Interesting story

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Do you think your neighbors have a right to know your concealing and carrying?


How many people would prefer a complex where they KNOW their neighbor is not carrying a gun around?

Your neighbor has no right .... YOU have a Constitutional right to privacy.

why is it the ONLY people some of you care about is the gun carrier?

We care about rights.....rights and freedom...unlike you pinheads.
Trayvon should have been told the man walking up to him had a gun.

he would be alive today if he had known
I should have a right to know you are concealing a weapon when you approach me.
no, desh. you don't. stop being obtuse. the reason concealed carry laws were created was to protect the delicate sensibilities of hoplophobes like yourself. If you so desperately need to know who's carrying, decriminalize open carry, then you can tell.
why are you allowed to have information that has baring on my safety that I am not allowed to have?
It ended in the death of one guys neighbor kid already.

The child did nothing but got killed by a conceal and carry nutter
now you guys have done it huh.

You thought you won huh?

Now private property rights will compel you to stay off our property with your conceal and carry.

Have fun around your own private property with a weapon
Ah the repercussion of no background checks.

"Let the business decide" I believe is what Gun Bangers have been preaching about no gun zones. Does this not apply anymore?
Ah the repercussion of no background checks.

"Let the business decide" I believe is what Gun Bangers have been preaching about no gun zones. Does this not apply anymore?

you are misguided, as usual. serious gun rights advocates have been for abolishing no gun zones, period. that and the leaser/leasee relationship is something you need to read up on.
you are misguided, as usual. serious gun rights advocates have been for abolishing no gun zones, period. that and the leaser/leasee relationship is something you need to read up on.

Maybe if you gun crazies could get your story straight I wouldn't be "misguided". The MAJORITY of gun crazies I've talked to have always said let the business decide and let it deal with the consequences. It seems to me that the change now is incrementation.
Trayvon should have been told the man walking up to him had a gun.

he would be alive today if he had known

You can't prove that. How do you know Trayvon wouldn't have gotten killed in a drug deal? Hit by a bus? Struck by lightning? Overdose on LEAN?

You don't know.
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