Interesting story

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and when this veteran signed his lease, there was no rule against firearms. Now, it might be debatable if they can implement new lease rules on existing tenants, but until such time, you would be wrong.

If I were a betting man, I'd bet that the lease is subject to the rules and regulations of the landlord, which rule and regulations the landlord has the authority to change at its sole discretion at any time.
If I were a betting man, I'd bet that the lease is subject to the rules and regulations of the landlord, which rule and regulations the landlord has the authority to change at its sole discretion at any time.
we could hardly function as any sort of law and order society if rules, regulations, and laws can be changed on such a whim.
again, what reason do you have to fear anyone carrying a gun?

nobody is preventing you from carrying a gun, are they?

they are preventing me from protecting myself from nutters who are so paranoid they think everyone is out to get them so they hide a gun on their person
If Zimmy had to pack where everyone could see it Trayvon would be alive.

Why do you object to making it just see and carry instead of conceal and carry?
you cant paint without asking a getting approval.

you cant chop down walls.

You cant open a restaurant inside
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