Interesting story

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Ah the repercussion of no background checks.

"Let the business decide" I believe is what Gun Bangers have been preaching about no gun zones. Does this not apply anymore?

What does any of this have to do with what an individual can do or have in the sanctity of their own home (whether rented or not)?
agreed.....I represented a landlord once who evicted his tenant for having a six pack of beer in the was in the lease and the tenant had to move......

Well you are one hell of a shitty lawyer then. How on earth did the landlord know about the beer?
no, they do not. Leasing/renting transfers most property rights to the renter/leasee, making the renter the person with controlling interest. the only rights the actual owner then has would be to prohibit illegal items.

false equivalency

"No, they do not?" What about landlords who say no pets? No overnight visitors for longer than a week, say?
How many people would prefer a complex where they KNOW their neighbor is not carrying a gun around?

Only the fools who believe that a "safety zone" stops rapists. Seriously, now criminals know that they can do as they will in that complex without regard to the ability of others to protect themselves. They aren't allowed.

If I lived there I would sue the first time anybody got robbed or raped in the complex. By denying the renters the ability to protect themselves they, through implication, have assumed the protection that would be inherently the renters by ordering them to disarm. They assumed the responsibility of the protection of every renter, any attack or robbery, etc. will be the fault of their failure to protect those they have ensured will not be able to protect themselves.

Every gun owner should do this anywhere that they have been disarmed. They have a right to bear arms, even if Desh thinks they shouldn't.
If I were a betting man, I'd bet that the lease is subject to the rules and regulations of the landlord, which rule and regulations the landlord has the authority to change at its sole discretion at any time.

Really? So when I sign a contract (lease) you can change the terms at any time? I don't think so.
If I knew you had a gun I would protect myself from you.

Why does your rights outweigh mine?

They don't. We don't know if you have one either. There is a specific right in the constitution for us (includes you) to keep and bear arms, there is not one that says you have a right to know if I am exercising that right either by keeping, or by bearing. That you don't know if I carry keeps sane people from attacking me. They may face deadly force, it is possible that I am carrying, just like it is possible you are.
again, renter/rentee relationship. if someone is paying rent, do they not control the property? or do the property owners then get to own the people living there also?

Because it's a contract both parties agreed to. You pay the rent, he supplies a roof over your head. If you don't like the terms of the contract either don't sign it, renegotiate it, or go someplace else.
Meet "Tommy". Tommy just got out of his third jail visit. Two of the crimes involved a gun. Tommy moved into Larry's apartments 3 weeks ago.

"Larry" owns an apartment complex. He notices his new resident is bringing in a larger than normal amount of guns into his apartment when moving in. Later Larry decides to do a background check, say Larry learns that Tommy has a history of gun violence and realizes he lives on his property with lots of military style guns.

So you are saying that "Larry" just has to deal with it and hope that "Tommy" was -->corrected<--- by the prison he was in? Do you have that much trust in the prison system? Do you have that much trust in "Tommy"?

In what idiotic world do you live in where Larry just has to deal with it and do nothing and hope for the best..................

Wake up ... I'm sure your uneducated response will be "he should have checked casenet to begin with......but what if he didn't? He's just SOL? So stupid.

In the idiot world where when one signs a lease, the terms of the lease are valid for the specified length of the lease and cannot be changed anymore than any other legal contract can be changed after the fact.

OK, Idiot?
Because it's a contract both parties agreed to. You pay the rent, he supplies a roof over your head. If you don't like the terms of the contract either don't sign it, renegotiate it, or go someplace else.

There are further laws that limit what you can and cannot require of a renter. They assume some ownership responsibility by being a tenant. You cannot, for instance, put cameras in their apartments so you can watch them, even if you try to put it in the rental agreement. You can't enter their apartment except under specific circumstances and with their knowledge. You also cannot assume their rights for them. Even if you put it in an agreement that you get to vote their ballot for them, you cannot, it would be against the law.

In this case the owner is attempting to assume a specific enumerated personal right of the tenant, I believe that they (the owner) will lose the lawsuit if they try to continue this policy.
that didn't answer the question.

I had to google your comment because I don't know how this is handled legally. One C&P said this about Florida law:

"Federal law as well as Florida law prohibits discrimination based on race or country origin. However, the law also REQUIRES that US citizens report illegal aliens to the authorities.There is no law prohibiting renting to an illegal, there IS a law stating that you have to report renting to an illegal alien."

So it looks like you can rent but if you find out someone's illegal, you have to report it.
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