Interesting story

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now you guys have done it huh.

You thought you won huh?

Now private property rights will compel you to stay off our property with your conceal and carry.

Have fun around your own private property with a weapon

That is fine by me. I don't expect to bring my weapons onto your private property and I believe you should have the right to do with your private property what you want.

But, let me ask you this. Do you think you should have a right to know if someone has AIDS that approaches you? Tuberculosis? Can I ban anyone from my property for any reason? Can I not rent to blacks? Asians? Midgets?

See you can't be selective sweetiekins. You are anti gun so you promote this. It isn't that you support private property. It is just a convenient crutch to further your anti gun agenda. Stop being so transparent
That is fine by me. I don't expect to bring my weapons onto your private property and I believe you should have the right to do with your private property what you want.

But, let me ask you this. Do you think you should have a right to know if someone has AIDS that approaches you? Tuberculosis? Can I ban anyone from my property for any reason? Can I not rent to blacks? Asians? Midgets?

See you can't be selective sweetiekins. You are anti gun so you promote this. It isn't that you support private property. It is just a convenient crutch to further your anti gun agenda. Stop being so transparent

Actually, you can be selective. And unless and until gun owners are protected classes under anti-discrimnation laws, they can be discriminated against.
Do you want people to wear a sign that says "I have a CCW"?

they could wear dunce hats that said it.


yes that would be fair.

If I know you have a conceal and carry when you hit my car in the parking lot I will know not to approach you or let you near me.
the complex owner owns the property.

You lease it from them.

they have a right to say don't bring guns onto my property don't they?

do you think you can come onto my property with a gun when I have told you no guns on my property?

agreed.....I represented a landlord once who evicted his tenant for having a six pack of beer in the was in the lease and the tenant had to move......
no, they do not. Leasing/renting transfers most property rights to the renter/leasee, making the renter the person with controlling interest. the only rights the actual owner then has would be to prohibit illegal items. an attorney specializing in representing landlords I can assure that this is not enforce the terms of the rental agreement..... an attorney specializing in representing landlords I can assure that this is not enforce the terms of the rental agreement.....
and when this veteran signed his lease, there was no rule against firearms. Now, it might be debatable if they can implement new lease rules on existing tenants, but until such time, you would be wrong.
what reasonable caused do you have to protect yourself from me? why do you live in such fear of everyone that you need to know who's carrying a gun?

Your the one who fears people asshole.

Your the one who thinks you NEED a gun.

I should be allowed to protect myself from your paranoid self
and when this veteran signed his lease, there was no rule against firearms. Now, it might be debatable if they can implement new lease rules on existing tenants, but until such time, you would be wrong.

you made no such distinction before I simply claimed it wasn't constitutional......I'm afraid you were wrong then and wrong now.....
why do you NOT have to carry where everyone can see it?

You want it for protection right?

people will FEAR you like you want them to if you have to carry them right where everyone can see them.

It gives me the right to avoid you
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