Interesting story

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??....because lawyers suing folks sue everyone they think they can lay a claim to.....the basis for this claim would be negligence in renting to a tenant with a vicious animal.....

They would have to prove that you knew it was a vicious animal, at the time of the rental or that it had become vicious since then.
BTW - The policy has been thrown out before the lawsuits became a problem...

CASTLE ROCK - A controversial gun policy at an apartment complex for seniors has been thrown out after a 9Wants to Know report.

The Douglas County Housing Partnership, a multi-jurisdictional housing authority, held an emergency board of directors meeting late Wednesday afternoon.

Board members decided that the policy, which would have prohibited residents from having firearms in their homes, will not go into effect.

The Douglas County Housing partnership owns Oakwood Apartments in Castle Rock. It was purchased with federal funds and is supported by local, state, and federal tax dollars.

"These community policy changes were distributed without the knowledge or authorization of the Board of Directors of the Douglas County Housing Partnership or its staff," a Douglas County Housing Partnership release said. "This board does not support any action that infringes on an individual's rights and will not allow Ross Management to implement these changes. The mission of the Douglas County Housing partnership is to preserve and develop safe, secure, quality housing while providing housing choices for those who have few,"
BTW - The policy has been thrown out before the lawsuits became a problem...

CASTLE ROCK - A controversial gun policy at an apartment complex for seniors has been thrown out after a 9Wants to Know report.

The Douglas County Housing Partnership, a multi-jurisdictional housing authority, held an emergency board of directors meeting late Wednesday afternoon.

Board members decided that the policy, which would have prohibited residents from having firearms in their homes, will not go into effect.

The Douglas County Housing partnership owns Oakwood Apartments in Castle Rock. It was purchased with federal funds and is supported by local, state, and federal tax dollars.

"These community policy changes were distributed without the knowledge or authorization of the Board of Directors of the Douglas County Housing Partnership or its staff," a Douglas County Housing Partnership release said. "This board does not support any action that infringes on an individual's rights and will not allow Ross Management to implement these changes. The mission of the Douglas County Housing partnership is to preserve and develop safe, secure, quality housing while providing housing choices for those who have few,"

They would have to prove that you knew it was a vicious animal, at the time of the rental or that it had become vicious since then.

there are a number of things they would have to prove.....the issue wasn't whether they would win, the issue was whether they would sue...
If a guy rented his house to someone training pit bulls for fighting and they ate a little girl, would it BE a frivolous law suit?........
Totally different and you know it; but they might have to prove that he knew the guy was using the house to train pit bulls for fighting.

???.....since the situation we were talking about was totally devoid of a fact situation, how could I "know" if it was different or the same?......of course they would have to prove that......that's what trials are for....
there was a lawsuit in the federal courts from farmers branch here in TX where it was REQUIRED to ask legal status before renting. the ruling was that ONLY the feds had jurisdiction over immigration, which doesn't make much sense because we weren't having them arrested, just not able to rent.

First smart thing I've ever seen you type.

The "call in" process is a long one and can affect the Liberties of an alien that is pulled over, possibly for hours. But for someone renting, nope. I would like to see the proof of this because for once you stated something with substance. I doubt you can prove it, but would like to see it
???.....since the situation we were talking about was totally devoid of a fact situation, how could I "know" if it was different or the same?......of course they would have to prove that......that's what trials are for....

Then you wouldn't mind being charged with murder and having to prove that you didn't do it.
Go tell that to Trayvon.

Exactly why would I tell that to Trayvon kid. I should tell that to Zimmerman if anything. Are you drunk/high again?

You realize you just exposed yourself. You stated that Trayvon was killed because he had "saggy pants"...
Exactly why would I tell that to Trayvon kid. I should tell that to Zimmerman if anything. Are you drunk/high again?

You realize you just exposed yourself. You stated that Trayvon was killed because he had "saggy pants"...

I said Trayvon is dead and implied that he probably had saggy pants.
Why do you hate Trayvon?
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