Into the Night
Verified User
What should we do?
Do you think Government should get involved because it's a Critical Industry?
Government involvement killed the industry.
What should we do?
Do you think Government should get involved because it's a Critical Industry?
What should we do?
Do you think Government should get involved because it's a Critical Industry?
The electronics industry in the United States was destroyed by socialism in the form of fascism. It is not a 'knee jerk reaction'. It is what it is.
It simply became unprofitable to operate an electronics component manufacturing business under the current eco-laws. That's fascism, dude. The laws themselves are unconstitutional.
The Church of Global Warming is a fundamentalist style religion that denies science and mathematics. They discard the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law. This religion, like the Church of the Ozone Hole, the Church of Covid, and the Church of Green, all stem from the Church of Karl Marx. They WANT to destroy the economy so they can replace it with their own. What they don't see is that socialism requires capitalism to steal from. Only capitalism creates wealth. Socialism just steals it. They think that theft is a 'perfect' world and that printing worthless currency is the answer to everything.The first thing we should do is stop buying into the moronic economy killing narrative that man is causing the planet to heat up and die.
Since they want to own the economy, they are not interested in competition.Secondly, lower the massive amount of regulations that makes manufacturing anything competitively impossible.
There is no such thing as first, second, or third world anything. There is only one Earth. If you want to raise tariffs on nations that have government that exploit their citizens, you will have to raise tariffs on The Oligarchy in Washington DC, and the SOTC and SOTNY. They will have to tariff themselves.Thirdly, RAISE tariffs on goods manufactured in third world shit holes that allow the exploitation of their citizens and environment.
Quite right. Marxism describes constantly a 'level playing field' of some sort. In reality, all it means is putting The Elite into power (Biden is currently worth about $9 million, while Pelosi is currently worth $126 million) and spreading equal misery to everyone else. Neither Biden nor Pelosi have produced any wealth. Their entire career has been spent sponging off of taxpayers.Lastly, quit kowtowing to tyrannical Marxist regimes pretending that we are on a level playing field.![]()
The Church of Global Warming is a fundamentalist style religion that denies science and mathematics. They discard the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law. This religion, like the Church of the Ozone Hole, the Church of Covid, and the Church of Green, all stem from the Church of Karl Marx. They WANT to destroy the economy so they can replace it with their own. What they don't see is that socialism requires capitalism to steal from. Only capitalism creates wealth. Socialism just steals it. They think that theft is a 'perfect' world and that printing worthless currency is the answer to everything.
Since they want to own the economy, they are not interested in competition.
There is no such thing as first, second, or third world anything. There is only one Earth. If you want to raise tariffs on nations that have government that exploit their citizens, you will have to raise tariffs on The Oligarchy in Washington DC, and the SOTC and SOTNY. They will have to tariff themselves.
Quite right. Marxism describes constantly a 'level playing field' of some sort. In reality, all it means is putting The Elite into power (Biden is currently worth about $9 million, while Pelosi is currently worth $126 million) and spreading equal misery to everyone else. Neither Biden nor Pelosi have produced any wealth. Their entire career has been spent sponging off of taxpayers.
Government involvement killed the industry.
Government involvement killed the industry.
The first thing we should do is stop buying into the moronic economy killing narrative that man is causing the planet to heat up and die.
Secondly, lower the massive amount of regulations that makes manufacturing anything competitively impossible.
Thirdly, RAISE tariffs on goods manufactured in third world shit holes that allow the exploitation of their citizens and environment.
Lastly, quit kowtowing to tyrannical Marxist regimes pretending that we are on a level playing field.![]()
This has to be, hands down, the dumbest “report card” I’ve ever seen . I randomly chose 21 states and not one got above a grade of C. Did any state even get a B? I’d bet not one received an A.How bad is your state’s infrastructure?
Looking at this report, every Congress critter should be on board for passing the infrastructure bill.
Yes. We are NOT on a 'level playing field'. Labor Costs are CHEAPER in Asia. That's why American Business moved the Industrial Base to Asia.
TD: "lower the massive amount of regulations that makes manufacturing anything competitively impossible."
TD: "RAISE tariffs on goods manufactured in third world shit holes"
Jack: ^This would be considered 'Government Intervention', right?^
It is constitutionally authorized government intervention, but it is also cutting your own throat to install tariffs on an industry you don't have.
Please, take TD into your confidence and explain your Theories to him.
Why? YOU brought it up. He can read it here and respond just as you can. This is not a personal message service. This is a forum service.
I didn't bring up putting 'Tariffs' on anything. That's Truth Detector, ... the so-called 'Free Trade Capitalist'.
Actually, you did. Denying your own argument only builds a paradox. It's irrational. At this point I'm willing to help you resolve this paradox by simply discarding your earlier argument and taking this one.
Capitalism isn't trade. Capitalism is simply people voluntarily providing goods and services, and others voluntarily buying them at a price agreed upon by both parties.
If a tax is involved as part of the costs, they are simply rolled into the price.
Someday you should study what price discovery is all about.
'Free Trade' (meaning no subsidies/no tariffs) is at the core of Capitalism. The goal is to produce the Widget at the lowest price for the Consumer.
'Pretend Capitalists', like you and Truth Detector, want it both ways. You support 'Tariffs' when they favor and protect your particular industry.
Capitalism is not trade. Capitalism is simply people voluntarily providing goods and services, and others voluntarily buying them at a price agreed upon by both parties.
If a tax is involved as part of the costs, they are simply rolled into the price.
I generally do not support tariffs.
"Capitalism is not trade."
O. K.
Yes. We are NOT on a 'level playing field'. Labor Costs are CHEAPER in Asia. That's why American Business moved the Industrial Base to Asia.
TD: "lower the massive amount of regulations that makes manufacturing anything competitively impossible."
TD: "RAISE tariffs on goods manufactured in third world shit holes"
Jack: ^This would be considered 'Government Intervention', right?^