Interesting story

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/shrugs......neither do you.....because you don't know where they were either.....

Now that's not true; because they were over there
(pointing to landlord renting a house)
And then you tried to move them over there
(pointing to where you wanted to move them by a landlord renting a house knowing that the renter is involved in illegal activity)

I'm glad to be of help. :)
Now that's not true; because they were over there
(pointing to landlord renting a house)
And then you tried to move them over there
(pointing to where you wanted to move them by a landlord renting a house knowing that the renter is involved in illegal activity)

I'm glad to be of help. :)

funny....from here it looks like they're still with a landlord who's renting a house....
except I didn't change anything....if anything, you did.....

Let's look at the chronolgy of what you first presented and then changed it. :)

every apartment complex that allows a dog would get sued if the dog bit another person.....

??....because lawyers suing folks sue everyone they think they can lay a claim to.....the basis for this claim would be negligence in renting to a tenant with a vicious animal.....

They would have to prove that you knew it was a vicious animal, at the time of the rental or that it had become vicious since then.

there are a number of things they would have to prove.....the issue wasn't whether they would win, the issue was whether they would sue...

This is why lawyers should be open to being sued over frivolous lawsuits.

If a guy rented his house to someone training pit bulls for fighting and they ate a little girl, would it BE a frivolous law suit?........

Totally different and you know it; but they might have to prove that he knew the guy was using the house to train pit bulls for fighting.

???.....since the situation we were talking about was totally devoid of a fact situation, how could I "know" if it was different or the same?......of course they would have to prove that......that's what trials are for....

did he rent it KNOWING he was training pits?

???....we are creating a you want to create one where he did or create one where he didn't?......

And "WE" weren't trying to create a scenario, you were, and it's apparent that you threw out something and when it was thrown back at you, you then decided to try and add to it in an attempt to show that you know more then others.
Ie: you moved the goal posts.
that I don't trust blaze
But in this case, as in so many others your opinion of the blaze has been, liberal, or wrong if you prefer.

Once tenancy is established the rules cannot be changed.
Your desire to Murder older gun owners by violently hurling them onto the streets is noted.
morning desh! It is a glorious sunny morning here in Mexico! I just took a walk through my garden with my cup of coffee and saw about seven different types of birds flying about.
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