Interesting story

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have you always had this much difficulty in following how the law works? if so, how have you actually been successful at being a lawyer?

lol....I'm explaining it to you but you're a bit slower on the uptake than my average is a summary so far.....we both agree the plaintiff would have to prove their case in order to win a judgement......we both agree there are a number of things that would have to be think that would stop someone from suing.....I know better......which of us doesn't know how things work?.......
lol....I'm explaining it to you but you're a bit slower on the uptake than my average is a summary so far.....we both agree the plaintiff would have to prove their case in order to win a judgement......we both agree there are a number of things that would have to be think that would stop someone from suing.....I know better......which of us doesn't know how things work?.......
granted, here in the US, anyone can sue anyone for anything, doesn't mean they will win. however, i'm wondering why you can't stay on track and need to jump from hypothetical to hypothetical

in regards to tommy and larry,
granted, here in the US, anyone can sue anyone for anything, doesn't mean they will win. however, i'm wondering why you can't stay on track and need to jump from hypothetical to hypothetical

in regards to tommy and larry,

because fool, I was pointing out to you that under SOME hypotheticals your conclusion that lawyers filing such a law suit would be frivolous, would be incorrect.....we didn't HAVE a hypothetical yet at that point.......
????....what agenda was I trying to in which people recognized the existence of law and the court system?.....

One where you began by talkikng about a landlord being responsible, for something he wasn't aware of, and then trying to change it to where the landlord knew what was going on. It's called moving the goal posts.
One where you began by talkikng about a landlord being responsible, for something he wasn't aware of, and then trying to change it to where the landlord knew what was going on. It's called moving the goal posts.

I said he would be sued......I was correct in saying that.....I also concurred that the plaintiff would have to prove its case.....I never once said the plaintiff would not have to prove knowledge......when I said it there was no "he knew, he didn't know" to the scenario.....that's why I asked which you wanted added to the fact situation.........the goal posts hadn't been put anywhere to move them from.....
I said he would be sued......I was correct in saying that.....I also concurred that the plaintiff would have to prove its case.....I never once said the plaintiff would not have to prove knowledge......when I said it there was no "he knew, he didn't know" to the scenario.....that's why I asked which you wanted added to the fact situation.........the goal posts hadn't been put anywhere to move them from.....

Yes you did move them.
When you put up your scenario about the pit bulls, I gave you an answer, and then the first thing you did, was try to change and add to what you presented.
You moved the goal posts; ergo: you failed.
Yes you did move them.
When you put up your scenario about the pit bulls, I gave you an answer, and then the first thing you did, was try to change and add to what you presented.
You moved the goal posts; ergo: you failed. said in #161 they would have to prove he knew #164 I agreed....then you wanted to know which it was, he knew or he didn't.....I offered you the choice since I hadn't specified before......
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