national forest where people hunt and they want to prosecute some poor sap who happens to amble on it while hunting. The benign habits you speak of are tolerated but not liked. I never hear cussing (and I not saying country folks don't talk nasty, several do) in pubilc but when I do I almost know it is someone who isn't from here. Also you'll never see someone who was raised here touting more gun control as a deterent to crime. There are differences.....workable differences mind you but differences, some of which I don't care for but none I can do anything about. I have learned more tolerance in the past 5 years than I would have ever thought possible and a lot of it is due to participation on boards such as this one, learning more about how folks that are not from here think.


-Values: Nobody really likes them.
-Policy: How do you reduce them?


-Values: nobody really likes cussing
-Policy: How do you convince people to do less of it.

National Forest Land Use:

-Values: Most people appreciate having access to public lands.
-Policy: How much development do you allow on public lands?

See? This is exactly what I was saying LR. There are no real Red and Blue "values". There are differences in policy, in applying our values.
Well Trog, it caught my eye too, but you consider them trash. I consider them uneducated youths who have never had an example of anything else. They've lived in poverty all of their lives.

I live in the south, in a county with 70% of all black kids and almost 50% of white kids born out-of-wedlock. This is not about ignorance or ill-education.

It's an attitude unlike anything I ever experienced while living in the north - "My daddy was a dumbass and his daddy before him. I come from a long, proud line of dumbasses. If being a dumbass was good enough for them, it's good enough for me!"

It is a truism here - trash breeds trash and sorry breeds sorry. Sometimes it seems to me that these people are in shellshock or a mental fog.