Internet Suicide

The bad nature that exists in humans isn't only present in a few individuals, it's there in all of us all the time and can always come out.

I don't disagree, it's the reason for civilization and government. No argument there.
They can't persue charges in this case not because there is no statute against it, but because they can't definitevely prove the mother was the person who sent the messages in question...

Please. She continued a "relationship" with the girl purposefully trying to create the reaction.

When the girl finally killed herself the lady answered, "She deserved it."

And it wasn't because she had bullied her daughter, she says she was aware that her daughter and her friend were doing the hoax on her but told them to "send only polite messages". Instead the hoax became deadly when the young girl thought she loved the young man she was pretending to be, and was brutally dumped and haunted, followed around, by the "young man" to the point she finally committed suicide. What was done to that young lady should not be legal and no longer is.

"Josh" the boy she thought she had fallen in love with her ended his last statement read before she committed suicide with "The world would be better off without you."

we see this alot within this board...liberals... a certain female does this alot in here... she baits...she calls names and makes accusations...then when she gets what she asked for she cries foul! Double standards does not make it a ligitament wrl said the girl baited and was not a stable personality...her parents should not have given her internet access..just my opinion!
we see this alot within this board...liberals... a certain female does this alot in here... she baits...she calls names and makes accusations...then when she gets what she asked for she cries foul! Double standards does not make it a ligitament wrl said the girl baited and was not a stable personality...her parents should not have given her internet access..just my opinion!

Why do I see so many conservatives justifying this as perfectly OK?

Harrasment is OK?
Seriously this is the only place I saw a claim that the girl that committed suicide had bullied the other. All I've seen in news articles and on the web is that the girls had a falling out.

If it had been a 'big deal' I doubt very much the parents would have been ok with hiding Christmas gifts, coming over after the funeral, etc.
Bullying wouldn't justify harrassment in any case. The women may not be directly responsbile for the suicide but she did harrass the girl.
Bullying wouldn't justify harrassment in any case. The women may not be directly responsbile for the suicide but she did harrass the girl.

I'm confused. I thought you were saying that the girl had bullied the other, so it was justifiable what was done. Perhaps we're all speaking past one another?
Why do I see so many conservatives justifying this as perfectly OK?

Harrasment is OK?

No one is justifying are really are the one that was justifying harrassment...please re-read your numerous diatribes just in this thread alone!

This thread was addressing the cause and legal ramifications of such...this one incident is not a single incident...most harrassment occurs within the Middle School and HS take was that the parents should not have allowed their daughter...whom they knew to have mental issues...access to the internet...especially a site known for harrassment...myspace et al!
I'm confused. I thought you were saying that the girl had bullied the other, so it was justifiable what was done. Perhaps we're all speaking past one another?

No, I think my information was wrong on the bullying part anyway. They had a "parting of ways" - whatever the hell that means. I'm just annoyed at how these people blame the GIRL WHO WAS HARRASSED. It's ridiculous!
No one is justifying are really are the one that was justifying harrassment...please re-read your numerous diatribes just in this thread alone!

This thread was addressing the cause and legal ramifications of such...this one incident is not a single incident...most harrassment occurs within the Middle School and HS take was that the parents should not have allowed their daughter...whom they knew to have mental issues...access to the internet...especially a site known for harrassment...myspace et al!

I never justified harrassment.
Myspace isn't known for harrasment, that's fearmongering bullshit. If a kid is mentally unstable, the solution isn't to deny them access to media content.
No, I think my information was wrong on the bullying part anyway. They had a "parting of ways" - whatever the hell that means. I'm just annoyed at how these people blame the GIRL WHO WAS HARRASSED. It's ridiculous!

Seriously, I thought YOU were blaming the girl that committed suicide.
Whenever Darla first posted this article I searched the internet for laws that could be used to imprison her. I was very angry. It's nothing to be taken lightly. That is, of course, why you see the little notice at the beginning referencing me, because I in particular was offended by the action.

I was just trying to say that the mother wasn't as horrible a person as Damo was saying. I never meant that she had no culpability.
Anybody supporting action to torture a depressed individual and suggesting they kill themselves is allowing the animal nature rather than humanity to take over. It takes practice to constantly remain human, to not allow that secondary nature to take over. I notice how you could not produce one outside fact that suggested that this girl tortured her daughter first. I looked for it, it doesn't exist. It wasn't defense that caused her to do this or to allow this.

Her action is less than human and the cheering of her success shows me that she wallows in that side of her nature.

I was just trying to say that the mother wasn't as horrible a person as Damo was saying. I never meant that she had no culpability.

Well that said, I think the mother of a 13 year old, that new the other girl was emotionally troubled, bears the weight of the wrong, whether the law was there or not. Seems the vandalism by neighbors is wrong, but there are laws to deal with that. Shunning though, real shunning I'm up for.
Wrong bimbo............

Myspace isn't known for harrasment, that's fearmongering bullshit. If a kid is mentally unstable, the solution isn't to deny them access to media content.

My space has a history of pedophile access...and alot of local LE agencies get numerous complaints of sexual as well as harrassment from myspace users...

and what would you suggest... that the daughter had been given free access to porn as well...would this have helped her to I said denying access to a known mentally un-stable young girl would have eliminated the end result y'all are ranting about...I blame the parents...plain and simple..the young ladies last comment to her mother was 'you are not taking my side'...before running to her room and ending her life...

She was extremely upset and the mother did not even recognize the potential, even though this young lady tried on other occasions to end her be the judge Einstein...!
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I have never suggested any sort of physical reaction. I suggest that we remain firmly in our human rather than animal side.
They're both our nature, Kathy. The same nature that makes people gather in groups to save others makes them gather in groups to lynch blacks and kill Jews.
Not that any of this has to do with vengeance.

I'm just wondering, what level of scum are the 65% of inidivuals who administered the 450-volt shock on what they believed was a person? What level of inhuman scum was this? What should we do, Damo? Should we kill them and hang them by their nuts? They certainly don't deserve to breathe human air again.

Show me where I suggested that we react to inhumanity with more inhumanity! Prove your EMO self up here. I never suggested she be harmed in any way.

The guards in this experiment became sadistic whenever given power and started abusing their prisoner subjects. Surely they were an exception, and it was just a lucky draw of evil individuals, Damo? Scum beneath my boots. There's no way any of us would've become like that. Certainly not.

Dozens of witnesses watched this women being murdered and did nothing about it. Surely t hey should see prison forever. Not worth scum beneath my boots. We all know we would've acted differently.

One more time. The animal nature is part of the human animal. But it is not "human" to act this way, it is caving to the animal side. We evolved past this, found that we could think, revealed that we could understand, and showed that we had compassion. All of these things are what makes up our human nature.

You have mistaken a personal differentiation of what is inside a human animal for something else entirely.

I said I was glad that there are now laws that deal with this. I revealed I was sad that there was no law to convict this lady. I suggested that she wallows in her animal side after cheering the result and therefore acts less than human. I did not suggest any punishment for her. I did not suggest anybody cave to that animal side as she has done.

That is all in you. It is what you project on to what I say, and is not found in what I say.
Show me where I suggested that we react to inhumanity with more inhumanity! Prove your EMO self up here. I never suggested she be harmed in any way.

One more time. The animal nature is part of the human animal. But it is not "human" to act this way, it is caving to the animal side. We evolved past this, found that we could think, revealed that we could understand, and showed that we had compassion. All of these things are what makes up our human nature.

You have mistaken a personal differentiation of what is inside a human animal for something else entirely.

I said I was glad that there are now laws that deal with this. I revealed I was sad that there was no law to convict this lady. I suggested that she wallows in her animal side after cheering the result and therefore acts less than human. I did not suggest any punishment for her. I did not suggest anybody cave to that animal side as she has done.

That is all in you. It is what you project on to what I say, and is not found in what I say.
And you just summed up my opinion. Good thing, I've got lots to do! :clink: